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Sep 15, 2009
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An impassioned call for peace

We, Pakistanis and Muslims have a long history of association with Khilafah. First we supported the Ottomans during the Khilafat movement led by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauher during 1st World War. Then Dr Israr Ahmed started peaceful preaching for revival of Khilafah from Lahore in the seventies. Among those influenced by him were the Sharif biradran. So much so that Nawaz Sharif planned to declare Khilafah in the nineties when he was removed by Qadiani Musharraf.

In the meantime, in the Arab World Shaikh Taqiuddin An Nabhani, who was a jurist during Ottoman time in Palestine launched the movement for the revival of Khilafah in Jordan in 1951. Now Hizb ut Tahrir has spread all over the Islamic World. The greatest contribution of An Nabhani was development of the Islamic Constitution.

Most of the Islamic movements in the world are united for revival of Khilafah. The Khilafah passed from the four rightly guided Caliphs to Ommayyads and from them to the Abbasides. When they became weak the Ottomans took the mantle. When the Ottomans became weak, the Khilafah was abolished.

There are two parties with weapons in Pakistan, the Army and the Taliban. They are fighting needlessly because of misconceptions, international conspiracy and Qadiani mischief of Musharraf. When the two were united, they defeated the Russians and liberated the whole of Central Asia

Now, the Pakistanis are the most ablest nation among Muslims to revive Khilafah.

It is time for the army and the people to reconcile and give their bayt, to whomsoever becomes the Caliph to take the message of Islam forward and liberate Kashmir and Palestine.

Revival of Khilafah is a religious obligation upon all Muslims and they cannot lead their individual, collective social, economic and political life without Khilafah as can be seen from different failed experiments carried out in the Muslim world and especially Pakistan since the British rule ended.
Military operation is a part of political strategy. Look at what's happening in politics! IK and TUQ warming up to remove NS govt. Shaikh Rashid and Chaudhry's with them. With today's unfolding events in Model town and killing of 8 and injury of more than hundred political situation moving towards meltdown. Now, every one is trying to gain from situation as to who will form next govt. Army as a group also wants to form govt for next 10 years. So, to regain public trust and emerge as heroes, or to preempt joint attack by TTP and Afghan Taliban next year, this operation was launched. But my analysis is that the insurgents will melt away from NW and then start protracted hit and run operations and IED explosions all over the country, the Afghan Taliban will join them and the whole country will be in flames for the next THREE years. Hence, the Operation ZARB e AZB (Asif Zardari-Bhutto) will fail. So, a military takeover will be required to put everything in order and for that NS will be blamed for not supporting the army and miserable government performance as well as corruption. The conclusion is MERAY AZEEM HUMWATNO!!

SUN ZU said that the best strategy is to take over the enemy's forces without a fight. An easier better strategy out of this mess created by Musharraf having political-insurgent-military dimensions will be formation of Khilafat by the Army (as proposed under Islamic Pakistan thread by someone else). The TTP to be reconciled and recruited as Jennisary division of Army based on Ottoman model. The raison de etre for fighting between the TTP and Army/Government will end. Objectives resolution to be implemented in letter and spirit. Islamic Constitution developed by Taqiuddin An Nabhani can serve as model. Pashtun areas in Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban will also join such a government voluntarily next year after US moves out. Look at spectacular victories of Taliban in 1996 and ISIS in Iraq this year. But this will require a serious out of the box thinking. Why go for 10 year rule when a better and long term option exists.


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COAS should declare Khilafah in Pakistan. It will end this internal conflict
Khilafah theory has become the reason why Taliban, ISIL, and some elements in Libya can get some recruit and destabilize many Muslim nations. But what they don't know is that it will only destroy many Muslim nation thus decrease Islam power.

BTW. Khilafah is simple, we can make NATO like group. So, simple. Just clean up internal conflict in each Muslim country FIRST so then we can talk another step.
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Khalifah theory has become the reason why Taliban, ISIL, and some elements in Libya can get some recruit and destabilize many Muslim nations. But what they don't know is that it will only destroy many Muslim nation thus decrease Islam power.

BTW. Khalifah is simple, we can make NATO like group. So, simple. Just clean up internal conflict in each Muslim country FIRST so then we can talk another step.

I agree with you to some extent on NATO. But why cleanup when we can make a Jennisry Guerrila force like French Foreign Legion out of the islamic fighters
Look at spectacular victories of Taliban in 1996 and ISIS in Iraq this year. But this will require a serious out of the box thinking. Why go for 10 year rule when a better and long term option exists.

Look at spectacular victories of terrorists ? Nah kiddo , we got better things to do than blowing up left , right and centre .
I agree with you to some extent on NATO. But why cleanup when we can make a Jennisry Guerrila force like French Foreign Legion out of the islamic fighters

Today's war needs both technology and economy.......for example the price of missile is huge. Pakistan, Afganishtan, and Libya need economic development first. If each Muslim country is powerful so Islam as a whole will be powerful. Internal conflict make many potential Muslim power like Pakistan become weak. Cooperation in military among Muslim nation is not really that difficult.
The Caliphate isn't a religious obligation; it was a system of Governance evolved by the Muslims keeping in mind the Democratic Principles enunciated by the Koran ! :hitwall:

One doesn't need to go back 1400 years ago for every single thing else Iqbal wouldn't have argued, in his Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, for the abolition of the Caliphate & its function being evolved/devolved to the Parliaments of a Nation State that may one-day perhaps (after adequate maturity had set in) lead to the formation of an economic or political union of Muslim Majority countries like the EU is for European Countries with a predominantly Judeo-Christian past !

You don't have to reinvent the wheel for every single thing....you know ! :disagree:
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