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Kerry: Shooting down Russia jets 'would have been justified'

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It is ok to be scared sometimes and not launch


RIP goose, you will not be forgotten - John Kerry
Next time US should take Turkish pilots with them.. Russians won't dare..:triniti:
the ''destroyed'' tank.

Upgraded M60 - Sabra Mk-2 with explosive reactive armor from Israel, that's what saved the crew. The commanders thermal viewer is destroyed though and also looks like the primary gun laying sight. There could possibly be some internal damage as well.

They were also very lucky, the jihaid's fired an obsolete Croatian 9K115 Metis with a single stage warhead. If it had been a dual stage warhead from a modern ATGM the secondary round would have penetrated that turret.
. .

Its still surprising that despite Russia's increasing assertiveness/aggressive posture many European NATO countries are still so passive about spending more on their defence/commitment to NATO. The level of passivity that exists in these countries is stunning. They will expect the U.S, U.K,France to commit to their defence while they dont want to contribute anything at all towards their own country defence, its a paradox indeed.

Seems like this long period of peace, stability and wealth in Europe has make sone European countries really soft, they dont seem to care much about defence and security, well thats until one day a war erupts at their front door.:lol: One thing we should note is that we never know when and where a war might start. Better safe than sorry. :pop:

So im with Putin on this one, hopefully his actions will keep passive NATO countries on their toes.
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If it has been a Turkish ship, bet Russians wouldn't dare. ;)


The only reason the Turkish F-16 was not shot down was because it fled after the ambush.

Turkish aircraft have been shot down by both Greece and Syria, nothing scary about the cowardly Turks, on the other hand Turkey has stayed out of Syrian airspace while violating Iraqi air space to bomb Kurds.

The only reason the Turkish F-16 was not shot down was because it fled after the ambush.
Turkey even increased the number of patrolling aircraft at the border, you can check the news archives...fleeing my @ss.... :lol:

Turkish aircraft have been shot down by both Greece and Syria, nothing scary about the cowardly Turks,
And we replied by shooting their aircraft afterwards....which you couldn't.

on the other hand Turkey has stayed out of Syrian airspace while violating Iraqi air space to bomb Kurds.
We are not trespassing Syrian Airspace since 2012...It's not related with you.
Vladi is having his fun now because he know the party is over if anyone but Bernie is the next President. And he has no chance. Even that lying skank Hillary would have those Russian rust buckets go down like a two dollar whore.:rofl:

ahaha, the two dollar skank clintard and sanders are democratic pussies. Only one who can do anything its seems is Trump.

As i said before, people from the developing seem to fantasize about seeing a war between big world P5 powers.lol. He really believes that Russia will declare war on the U.S if the shot down that Rusdian fighter.:rofl:

If Russia couldnt do shit about Turkey shooting down its fighter and killing its pilot i dont know why people like him think Russia will risk a war with the U.S and NATO for a fighter jet. :rofl:

Yet, the west went crying like pussies when Russia brought out the S-400 :omghaha:
Its still surprising that despite Russia's increasing assertiveness/aggressive posture many European NATO countries are still so passive about spending more on their defence/commitment to NATO. The level of passivity that exists in these countries is stunning. They will expect the U.S, U.K,France to commit to their defence while they dont want to contribute anything at all towards their own country defence, its a paradox indeed.

Seems like this long period of peace, stability and wealth in Europe has make sone European countries really soft, they dont seem to care much about defence and security, well thats until one day a war erupts at their front door.:lol: One thing .
Or, European countries are sick and tired of the US surrounding Russia with hostile NATO forces that have proven they will not hesitate to bomb and invade a country like Yugoslavia or Iraq or ......., and then crying
"RUSSIAN AGGRESSION, you need to spend more on weapons"

People in Europe are at least smart enough to know the difference between Defense and Offense. The second one requires a much, much larger investment that would be much better spent improving the life of it's citizens IMO. You don't need F35's or Nuclear Aircraft carriers to defend, only to project power across the globe.
Or, European countries are sick and tired of the US surrounding Russia with hostile NATO forces that have proven they will not hesitate to bomb and invade a country like Yugoslavia or Iraq or ......., and then crying
"RUSSIAN AGGRESSION, you need to spend more on weapons"

People in Europe are at least smart enough to know the difference between Defense and Offense. The second one requires a much, much larger investment that would be much better spent improving the life of it's citizens IMO. You don't need F35's or Nuclear Aircraft carriers to defend, only to project power across the globe.

No. we really worry about this on purpose (mis)behaviour. If Russia is surrounded by hostile NATO countries, please remember you are talking about Russia's former satellites in Eastern Europe: if hostile, then ask where that hostiliy comes from? Reality is, however, that the ex Warsaw pact states etc are not hostile to Russia. Not in the last place because they don't have sufficient armed forces to be hostile with.

This russian response is great, if you like a good laugh:

Russia warns U.S. over naval incident as NATO tensions laid bare
By Robin Emmott
April 20, 2016
By Robin Emmott

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Wednesday of intimidation by sailing a U.S. naval destroyer close to Russia's border in the Baltics and warned that the Russian military would respond with "all necessary measures" to any future incidents.

Speaking after a meeting between NATO envoys and Russia, their first in almost two years, Moscow's ambassador to NATO said the April 11 maritime incident showed there could be no improvement in ties until the U.S.-led alliance withdrew from Russia's borders.

"This is about attempts to exercise military pressure on Russia," the envoy, Alexander Grushko, said. "We will take all necessary measures, precautions, to compensate for these attempts to use military force," he told reporters.

U.S. Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute pressed Russia about the incident, warning it had been dangerous. The United States has said the guided missile destroyer USS Cook was on routine business near Poland when it was harassed by Russian jets.

"We were in international waters," a NATO diplomat reported Lute as telling Grushko during the NATO-Russia council meeting.

As I pointed out earlier, the largest width of the Baltic See is 193km (104 nmi). USS Cook was 130km (70nmi) from Russian shore. This is farther from Russian shore than the port of Gdansk in Poland is from the CIty of Kaliningrad (118 km or 64nmi). Territorial waters are 22km or 12nmi. EEZ is up to 200nmi, but only refers to (managed) exploitation of area, not sovereign territory. The shoreline of the entire Baltic is 18000 km. Only 7% of this is Russian: Kaliningrad Oblast and the Peterburg region. The other 93% of coastline belong to Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


EEZ of the European Union as a single entity.


Russia's exclusive economic zone


Russian EEZ in the Baltic (in red)

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Upgraded M60 - Sabra Mk-2 with explosive reactive armor from Israel, that's what saved the crew. The commanders thermal viewer is destroyed though and also looks like the primary gun laying sight. There could possibly be some internal damage as well.

They were also very lucky, the jihaid's fired an obsolete Croatian 9K115 Metis with a single stage warhead. If it had been a dual stage warhead from a modern ATGM the secondary round would have penetrated that turret.
This has been discussed in Turkish section and your information was shared already, what exactly is your point?
In case you havent noticed, i was pointing out the ''journalistic quality'' of RT which explains the behavior of some people here, it wasnt about super duper Turkish tank or something.
This has been discussed in Turkish section and your information was shared already, what exactly is your point?
didn't even know there was a "Turkish Section"

In case you havent noticed, i was pointing out the ''journalistic quality'' of RT which explains the behavior of some people here
and your point is what exactly? The video plainly says " alleged destruction" , in other words it's an allegation, that's all.

, it wasn't about super duper Turkish tank or something.Would be nice to see the longer video showing the tank shooting back. :)
that machine was in no condition to "shoot back", so I will agree with you that it's not a "super tank" ;)
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