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Kashmir statement a reminder for UN to honour resolution: Nawaz


Feb 2, 2007
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NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday said his statements on the Kashmir issue was based on historic facts and stressed that the United Nations should honour its own resolution.

The Pakistani prime minister was referring to his statement given during his address to the UN General Assembly session on Friday.

“What I have said is factual truth. I have tried to remind the United Nations that it should implement the resolution passed by its Security Council,” Sharif said in an interview with a private channel in New York.

The prime minister in his address on Friday had stressed that the UN must continue to remain attentive to the issue of disputed Jammu and Kashmir, and realise the right of its people to self-determination. He had also pointed that the sufferings of the Kashmiri people cannot be brushed under the carpet because of power politics.

To a question, Sharif said he would try to bridge the distance with India during his upcoming meeting with his Indian counterpart Dr Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the UNGA. He stressed that the money spent on buying weapons for war should instead be used for the welfare of the people of Pakistan and India.

He said that, owing to the arms race, the present situation in Pakistan, India and the entire region was not satisfactory. “Had we spent this money on social sector particularly education and health, it would have immensely benefitted the nation and the country.”

The prime minister said the government was committed to eradicate terrorism from the country and warned that force could be used in this regard if necessary.

About his meeting with the US President Barack Obama in October at the White House, he said efforts would be made to remove misunderstandings between the two countries.


Speaking to a large gathering of Pakistani-Americans at a reception hosted by the Consulate General of Pakistan also on Saturday, Sharif said his government was determined to lift the country out of the economic quagmire it finds itself in after years of neglect and mismanagement.

He said his party had weathered some very difficult times but had now returned to power through the ballot. “Every Pakistani should be proud of the unprecedented transfer of democratic power that has recently taken place in Pakistan,” he said, vowing to undo the wrongs done to the country under dictatorial rule.

He said his government had drawn an elaborate plan to step up economic development through a series of projects in infrastructure, energy, educational fields, and intra-regional economic corridor, he added.

“We are determined to face off the challenges, which are big and difficult, as they have accumulated over the years…we have to improve law and order, we have to curb terrorism…for which we will hold dialogue as the priority way, improved security environment will help bring investment in to the country and bolster growth.”

The prime minister said the motorway project would be completed right up to Karachi, and dams would be built to overcome nagging blackouts and to provide smooth supply of power to the industries that would open up jobs.

He cited his interaction with the Chinese and Turkish leaders and said economic corridor from Khunjrab to Gwadar and then establishment of road linkage between Pakistan, Kabul and Central Asian countries onward would also help spur trade and economic activity in the country. The government also intends to connect Abbottabad and Islamabad with a tunnel, he added.

“I know we will have to arrange finances for these projects but we will be steadfast in pursuit of our development plans,” he said.

In the regional context, he expressed his desire for regional peace, including with neighbouring countries Afghanistan and India.

He said he raised the issue of US drone strikes in his UN address as well as in a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry as such operations on Pakistani soil were not only in violation of the country’s sovereignty but they were also counterproductive.

Kashmir statement a reminder for UN to honour resolution: Nawaz - DAWN.COM
This issue can be amicably resolved if raise bilaterally with sincerity from both sides
I think that resolution is long dead and buried under several hundred feet of history. In any case, no country is interested in Kashmir issue any longer.

The insurgency will keep on limping along, which doesn't bother India much. Kashmir, being a border state, has a large army deployment anyway. Fighting insurgency is not very expensive - needs no high tech stuff.

So Kashmir will keep going on as a minor irritant for Indians, and a major yearning for Pakistan, and that's how it will go on.

[Bregs];4820746 said:
This issue can be amicably resolved if raise bilaterally with sincerity from both sides

May I know your formula?
I think that resolution is long dead and buried under several hundred feet of history. In any case, no country is interested in Kashmir issue any longer.

The insurgency will keep on limping along, which doesn't bother India much. Kashmir, being a border state, has a large army deployment anyway. Fighting insurgency is not very expensive - needs no high tech stuff.

So Kashmir will keep going on as a minor irritant for Indians, and a major yearning for Pakistan, and that's how it will go on.

May I know your formula?

i have no formula except both govt needs to engage in dialogue to solve this complex issue, other wise it will keep lingering on in times to come for future generations with animosity
Pakistan cannot choose the time when it will like to honor the plebiscite. Why did you not honor it immediately after it was signed? As far as India is concered 1953 resolution in Parliament was the substitute of plebiscite and that chapter is over. Rake up Kashmir issue for all you want, only people who care are Pakistani, rest of world cares two hoots. I think Mr. Parthasarti is right, NS is direct supporter or terrorist, his government funds JUD and other terror organizations. Lets be realistic, he is impractical.

Promise was made to generation of 1948, they were pro India. The promise in non transferable and cannot be transferred to grandson's.

Pakistan used religion as a tool to brainwash current generation, they funded mullas to create hate based on religion. The young generation are religious bigots, mosques are used for political purpose. We know this and hence we will not fall in trap.
It's a domestic & political compulsion for any leader from Pakistan to raise Kashmir issue at the UN... not that it makes any difference though...

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday said his statements on the Kashmir issue was based on historic facts and stressed that the United Nations should honour its own resolution.

The Pakistani prime minister was referring to his statement given during his address to the UN General Assembly session on Friday.

“What I have said is factual truth. I have tried to remind the United Nations that it should implement the resolution passed by its Security Council,” Sharif said in an interview with a private channel in New York.

The prime minister in his address on Friday had stressed that the UN must continue to remain attentive to the issue of disputed Jammu and Kashmir, and realise the right of its people to self-determination. He had also pointed that the sufferings of the Kashmiri people cannot be brushed under the carpet because of power politics.

To a question, Sharif said he would try to bridge the distance with India during his upcoming meeting with his Indian counterpart Dr Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the UNGA. He stressed that the money spent on buying weapons for war should instead be used for the welfare of the people of Pakistan and India.

He said that, owing to the arms race, the present situation in Pakistan, India and the entire region was not satisfactory. “Had we spent this money on social sector particularly education and health, it would have immensely benefitted the nation and the country.”

The prime minister said the government was committed to eradicate terrorism from the country and warned that force could be used in this regard if necessary.

About his meeting with the US President Barack Obama in October at the White House, he said efforts would be made to remove misunderstandings between the two countries.


Speaking to a large gathering of Pakistani-Americans at a reception hosted by the Consulate General of Pakistan also on Saturday, Sharif said his government was determined to lift the country out of the economic quagmire it finds itself in after years of neglect and mismanagement.

He said his party had weathered some very difficult times but had now returned to power through the ballot. “Every Pakistani should be proud of the unprecedented transfer of democratic power that has recently taken place in Pakistan,” he said, vowing to undo the wrongs done to the country under dictatorial rule.

He said his government had drawn an elaborate plan to step up economic development through a series of projects in infrastructure, energy, educational fields, and intra-regional economic corridor, he added.

“We are determined to face off the challenges, which are big and difficult, as they have accumulated over the years…we have to improve law and order, we have to curb terrorism…for which we will hold dialogue as the priority way, improved security environment will help bring investment in to the country and bolster growth.”

The prime minister said the motorway project would be completed right up to Karachi, and dams would be built to overcome nagging blackouts and to provide smooth supply of power to the industries that would open up jobs.

He cited his interaction with the Chinese and Turkish leaders and said economic corridor from Khunjrab to Gwadar and then establishment of road linkage between Pakistan, Kabul and Central Asian countries onward would also help spur trade and economic activity in the country. The government also intends to connect Abbottabad and Islamabad with a tunnel, he added.

“I know we will have to arrange finances for these projects but we will be steadfast in pursuit of our development plans,” he said.

In the regional context, he expressed his desire for regional peace, including with neighbouring countries Afghanistan and India.

He said he raised the issue of US drone strikes in his UN address as well as in a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry as such operations on Pakistani soil were not only in violation of the country’s sovereignty but they were also counterproductive.

Kashmir statement a reminder for UN to honour resolution: Nawaz - DAWN.COM
Exactly the thing to do. Keeping Kashmir to "bi-lateral" level hasn't yielded anything for any party of dispute (except for India who has got some time and space). It is an unfinished agenda and indeed a good move on diplomacy to reemphasize the issue on international front.

It's a domestic & political compulsion for any leader from Pakistan to raise Kashmir issue at the UN... not that it makes any difference though...
It actually does. As soon as the issue remains on international front,with every act India does in Occupied Kashmir, the case for enforcing UN resolution strengthen. Positive diplomacy of Kashmir has started to yield positive results since despite Indian Media propaganda to involve Pakistan in the issue, it was given a def ear by global community.
Exactly the thing to do. Keeping Kashmir to "bi-lateral" level hasn't yielded anything for any party of dispute (except for India who has got some time and space). It is an unfinished agenda and indeed a good move on diplomacy to reemphasize the issue on international front.

Haha as if this will lead anywhere. Pakistan does not have any influence on world period. Whatever US or China say at times is only to massage your ego. In reality US give you things in return for help in Afghanistan (hired gun), China even does not do that much. Think if you did not border to Afghanistan?
Exactly the thing to do. Keeping Kashmir to "bi-lateral" level hasn't yielded anything for any party of dispute (except for India who has got some time and space). It is an unfinished agenda and indeed a good move on diplomacy to reemphasize the issue on international front.

It actually does. As soon as the issue remains on international front,with every act India does in Occupied Kashmir, the case for enforcing UN resolution strengthen. Positive diplomacy of Kashmir has started to yield positive results since despite Indian Media propaganda to involve Pakistan in the issue, it was given a def ear by global community.

what they gain? international community says Pakistan must stop using its own soil for sponsoring terrorism. the pakistan is facing what they once created for fighting against india the terrorism they are the reason for their war on terror. pakistan always play the game as US tells them to do. once US told the pakistan to create terrorism by recruiting Pakistani citizens for fighting USSR in Afghanistan for Americanan interest, and now US tell pakistan that they must fight the people who are trained by Pakistan. the funny thing is pakistan remains a dancing doll for US.

now pakistan is playing games for china too. the military rulers of pakistan just want is weapon for fight, civilian are neglected. be it china or US the best thing to do for impressing pakistan is: offer some weapons for fight.
It actually does. As soon as the issue remains on international front,with every act India does in Occupied Kashmir, the case for enforcing UN resolution strengthen. Positive diplomacy of Kashmir has started to yield positive results since despite Indian Media propaganda to involve Pakistan in the issue, it was given a def ear by global community.

To be frank Kashmir issue is consigned filing cabinet at UN. All Pakistan does is just clears the dust every year, only to be put back in the same cabinet. Intl community has been witness to this ever since... but no one wants to take a active role in resolving the issue. Powers which matters the most are singing from the same hymn sheet as India. They all want this issue to be resolved bilaterally. Then again there is no harm in trying, i suppose!!
Haha as if this will lead anywhere. Pakistan does not have any influence on world period. Whatever US or China say at times is only to massage your ego. In reality US give you things in return for help in Afghanistan (hired gun), China even does not do that much. Think if you did not border to Afghanistan?
In the world, there is always a give and take. Pakistan needs to gain a lot of diplomatic grounds lost over time, but this can surely be done over time. Any long journey starts with smaller steps. The visits to China,Afghanistan and Turkey are a positive development since they depict Pakistan's desire to forge and flourish stable economic relationships with its strategic friends. Of course we have a long "to-do" list on diplomatic front, but it is certainly not the case that we are sitting at point zero.

To be frank Kashmir issue is consigned filing cabinet at UN. All Pakistan does is just clears the dust every year, only to be put back at the same cabinet. Intl community has been witness to this ever since... but no one wants to take a active role to resolve the issue. Powers which matter the most are singing from the same hymn sheet as India. They all want the issue to be resolved bilaterally. Then again there is no harm in trying, i suppose!!
clearing dust keeps this issue visible :)
what they gain? international community says Pakistan must stop using its own soil for sponsoring terrorism. the pakistan is facing what they once created for fighting against india the terrorism they are the reason for their war on terror. pakistan always play the game as US tells them to do. once US told the pakistan to create terrorism by recruiting Pakistani citizens for fighting USSR in Afghanistan for Americanan interest, and now US tell pakistan that they must fight the people who are trained by Pakistan. the funny thing is pakistan remains a dancing doll for US.
Well here is the very recent statement from one of the important countries of that International community.
ISLAMABAD: British Prime Minister David Cameron declared that Pakistan's enemies were enemies of Britain, Geo News reported.
“Pakistan’s enemies are Britain’s enemies and friends of Pakistan are Britain’s friends”, he said.
Our friends, enemies are common, say Britain, Pakistan PMs - thenews.com.pk
So better come out of that traditional thought process of 90s.
clearing dust keeps this issue visible :)

Only for a while my friend. Once the UNGA is over & done with, there is always another priority waiting to be attended to by the world community... & there are plenty of them.
I guess first Pakistan needs to honor its commitments to the resolution and withdraw from Pak Occupied Kashmir

Resolution also directs India to reduce her number of troops to minimum. One should read any document to its entirety. Anyway, how are you?
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