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Khalistan !!!

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Why do you act like you know specifically what Khalistanis want? When will you get it through your thick skull that in the long run Khalistan is about rejoining the greater Punjab region with Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs co-existing in piece? Khalistanis don't care if Lahore and Pakistan Punjab has a small Sikh population.

Also, they don't want conquest like the Sikh Empire or self-determination as you see it. They want their homeland returned to how it originally was. Pakistan Punjab is their home as much as Indian Punjab is.

....... because i read what khalistan.net said?

how would you know what Sikhs want? because your internet sikh account said so? :cheesy:
Pakistan should start issuing visas to sikh's who are nationals of Canada,USA and U.K on khalistani passport,,,,soon indian sikhs can follow in the footsteps of their foreign brothers...Khalistan based on indian punjab would be in the interest of the region....Sikh regiment of indian army should consider it...either they can live as slaves waiting for another 1984 or they can have their own nice little country comprising indian punjab:agree:
Pakistan should start issuing visas to sikh's who are nationals of Canada,USA and U.K on khalistani passport,,,,soon indian sikhs can follow in the footsteps of their foreign brothers...Khalistan based on indian punjab would be in the interest of the region....Sikh regiment of indian army should consider it...either they can live as slaves waiting for another 1984 or they can have their own nice little country comprising indian punjab:agree:

At least make a real attempt when you troll. :tsk:
I know more than you do. I grew up in Punjabi Sikh culture and have seen Khalistan flags at Gurdwaras with small groups of supporters. I've grown up around the culture and know what they want. Khalistan.net is a terrible source for reliable information. It's poorly made and it doesn't even state complete boundaries but instead leaves them up to some level of interpretation.

As I've stated before, go troll that ethnocentric pashtunforum or one of those 10+ shitty Pakistani forums your on. ;)

Also, anyone who thinks Khalistan doesn't want Lahore and nearly all of Pakistan Punjab back is deluded.

you havent got a clue. you're claiming you know things because "you grew up in Punjabi Sikh culture". let's assume this is true, so what does it prove? sikhs arent going to tell you they want khalistan after you guys hunted them down in mobs last time. or do you think they will?

Khalistan.net is the official Khalistan site. it is likely to be more accurate than your tiresome meanderings.
you havent got a clue. you're claiming you know things because "you grew up in Punjabi Sikh culture". let's assume this is true, so what does it prove?

Khalistan.net is the official Khalistan site. it is likely to be more accurate than your tiresome meanderings.

Listen to yourself. You claim Khalistan.net is the official Khalistan website? According to whom? The fact is it's basically the only khalistan website so you claim it represents all the beliefs and views of the movement in their entirety. There is no official website. The movement is not mainstream and only exists within the more fanatical community.

Your the one who hasn't got a clue.
google it. "official khalistan website". it is the most authoritative website on khalistan there is. so it's likely to be the viewpoint of the khalistanis.

more likely than your internet experiences in punjabi sikh culture anyhow.
google it. "official khalistan website". it is the most authoritative website on khalistan there is. so it's likely to be the viewpoint of the khalistanis.

more likely than your internet experiences in punjabi sikh culture anyhow.

There is no official khalistan website. Just like there is no official website for the pashtunistan or balochistan movements.

It merely represents the views of the people who created the website.
all nationalists have websites that represent the majority viewpoint.

stop wasting time. it's clear you dont know what you're talking about. read khalistan.net to see what the general geography of khalistan is.
all nationalists have websites that represent the majority viewpoint.

stop wasting time. it's clear you dont know what you're talking about. read khalistan.net to see what the general geography of khalistan is.

What evidence do you have to support the claim that these kind of poorly put together website represent the majority viewpoint? They are put together by "individuals." They don't represent anything but their views.

Your the one who's wasting his time. The general geography according to khalistan.net was discussed on a previous page. It was left up to interpretation but regardless it included part of Pakistan Punjab.

According to the website which you claim represents the entire Khalistan movement:

"The geographical boundaries of Khalistan will include current East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, part of Rajasthan and small part of Uttar Pardesh. River Ravi on the west and river Jamuna on the east will be some of the boundary lines between Khalistan & Pakistan, Khalistan & India respectively. In the north, part of Himalayan range and in south, part of Thar Deset will make the geographical boundaries of Khalistan."

Map of 5 Rivers

As you can see, even this definition of Khalistan includes Lahore.

Map of Yamuna or Jamuna river. Eastern boundary.

File:Yamunarivermap.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a non-Punjabi Pakistani I feel more of a connection and brotherhood with Bengalis and Afghans than I ever would with an Indian Punjabi.

For the time being Pakistan needs to address its own problems and then should concentrate solely on Kashmir rather than worry about Khalistan which no Pakistani gives two cahoots about.

Indian Punjab isn’t any of my concern and they should accept the fact that the ‘Indian propaganda machine’ which they love to bark about has already done a number on them as many have lost their religion, their girls are extremely loose and Sikhs have even resorted to eating pork and drinking alcohol in their Gurdwaras. I’m sure Modi and his cronies will have a plan for the Khalistani’s and make sure they assimilate them into the Indian way of life and culture.

From my own interaction with Khalistani’s they do have a decent support network which shouldn’t be underestimated with many well educated Sikhs from extremely wealthy families whom are well connected within their communities favouring the idea of an Independent Sikh state.

P.S : Don’t know if it’s true and neither do I care but I remember a Sikh lad who used to be my neighbour when I resided in uni dorm’s informed me how Hindus raped Sikh girls in1984 to make them look like normal Indian Hindu’s as they were jealous of their race and physical appearance.

No offense but I find Indian Punjabi's to be quite ugly!
What evidence do you have to support the claim that these kind of poorly put together website represent the majority viewpoint? They are put together by "individuals." They don't represent anything but their views.

if it wasnt the general view of khalistanis there would be other websites with some reputation suggesting otherwise. khalistan.net is the main one.

Your the one who's wasting his time. The general geography according to khalistan.net was discussed on a previous page. It was left up to interpretation but regardless it included part of Pakistan Punjab.

According to the website which you claim represents the entire Khalistan movement:

"The geographical boundaries of Khalistan will include current East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, part of Rajasthan and small part of Uttar Pardesh. River Ravi on the west and river Jamuna on the east will be some of the boundary lines between Khalistan & Pakistan, Khalistan & India respectively. In the north, part of Himalayan range and in south, part of Thar Deset will make the geographical boundaries of Khalistan."

Map of 5 Rivers

As you can see, even this definition of Khalistan includes Lahore.

Map of Yamuna or Jamuna river. Eastern boundary.

File:Yamunarivermap.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

keep up. its been discussed. the western river would only form some of the boundary. they make no mention of lahore but state parts of indian punjab.

the khalistanis dont have any right to lahore because there would not be a popular demand for it in lahore. all the sikhs moved to haryana etc. that is what self determination is.
They were targeted at your general internet "trolling." They're not racist, bigoted or xenophobic in the very least. Go through my post history and point them out if I'm lying.

And it seems your still in denial about Khalistan's borders from that website you claim represents the majorities views.

insults are insults. you claimed you've not done any. now you're singing differently
This is why I hesitated to join this forum. The constant bickering between Indians and Pakistanis. The racist, bigoted and xenophobic statements and the general animosity between members. It's quite pathetic that you can't discuss and debate issues on this forum in a civilized manner without constant trolling and unnecessary offensive statements being thrown around.

The moderators should stop being so lenient.

Please inform me where i have been racist, bigoted and xenophobic? I just stated that i find Indian Punjabi's quite ugly which is my opinion that i'm entitled too! As for Sikh girls being loose many in their community accept this fact and as for their Gurdwara selling pork and alcohol then you missed a thread here on PDF claiming this had occured where those Gurdwara accused of giving pork and alcohol came under attack by what the media called 'militant' Sikhs.
keep up. its been discussed. the western river would only form some of the boundary. they make no mention of lahore but state parts of indian punjab.

the khalistanis dont have any right to lahore because there would not be a popular demand for it in lahore. all the sikhs moved to haryana etc. that is what self determination is.

Thank you! Finally you agree to what all the Indians have been saying here all along. Khalistanis don't have any right to any part of India because there would not be a popular demand for it in any part of India.:lol:

Khalistanis can make their Khalistan in Kaneda if they can get a popular demand going there.
if it wasnt the general view of khalistanis there would be other websites with some reputation suggesting otherwise. khalistan.net is the main one.

What basis do you have to say that? Are you an expert on websites for political movements? It's all speculation.

keep up. its been discussed. the western river would only form some of the boundary. they make no mention of lahore but state parts of indian punjab.

the khalistanis dont have any right to lahore because there would not be a popular demand for it in lahore. all the sikhs moved to haryana etc.

Some of the boundary? That leaves it up to interpretation does it not? No mention of Lahore? Your thick aren't you? Regardless, it clearly states the River Ravi to the west. Lahore is east of Ravi.

Any right to Lahore? You really don't understand the movement at all. It's not just about Sikhs. It's about a greater Punjabi homeland. Sikhs moved to Haryana? Haryana is a Hindu majority state.

Again, you have no idea what your talking about.
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