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Kaveri turbofan programme seeks extension


Jun 26, 2010
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There have also been unforeseen delays in the joint engine effort by DRDO and Snecma for a robust 90kN turbofan engine, based on the M88 ECO core and meeting the minimum performance requirements of the IAF and Navy. Negotiations on technology sharing and intellectual property have taken the better part of the two years, though a top official confirmed that a contract between DRDO and Snecma is likely to be signed within the year.The joint effort, in effect, calls an end to the Kaveri K9 programme as it stands. What it does is propose to quickly build a 90kN thrust turbofan and offer it off the block to the IAF and Navy for their Tejas Mk.1s. The Kaveri-Snecma engine, in twin configuration, could also power India’s advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA), though that is still well into the future.

DRDO sources confirm that Snecma will transfer several key technologies as part of the joint engine programme, which include single crystal blades, bladed disk and EBPVD (electron beam plasma vapour deposit coating), all critical areas that the Kaveri engine has failed to find solutions to within the country, though not for lack of trying. Programme managers believe single crystal blade technology will be a major solution to one of the Kaveri’s biggest problems — deformation of blades during testing as a result of high ambient temperatures. This has proved to be a severe limiting factor, considering that structurally solidified blades have structural integrity that comes nowhere close to single crystal structures. According to sources, it is negotiations over the modalities for single crystal blade technology that has taken so long, though the end is finally in sight. Several DRDO labs and the MDNL have tried for years to create an indigenous SCT solution, but so far without success.

The tie up with Snecma will launch the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) into an all-new league, and will involve modern forging, welding and casting techniques for the first time. Unlike the Kaveri K9 programme, the K10 programme (the official designation for the proposed effort with Snecma) will be professionally monitored from the outset, with hard timelines and investments. The work share model has been hammered down, and scientists are confident that they have extracted a competitive contract from the French. Initial reservations about sharing certain technologies were ironed out following the slew of military contracts that went France’s way, the last being the substantive Mirage 2000 H/TH upgrade programme.

Almost the entire work force that has been dedicated so far to the Kaveri [9] will be diverted to the K10 effort with Snecma. Scientists foresee challenges in absorbing the technology, but are confident that they will achieve goals once the contract is signed and the effort flagged off. A senior GTRE scientist says, “We have the will and the base technologies. We understand fully well what our shortcomings are, and are eager to deliver a full performance engine to the customer. Gone is the time when we can stay in the lab indefinitely saying we will come up with certain technologies by ourselves. The French will help us cut down on development time. And we will both deliver an engine that will power Indian aircraft. Everybody wins.”

Kaveri turbofan programme seeks extension | idrw.org
We spent huge money and man power but still v are not able to attain our goal. First they should understand that they are not inventing engine ,they just upgrading engines.
try hard till you successed. And one day sucesses will walk to you.

Best of luck.

well said..we should not give up as we will surely achieve what we want to...if we give it up now then we won't be self reliant in future..
Wow this is a game changer. Now im not really one who ignorantly yells " LOOK WE ARE BEATING CHINA AND BECOMING A WORLD POWER"
but in this instance, if i am to be honest, we may have them beat.
This is the reason that we spent SO much more than necessary on mirage 2000 upgrade and why the rafale made most sense.

Crystal blades are something else. For high performance there is really no better tech. They make it so that with a modular design you can have high performance, and durability of the blades cutting maintenance time(both problems that china faces with its engines and what the russians faced for like a generation and a half with theirs.)

Also let me remind you that we are also getting the same tech with the GE tejas deal. Now why would India pay for the same or simmilar tech twice? Its the same doctrine that dictates that get multiple sources of tot and then refine indigenous process with the best of em all. (Also the plan with the Submarine French+german or russian) At some time we will see the kaveri project with a new core, Made in india, hints from US and France:azn:

Its absolutely genius, get a massive pr and diplomatic offensive coupled with some big deals and honor promises of rights to intellectual property and you can skip decades of research time leaving the isolated and sanctioned spending many times more to get many times less in performance.

This is really the fruition of not going to israel for the mirage upgrade with a lower price and over a decade of diplomatic maneuvering the Mod and MoEA have really hit this outta the park.

What this would look like can be seen in the Dhruv Mk3. With a joint engine we get better payloads to higher points all around the Himalayas all the time paying less than if we bought the engines from outside from the start. The dhruv Mk3 engine is built totally in india and a bit of money goes to france whenever it is built but we get one the best engines in the world, with our labor costs, aka dirt cheap.

There was a reason we went for the rafale when noone in the world wanted to touch the damn thing, despite the fact that it was as good if not better than the EF in all areas. Dassault was desperate and this is just the start. Its getting brasil, uae etc etc:-)welcome:) and we are just opening the first of our diwali presents.:yahoo::yahoo:

All very calculated and meticulous. Great payout for all 5th and 4.5gen projects in the future. And dare I say UAVs??

This is throwing water on the hopes of those who wished that india wont get aesa source codes or engine tech with the mmrca.
Success with Kaveri engine will change the face of our Aviation industry.
try hard till you successed. And one day sucesses will walk to you.

Best of luck.
There is also one more quote. You cannot keep doing the same thing and keep expecting different results. I am not sure of the process here, but should there not be two competing teams that fight for pride? Someone who is aware of the working of our organisations please shine some light on this.
What I believe is that the french are human just like the Indian so why the first prevail ,while the latter failed???.
What I believe is that the french are human just like the Indian so why the first prevail ,while the latter failed???.

"failure is when u choose to give up"

And I wouldn't say Kaveri failed. It just didn't produce the required T/W ratio needed for LCA MK2. We need perseverance to achieve success which needs time. France invested time and $$ and got result whereas we don't have time with us and also have less $$.

Hence it is only prudent of us to get ToT.
Progress in Kaveri engine is not good at all and this is not acceptable too…I admit this point….In the same time we should understand the point that there are only four countries who are building their own engine i.e. US, France, UK and Russia…and they are in this business around 100 years… Other country is trying on this field are China and India…Both is not getting considerable amount of success in this field…that we should accept…and none of the above mentioned four country want to see anyone 5th or 6th member in that club…coz this is going to affect dominance of 4 country… So we have to keep patience and work hard towards the success…Accept whatever getting as TOT...Trust me guys there is no other go.
"failure is when u choose to give up"

And I wouldn't say Kaveri failed. It just didn't produce the required T/W ratio needed for LCA MK2. We need perseverance to achieve success which needs time. France invested time and $$ and got result whereas we don't have time with us and also have less $$.

Hence it is only prudent of us to get ToT.
Sorry no offend but do you have idea when you started the kaveri program and how much money you already put to get it done???!!!.
Also let me remind you that we are also getting the same tech with the GE tejas deal. Now why would India pay for the same or simmilar tech twice?
Nobody is gonna give you this technology except France and that too is not confirmed until the deal is signed but i think after MMRCA, i don't think we will have a problem. Same goes with Radar.
Sorry no offend but do you have idea when you started the kaveri program and how much money you already put to get it done???!!!.

It started in 1989. Up until 2011, quoting wiki...
In its annual report for 2010-11, The Comptroller and Auditor General of India[25] noted that INR1,892 crore (US$416.2 million) had been spent on development, with only two out of the six milestones prescribed having being met. Among its deficiencies, CAG says the engine weight was higher than the design specifications (1235 kg against 1100 kg) and there was no progress on developing the compressor, turbine and engine control systems.

Lets c if we can develop a better core from ToT of rafale.

#A turbofan requires normally to the tune of $2Bn for it's development.
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