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Korean navy building a $6 billion dedicated Anti-China naval fleet by 2016


Jul 25, 2011
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donga.com[English donga]

New naval fleet to defend Korean islets of Dokdo, Ieodo

Korea plans to establish a naval fleet to defend the country`s easternmost and southernmost waters. The move is aimed at preventing territorial disputes with Japan and China while responding to the naval buildup of the two neighbors.


A source at the special committee said the ultimate goal is to establish a Dokdo-Ieodo fleet of 10 naval vessels -- two Aegis and four domestically developed destroyers, two patrol ships and two submarines.

"Around 6.5 trillion won (5.63 billion dollars) will be injected into the project over the next five years," the source said.

Once established, the fleet will use a naval base on Jeju Island scheduled for completion in 2015.
This fleet would be the second front-line battle fleet for Korean Navy. The first one is larger but is more strategic, while this new fleet will operate only in the Yellow and East China Sea to counter PLA Navy and be based in Jeju Island facing China.


The first fleet(aka Strike Fleet). Take out the LHDs from the pics and you have this second fleet.
Yeah that's going to delay the complete decimation of this vassal state by approximately 20 mins. Your purchasing and production capability is peanuts compare to PLA.

In fact, the hyper power of the galaxy can't last 5 days if China raise an economic sanction.
why suddenly the title becomes only targetting China
Japan is offering to sell to and jointly develop new weapons with Korea today. This was unthinkable 5 years ago, but the Chinese belligerence changed all that.

When the US is talking about building up its naval strength in Asia, you have to understand that Korea and Japan are also building up their naval strength. The Jeju naval base allows the US fleet to operate in areas only 12~18 hours away from a friendly naval base.

is that the original title of the article or you just made it yourself?
This fleet will be based in Jeju Island. If they were intended for Japan, then it would be based in Busan.
the order of the article is Japan comes first,so good luck ,Koreans ,go fight those Japanese who enslaved you for half a century,we will cheer for you guys.
donga.com[English donga]

This fleet would be the second front-line battle fleet for Korean Navy. The first one is larger but is more strategic, while this new fleet will operate only in the Yellow and East China Sea to counter PLA Navy and be based in Jeju Island facing China.


The first fleet(aka Strike Fleet). Take out the LHDs from the pics and you have this second fleet.
So you deploy your so called second front line warship to confront with china?
You are good, here, Does show how good are you? Just said, We can confront china with the second front line warship, If we use the best, All the world will come to the end!!!
GOOD, that is why chinese like to call you universe class superpower, Here you show your "power". scare me!!
So you deploy your so called second front line warship to confront with china?
You are good, here, Does show how good are you? Just said, We can confront china with the second front line warship, If we use the best, All the world will come to the end!!!

No, Korea would have two front line fleets. While the first fleet(of 12 ships) can be deployed anywhere on earth, the second fleet(10 ships) will operate exclusively in the Yellow/East China Sea. This is why the second fleet lacks the amphibious assault capability of the first one.
No, Korea would have two front line fleets. While the first fleet(of 12 ships) can be deployed anywhere on earth, the second fleet(10 ships) will operate exclusively in the Yellow/East China Sea. This is why the second fleet lacks the amphibious assault capability of the first one.
"While the first fleet(of 12 ships) can be deployed anywhere on earth",WOW, SO awesome!! everywhere. that's so amazing!! My question. DO they need the protection of USA?
Well, PLA Navy can't pull off such an attack because Chinese subs are so noisy according to the US Navy.
right, only SK can do these, Who have the gut to attack SK!! If you do, they will steal your history to revenge on you, Just see, 60 years ago, chinese just support the NK, so…………, Friend, this is a lesson. away from SK!! can't bite, But can b**k!!!
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