@Joe Shearer
Sir, i can't say for others, but one big reason of coming to this forum for me, are enriching interaction with members like you. i won't miss them for anything.
I ain't as young as some other members and at this age of mine, when i often take refuge of my religious beliefs, to seek inner self, i realize more and more that evil lies within one himself and not in other beliefs or people.
For this reason alone, i tend to keep quiet whenever religion is brought to discussions. Call it chickening out of debates and arguments, but trying to prove other person belief as hollow, is essentially showing shallowness of own mind. Life is short to seek God by following a path of belief/faith, i don't know how people find courage and time to demean other.
Coming to topic you raised, i mentioned in my post, that perhaps we could've left the part mentioning religious affinity of groups, which led the protest. I've no shame in saying, i regret that part in my post.
By education and training, i've been told to argue with a person on technical grounds and try to calm him down by addressing concerns. However in my professional career, i've found that this is most difficult thing to do. Not because i have dearth of facts to tell a person but because the other party may not be competent to accept those. How do you make a person who has no formal education about reactor meltdown frequency for KK is one log scale decade better than IAEA acceptable value or how there are redundant emergency water injection system. How do you tell that man, that a fukushima Daaichi like event cannot occur here, even if there is a bigger earthquake or tsunami.
How do you then move on?
In case of KK, when the case first came to Madras High Court, the defendant put forward argument that while designing, siting and start of construction, all laws of land have been complied with and hence the very basis of case being registered in faulty as no law is broken. The Court dismissed the case.
Afterwards, the judgement was challenged in Honorable Supreme Court of India, the bench took cognizance of one important fact and judgement of lower court. It said " Judges acknowledged the fact that they DIDNOT have correct technical knowledge of the nuances of Nuclear power and hence the lower court has given judgement based on the fact that the no law was violated".
This looks correct in book of law, but the protesters were trying to prove (or believed firmly) that N Power is not safe and being the local people living in the area for many years, unless satisfactory answers were given, SC felt, it would be against the principles of natural justice, to go ahead with commissioning of plant.
The two main concerns of the litigants were:
1. Inherent safety of plant and its impact on surroundings.
2. What happens to the waste generated?
Based on this, judges constituted an Expert Group, to respond on fears of people and submit report.
the report mentions in its starting few pages, that initially people were not ready to even listen to what they had to say and had only one agenda, viz close the plant.
Slowly they turned around and saw the facts being put up and the plant could be commissioned.
You can read the full report
However one question still remains. Were local people right by making plant their hostage?
If we take their right to ask for answers for something in their neighborhood, they were right.
Were their methods correct, i'm not so sure.
I won't go into what was the role of NGOs or local leaders etc in this agitation, for its the role of law enforcement agencies, but when it comes to changing an ecosystem people have been living in (& this is true for any industry or infra project), i suppose, it remains responsibility of industry and scientific community, to convince people, that it is for their own good, beyond doubt. For this, i believe is the only way forward.