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Kashmiri students allegedly beaten up for not shouting anti-Pak slogans in Greater Noida

There seems to be a contradiction, only because you selectively highlighted some parts of my post while ignoring others. I was clear, that from India's POV, Kashmir and Kashmiris will remain Indians, except the handful who don't want to do so - they are free to go to Pakistan, but I know that Pak won't accept them without the land.
Nope you didnt even write that! :disagree: I quoted the whole para only highlighted the contradiction...However the whole para is there unadulterated! You def said no such thing according to that para...
The 12 million or so Kashmiris who are living as proud Indians will continue to live as Indian s with all the rights and freedoms guaranteed to other Indians (and more, in fact). And every inch of Indian Kashmir will remain Indian. Send your army or mujashits, none of them can steal it from us.
Does the freedom include a package of plaster and meds everytime they get beaten up over petty stuff?

No point changing your statement after being shown a hypocrite with your contradictory statement!

and wow demanding war on a forum...Talk about levels of insecurity! Go to the border and beat your war drum! I dare you!
Nope you didnt even write that! :disagree: I quoted the whole para only highlighted the contradiction...However the whole para is there unadulterated! You def said no such thing according to that para...
Does the freedom include a package of plaster and meds everytime they get beaten up over petty stuff?

No point changing your statement after being shown a hypocrite with your contradictory statement!

and wow demanding war on a forum...Talk about levels of insecurity! Go to the border and beat your war drum! I dare you!

Since you are not blind, this can only be considered as intentional deception (or rather, a pathetic attempt at deception). Here is the relevant part of my post, requoted:

...the land stays here, every inch of it. And so do millions of patriotic Indian Kashmiris...

Clearly I said that the land as well as the people are important for us. Anybody can read my post (#10) to verify.

As for demanding war - I did no such thing. I said that Pak can try to steal it from us like they have tried several times, but they will fail every time, like they have failed every time in the past. Whether you want to try again is your choice. Indian Kashmir will remain Indian.
This is true face of India Kashmir never was and never will be part of India no matter how much they try

Yes we have taken it by force and now we will keep it no matter what.

Address your post which i replied to and although i know it's difficult for you to remain focused on the subject under discussion hence before pointing fingers and calling names, try not to be a troll Devi yourself.
Yes.. Go thru that post also.. But as I said, this time do it slowly so that you can understand the same. Dont let your fingers go faster than the speed at which your mind understand the written word. And when you read the post again, along with the link it refers to, do not forget to focus on the word "Alleged" ;)
Yes we have taken it by force and now we will keep it no matter what.

We didn't take it by force, the legitimate ruler acceded to us lawfully to protect his people from Pakistani tribal marauders. But yes, now it is our territory and we will keep it, no matter what. Neither Pakistan's army nor their bearded babboons can take an inch from us.
We didn't take it by force, the legitimate ruler acceded to us lawfully to protect his people from Pakistani tribal marauders. But yes, now it is our territory and we will keep it, no matter what. Neither Pakistan's army nor their bearded babboons can take an inch from us.

dosen't make a diff,ppl don't want to be with us.
irrefutable fact.

but who gives a shit??just like tibet is a part of china,baluchistan a part of pakistan,,,,,so is the kashmir indian.
Since you are not blind, this can only be considered as intentional deception (or rather, a pathetic attempt at deception). Here is the relevant part of my post, requoted:

Clearly I said that the land as well as the people are important for us. Anybody can read my post (#10) to verify.
1stly, You used 2 separate sentences :

If you want Kashmiris, you are free to take those masochists who volunteer to become Pakistanis. Nothing is stopping them or you. But the land stays here, every inch of it. And so do millions of patriotic Indian Kashmiris who would rather be part of a rising power than a failed state on life support.
Ok since you want context what was the context of the sentence where you had accussed Pakistanis of wanting the land while you yourself higlighted the land...while getting rid of the inhabitants of the very land you seek...You are the 1 giving away the inhabitants for their land while saying we are after the land and dont care about the people...ring a bell?

As for demanding war - I did no such thing. I said that Pak can try to steal it from us like they have tried several times, but they will lose every time, like they have failed each time. Whether you want to try again is your choice. Indian Kashmir will remain Indian.

Send your army or mujashits, none of them can steal it from us.

As for the rest of the part you just added it to fit the context ...You demanded war then back out when dared to go and say the same at the border? :unsure:

Whatever! You life your choice!
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dosen't make a diff,ppl don't want to be with us.
irrefutable fact.

but who gives a shit??just like tibet is a part of china,baluchistan a part of pakistan,,,,,so is the kashmir indian.

How many people? There are 12 million Kashmiris - how many of them are separatists? Yes, there are a handful of them who want to become Pakistanis, and I am fully willing to let them migrate to Pakistan or zimbabwe or wherever they want. But the rest of them, and the land, will remain Indian - no sovereign nation state gives up its own territory.
Yes.. The biggest rebuttal being that "It is not possible in Pakistan" :)

Anyway as I said, when it comes to Kashmir, Pakistanis' hypocrisy and frustration knows no bounds. Sometimes, witnessing that is reward enough to hold on to Kashmir :)

BTW.. For the record, if true, totally reprehensible

Pakistani hypocrisy is far better than lies of India which has resulted in deaths of the civilians in IOK every other day. Just like what happened in Srinagar a few days ago when a 22 year old Kashmiri was killed by Indian security forces. Everything we offer for Kashmir is far better than this.

It doesn't matter who rules Delhi. Kashmir rahega hindustan.

Yeah stand in front of the mirror every morning and keep telling this to yourself. :)
1stly, You used 2 separate sentences :

Ok since you want context what was the context of the sentence where you had accussed Pakistanis of wanting the land while you yourself higlighted the land...while getting rid of the inhabitants of the very land you seek...You are the 1 giving away the inhabitants for their land while saying we are after the land and dont care about the people...ring a bell?

As for the rest of the part you just added it to fit the context ...You demanded war then back out when dared to go and say the same at the border? :unsure:

Whatever! You life your choice!

So what, if I said so in two seperate sentences? (One right after the other, BTW.) My message was clear - the land as well as the patriotic people in it are important to us. Pakistan is free to accept anybody who wants to migrate to Pak - but you don't want that, do you?:azn:

I didn't demand war, I only remarked that we are prepared to keep every inch of our territory. India has never gone to war over Kashmir - it was always Pak that started Kashmir wars, and lost each time. I would prefer peace if that is a choice - but if Pak wants to try to steal our land, we will thwart their plans like we have always done.

Also, I don't need to go to the border, because we have a very professional army that we civilians pay for, who are all willing to fight on our behalf, and defend our territory to the last drop of their blood. Until and unless every single professional soldier is killed, civilians don't need to fight.
How many people? There are 12 million Kashmiris - how many of them are separatists? Yes, there are a handful of them who want to become Pakistanis, and I am fully willing to let them migrate to Pakistan or zimbabwe or wherever they want. But the rest of them, and the land, will remain Indian - no sovereign nation state gives up its own territory.

that was exactly my point.
the land is not negotiable,,,if u want to go, then well,be my guest and get the hell out.

but u are wrong about separatists,,majority of the population backs them whether we like it or not
@Talon people with Kashmiri ancestry or the Mirpuris but not the Kashmiris. I even saw Pakistanis calling themselves as Kashmiris tracing ancestry to 9th generation back. :laugh:
Pakistani hypocrisy is far better than lies of India which has resulted in deaths of the civilians in IOK every other day. Just like what happened in Srinagar a few days ago when a 22 year old Kashmiri was killed by Indian security forces. Everything we offer for Kashmir is far better than this.

I dont know what you offer for Kashmir except daily sectarian violence, bomb blasts and national bankruptcy which is visible in all parts of Pakistan today, but irrespective of whether that is better or worse, Offer rejected. Thanks but no thanks ;)
@Talon people with Kashmiri ancestry or the Mirpuris but not the Kashmiris. I even saw Pakistanis calling themselves as Kashmiris tracing ancestry to 9th generation back. :laugh:
Just because you dont know who your grandpa was doesnt mean we dont. Most of us have a genealogy tree to prove our ancestry and also to educate the new generation of whom their ancestors were....

What and who defines who is Kashmiri? Def not you!
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that was exactly my point.
the land is not negotiable,,,if u want to go, then well,be my guest and get the hell out.

but u are wrong about separatists,,majority of the population backs them whether we like it or not

That is simply not true any more. It was true in the 80s when the congress party stupidly interfered with the legitimate democratic process in that state, for political gain. That is what started off the insurgency. But now those evil days are past, and Kashmiris have as much political power in their state as any other state, and most of them are happy being part of the 2 trillion $ economy that is India. Who in their right minds would want to join Pak today?

Yeah stand in front of the mirror every morning and keep telling this to yourself. :)

I don't have to. It's Pakistanis who need to tell themselves that some day they will get Indian Kashmir. Anybody who understands reality knows that Indians don't need to convince themselves, but deluded Pakistanis do.
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