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Kashmiri students allegedly beaten up for not shouting anti-Pak slogans in Greater Noida

So what, if I said so in two seperate sentences? (One right after the other, BTW.) My message was clear - the land as well as the patriotic people in it are important to us. Pakistan is free to accept anybody who wants to migrate to Pak - but you don't want that, do you?:azn:
That is your problem you are selectively accepting the people of the land while not being selective about the land...See the contradiction? We are willing to accept anyone who is Kashmiri with the whole land...see the big heartedness as compared to your blind hatred? :azn:

I didn't demand war, I only remarked that we are prepared to keep every inch of our territory. India has never gone to war over Kashmir - it was always Pak that started Kashmir wars, and lost each time. I would prefer peace if that is a choice - but if Pak wants to try to steal our land, we will thwart their plans like we have always done.
We are not stealing it...we are (American style) liberating Kashmiris from tyrant India (just look how often India beats em up! )
Also, I don't need to go to the border, because we have a very professional army that we civilians pay for, who are all willing to fight on our behalf, and defend our territory to the last drop of their blood. Until and unless every single professional soldier is killed, civilians don't need to fight.
It never was and def is not your territory...

It doesn't matter who rules Delhi. Kashmir rahega hindustan.
Chalo g now after giving away Delhi too? :unsure:
That is simply not true any more. It was true in the 80s when the congress party stupidly interfered with the legitimate democratic process in that state, for political gain. That is what started off the insurgency. But now those evil days are past, and Kashmiris have as much political power in their state as any other state, and most of them are happy being part of the 2 trillion $ economy that is India. Who in their right minds would want to join Pak today?

religion is a powerful force my friend and sanity often fails in front of it.

punjab's terrorism was soundly defeated,,,,do u know why??
people were vehemently against it,as a result it couldn't sustain itself.

Insurgency in kashmir is the opposite,people are backing it,thats why its going on for more than 25 years now,i would even say 65 years btw.
That is your problem you are selectively accepting the people of the land while not being selective about the land...See the contradiction? We are willing to accept anyone who is Kashmiri with the whole land...see the big heartedness as compared to your blind hatred? :azn:
Sigh. It seems that I have to walk you through this. OK, since I have some time on my hands today, I'll do so.

We accept anybody who wants to be Indian. No selectivity there based on religion or language or anything else. It is we who are magnanimous and large hearted enough to say that anybody who wants to leave to Pakistan may do so, of their own free will. (ie, if Pak will accept them - which they won't.) The land, as well as the people who want to be Indians, will remain Indians.

We are not stealing it...we are (American style) liberating Kashmiris from tyrant India (just look how often India beats em up! )
It never was and def is not your territory...
LOL - goodluck with that. I hate to break this to you, but you are NOT America. Not by a long shot.
Sigh. It seems that I have to walk you through this. OK, since I have some time on my hands today, I'll do so.

We accept anybody who wants to be Indian. No selectivity there based on religion or language or anything else. It is we who are magnanimous and large hearted enough to say that anybody who wants to leave to Pakistan may do so, of their own free will. (ie, if Pak will accept them - which they won't.) The land, as well as the people who want to be Indians, will remain Indians.
Good you finally managed to construct 1 sentence without contradicting yourself and sound like a land greedy monger! :tup:

Chalo g now after giving away Delhi too? :unsure:
I did say that I have some spare time on my hands today, but even so, I cannot sit here and walk you through every single misunderstanding you make.
LOL - goodluck with that. I hate to break this to you, but you are NOT America. Not by a long shot.

I didnt say we are...

When someone says Latino style dancing do they become Latino? Nope! The key word is style!

I did say that I have some spare time on my hands today, but even so, I cannot sit here and walk you through every single misunderstanding you make.
I make or you post and I highlight? :coffee:

dosen't make a diff,ppl don't want to be with us.
irrefutable fact.

but who gives a shit??just like tibet is a part of china,baluchistan a part of pakistan,,,,,so is the kashmir indian.
:rofl: no voice allowed to Kashmiris in democratic India
Good you finally managed to construct 1 sentence without contradicting yourself and sound like a land greedy monger! :tup:
Keeping one's own territory does not make one a greedy landmonger. But waging wars to take your neighbour's territory, despite failing each time, does make you one.
Keeping one's own territory does not make one a greedy landmonger. But waging wars to take your neighbour's territory, despite failing each time, does make you one.
Saving people from tyrant rulers doesnt make you a landmonger but makes you heroes even heroes fall! :agree:
Yes.. Go thru that post also.. But as I said, this time do it slowly so that you can understand the same. Dont let your fingers go faster than the speed at which your mind understand the written word. And when you read the post again, along with the link it refers to, do not forget to focus on the word "Alleged" ;)
I do believe in the chemistry that mind controls the body not to mention others use the same technique to digress and shift goal posts. After dragging in and taking a pot shot on some Baloch issue and some ridiculous claim of fake pictures (None related to this thread), we are trying to salvage some pride by cherry picking....here's a link that doesn't show the word ''alleged'',... clutching....straws.....what.

Kashmiri students beaten, forced to shout anti-Pak slogans in Greater Noida - The Times of India
Saving people from tyrant rulers doesnt make you a landmonger but makes you heroes even heroes fall! :agree:
Yea, well...we all know how the local Kashmiris welcomed your "heroes" each time. In 1965, Pak inserted SSG commandoes in the mistaken belief that the locals will welcome them with flowers - instead, the locals led them to the local police station where they ate govt food for the rest of the war. In 1999, Pak sent invaders to Kargil in the belief that once they occupy peaks, Indian Kashmiris will all revolt against India. Instead, the Indian army dispatched each invader to hell, and no local uprising took place. You will never learn, will you?

Suits me, we can afford to defend our territory much more easily than you marshal resources to steal it.
Yea, well...we all know how the local Kashmiris welcomed your "heroes" each time. In 1965, Pak inserted SSG commandoes in the mistaken belief that the locals will welcome them with flowers - instead, the locals led them to the local police station where they ate govt food for the rest of the war. In 1999, Pak sent invaders to Kargil in the belief that once they occupy peaks, Indian Kashmiris will all revolt against India. Instead, the Indian army dispatched each invader to hell, and no local uprising took place. You will never learn, will you?

Suits me, we can afford to defend our territory much more easily than you marshal resources to steal it.

1stly, Had the Israelis not helped you in Kargil, You lot would be crying like the 60 yrs you have spend crying over Pakistan

Maybe you have never read my posts...

I never put a greedy face on Pakistan and always respected our Kashmiri brothers and used the word their land as I know its theirs unlike some greedy land monger already declaring it theirs without open voting in a democratic nation! This sense of respect you lack! And this sense of respect we have for them is why we are more than happy to help them with their independence from a tyrant who beats them at every opportunity!
1stly, Had the Israelis not helped you in Kargil, You lot would be crying like the 60 yrs you have spend crying over Pakistan

With or without Israeli help, we would have won the war. Sorry to disappoint you, but it is not India that has been crying everywhere about Kashmir. Israel supplied some LGBs which made our jobs easier - but we would have done the job, even if w had to use our teeth and nails. Unlike certain other countries, we believe in exerting sovereignity over our territory, and not letting bearded babboons do that.

Also, you are talking about Israel as if all your weapons are indegenous. In that war, all your aircrafts, all your artillery, and even the ammunition, came from kafir countries that ordinary Pakistanis hate.
The students claim that they were forced to say Bharat Mata ki jai and raise anti-Pakistan slogans. When they didn't say this, they were beaten up.

Reacting to the incident, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah tweeted, "Let's beat patriotism in to Kashmiri students, why don't we. Great way to remove any fear or sense of alienation among Kashmiris. Thugs!!!"

Hitting out at the Akhilesh Yadav government, Omar added, "If the universities or state authorities can't protect Kashmiri students coming there then man up and admit your inability or unwillingness. I'm sending the Resident Commissioner from Delhi to visit the university in question to ascertain all the facts before deciding next steps."

My condolences to the poor kids!
I never put a greedy face on Pakistan and always respected our Kashmiri brothers and used the word their land as I know its theirs unlike some greedy land monger already declaring it theirs without open voting in a democratic nation! This sense of respect you lack! And this sense of respect we have for them is why we are more than happy to help them with their independence from a tyrant who beats them at every opportunity!

Of course you have to say "their" land, since it is not yours. OTOH, it is Indian land, so I can call it our land. It's a fact of life that you need to reconcile with.
Saving people from tyrant rulers doesnt make you a landmonger but makes you heroes even heroes fall! :agree:
I do believe in the chemistry that mind controls the body not to mention others use the same technique to digress and shift goal posts. After dragging in and taking a pot shot on some Baloch issue and some ridiculous claim of fake pictures (None related to this thread), we are trying to salvage some pride by cherry picking....here's a link that doesn't show the word ''alleged'',... clutching....straws.....what.
Pakistan gifted away part of Kashmir to china,so what moral ground do you guys have to talk about Kashmir.if you have cared about kashmir or kashmiries,then how can you do that.
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