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Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

This map should resolve majority of ethnic problems in Pakistan.

why would we want to sit down with anyone, its our land we call it what we like and no other has ay say cuz they aint of pushtoon or afghan/ turanic heritage.

Why should we care what punjabis or sihdhis think, dont trust these people our trust is balochs and people on the otherside of the western border. History has shown us not to trust anything from east.

People fear that naming nwfp afghania will mean afghanistan laying its claim to it, well its done for centuries.

Now aint naming missiles ghuri, ghaznavi, babur etc giving afghan the same reason, or has people of eastern pakistan have no glorious history so they decide to borrrow names from ours.

First I respect your thoughts as your right. Secondly I hope you know where Kalabagh is and what concerns NWFP and Sindh have about it. Brother by all national/ international laws all the provinces have equal rights on the waters of Sindh river, and no province has any disagreement in this regard. All provinces have different concerns so best option is dialogue. Recent NFC Award is best example where everyone is happy.

Ghauri and Ghazanavi were never given any resistance in areas of eastren Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh) instead locals joined them being Muslims and Babur was not an Afghan he was Turk by race.

What do you think about present Afghanistan which comprises of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pushtoons and many more, where pushtoons are something like 40%.

Brother don't you see any glory in defeating one super power and Inshallah second is also looking for face saving, it was simply not possible without any support from the provinces you call eastern pakistan.May be at some places there might not be involvement of government but people did support them.
God has gifted all the provinces with different resources. Ports of this country are serving trade till central Asia, Fields of this country supply flour till Mascow. We shall rise if we are together and if we keep fighting world will screw us all.
I hope you will respect my thoughts as I respect yours. And the last but not the least I am equally good Pushtoon as you are.:smitten:

Ghauri and Ghazanavi were never given any resistance in areas of eastren Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh) instead locals joined them being Muslims and Babur was not an Afghan he was Turk by race.

What do you think about present Afghanistan which comprises of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pushtoons and many more, where pushtoons are something like 40%

I agree with you on most points however BABUR was a turk and most importantly a Turan, which is the family of all pushtoons an afghans and other central asian states.

Second i have no issues with tajiks, uzbeks and even kyrghiz people as we are all same. just like a name pushtoon which represents various factions of pushtoon people.

I am not anti pakistan or anti eatern pakistan, however i am anti injustice and even you cannot deny that pushtoons and balochs have lost out.

What we need is to unite and like our forefathers take power, and work for our legendary homeland of turani/afghania.

I verey much respect your views even if at time they may not be accurate..
:rofl: many pushtoon ,sindhi and balochis are also have same thinking.

In Northern Punjab ie mianwali,attock majority is pushtoon, in central punjab gujrat ,lahore, Kashmiris and gujar, rajput and jatt are in majority, in south punjab ,balouchis are in majority.

My mother is Pashtun, her and her family have been living in Punjab for a very long time, they live in Lahore!

Emperor Babur has been known as the founder of Mughal Empire in India. He was born on 14th February, 1483 at a town called Andijan that is located in the present day Uzbekistan. He belonged to the Mongol tribe that also embraced Turkish and Persian. He was named Zahiruddin Muhammad and was called Babar affectionately. Babar is derived from Persian language and means lion.

Tūrān (Persian: توران) is the ancient Iranian name for Central Asia, literally meaning "the land of the Tur". As described below, the original Turanians are the Tuirya people of the Avesta age. As a people the "Turanian" are one of the two Iranian peoples both descending from the Persian Fereydun but with different domains and often at war with each other. In fact according to the Shahnameh's account, at least 1,500 years later after the Avesta, the nomadic tribes who inhabited these lands were ruled by Tūr, who was the emperor Fereydun's elder son. The association with Turks is also primarily based on the Shahnameh's geographical account where Turkification of Central Asia was partially completed during that time.

Tur/Turaj (Tuzh in Middle Persian) is the son of emperor Fereydun in ancient Iranian mythology. In the Shahnameh, he is identified with the Turks although culturally, there is no relationship between Turanians of the Shahnameh and the culture of ancient Turks. In 19th century and early 20th century discourse, now obsolete, Turan was primarily an ideological term designating Turkic, Ugric languages, Uralic languages, and even Dravidian people (Southern Turanian Group)and people more or less indiscriminately, implying a common ancestry and common culture of the various ethnicities in question. :coffee:
Check what ever you like i am a pushtoon a yousufzoi pushtoon and part of the greater turanic family, there is no propaganda just facts and truth.

People of nwfp are afghans by decent wether you like it accept it or not i couldnt care less.

I am a pakistani and loyal to it, but is pakistan loyal to me?

Answer is no, pushtoon people are the butt of all jokes along balochs, eastern pakistanis have conspired to keep us down deny us our rights and justice.

People voted to join pakistan, we are a federation and if people decide to walk away from pakistan then thats your choice, and you or no one can stop that.

My brother is a turan, my brother is an afghan my brother is a pushtoon my brothers are not eastern pakistanis, they are just my countrymen. Countrymen who are taking money from outsiders to frame and kill my brothers and then they feed public will lies like raw is doing this doing that.

interesting! so we are your countrymen but not your brother?& you guys are afghans? i thought u were pakistanis? well i am glad not all pathans think like you! pathans have time & time again sacrificed for this country! because it is THEIR country! it is OUR country! as for pathan jokes in YOUR beloved india all jokes are on sardars does it make them hate their country NO! the reason is because it is their hard work that is making india strong!

just like in PAKISTAN the man power the strength the endurance is with pathans! if pakistan is a human body then NWFP is its arms & legs! so if you think you are an afghan leave go like bacha khan & live in YOUR AFGHANISTAN! i am sure 99% of the pathans disagree with you!
what is this... name changing revolution in our countries....in india also several cities have got their name changed.....

naam badalne se kya milta hai....aam logon ko bhale hi thodi paresani hoti hai...
interesting! so we are your countrymen but not your brother?& you guys are afghans? i thought u were pakistanis? well i am glad not all pathans think like you! pathans have time & time again sacrificed for this country! because it is THEIR country! it is OUR country! as for pathan jokes in YOUR beloved india all jokes are on sardars does it make them hate their country NO! the reason is because it is their hard work that is making india strong!

just like in PAKISTAN the man power the strength the endurance is with pathans! if pakistan is a human body then NWFP is its arms & legs! so if you think you are an afghan leave go like bacha khan & live in YOUR AFGHANISTAN! i am sure 99% of the pathans disagree with you!

Iceman sir i refuse to argue just look at facts.

most pushtoons vote anp, anp stands for pushtoons of both sides.

look at anp sucess in karachi.

punjabis and sindhis are my countrymen, why pushtoons die for them is because its our duty to fight external elements.

however turans and afghans are not outside element.

i dont really care what you think bacha khan was more of a man and a leader then jinnah. he was buried in jalal abad because thats our land as well.

you want me to go afghanistan well sarhad is afghania, so i am at home.
My mother is Pashtun, her and her family have been living in Punjab for a very long time, they live in Lahore!


And your point is?.

Just for your information to be a pushtoon your mother and father have to be pushtoons, if you minus one of the above then you are mixed race and not a pushtoon.
And your point is?.

Just for your information to be a pushtoon your mother and father have to be pushtoons, if you minus one of the above then you are mixed race and not a pushtoon.

Stop insulting people on their identity and telling them what they are and what they are not.

You are not the thekaydar of the Pashtun to decide who is Pashtun and who is not.

Get out of your xenophobic mode or kiss this forum goodbye from your abode in the UK.
Keep dreaming sand jigga, one thing we dont need is an arab opinion, our enemies since the days of uthmania.

Do you regret losing East Pakistan? If you don't, then you won't regret losing NWFP and Balochistan. Pakistan corrupted government is going to lose control of NWFP and Blochistan. Pakistan wasn't in the world map 100 years ago and there is no guarantee that It will be there in 100 years. Pakistan government making some drastic changes and fix the problems.

Just look at the map of Afghanistan, at least 8-10 provinces out 23 have Pushtoon majority.
Stop insulting people on their identity and telling them what they are and what they are not.

You are not the thekaydar of the Pashtun to decide who is Pashtun and who is not.

Get out of your xenophobic mode or kiss this forum goodbye from your abode in the UK.

Dear agnostic may be my words were not well chosen, i didnt specifically say him.

Now is obama black or white?

Answer is neither, he is mixed race, to refer to some one in that manner is hardly xenophobic or insulting.

me i am showing solidarity with my people who are being killed in military operations in their home land.

Killing of them by mqm and muhajirs for just being pushtoon.

Denied of identity forced to live in fear and violence and now naming their land being met with hinderance.

Dear agnostic you didnt come to silent ninjas defence because i explained what a mixed race was.

You wanted an excuse, what really bugged you was in my post where i said bacha khan was more of a leader then jinnah.

I read people like you like a story book.
Dear agnostic may be my words were not well chosen, i didnt specifically say him.

Now is obama black or white?

Answer is neither, he is mixed race, to refer to some one in that manner is hardly xenophobic or insulting.

me i am showing solidarity with my people who are being killed in military operations in their home land.

Killing of them by mqm and muhajirs for just being pushtoon.

Denied of identity forced to live in fear and violence and now naming their land being met with hinderance.

Dear agnostic you didnt come to silent ninjas defence because i explained what a mixed race was.

You wanted an excuse, what really bugged you was in my post where i said bacha khan was more of a leader then jinnah.

I read people like you like a story book.

Your posts throughout this thread have reflected a xenophobic and racist streak, I chose that post to address you since you show no signs of stopping. It is Obama's choice to determine how he identifies himslef, just as it would be the choice of someone with Pashtun and Punjabi parents to identify themselves. You have no business declaring who is Pashtun and who is not.

At the end of the day, the human migration theory does indicate that we are all descended from a tribe in Africa, so we are at the end all of common stock. Once again, get off your high horse on race and engage constructively. Any more derogatory or disparaging racial/ethnic comments from you and you are gone.

Your Bacha Khan vs Jinnah comment does not bug me since the facts are obvious to anyone, and your assertion does not change them. Bacha Khan could not even convince the overwhelming majority of the Pashtun to boycott the referendum, let alone convince them to vote against Pakistan.

I do respect him tremendously for his political philosophy, though not for his stance on Pakistan, and I think Pakistan needs more leaders like him on the domestic front. But that said, as I pointed out above, as a national leader he was no where close to being a 'great leader' and nowhere close to Jinnah.
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