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Kashmir solution will make Pakistan ‘normal’: US expert

Pakistan will become normal...what do you mean :blink:

I believe a situation where bombs are going off every second day and the police and army are chasing every other person but the terrorist is far from normal.... infact in my eyes it is an abnormal, utterly abberent situation that would put to shame the discourse of Stephen Kings most apocalyptic novel.
c'mon these are islamist violence is in their blood .their next mission will be Delhi.

you mean if India give up Kashmir , al-kayada , lashkar , IM , taliban will go to sleep ....:lol:

only thing which hold Pakistan as a united nation is india/kashmir , the day majority Pakistani will realize India is not their enemy Pakistan will start falling in 3-4 parts. some of them will be taliban states which will create more trouble for india
Actually we are concerned about minorities in Kashmir, Ahmedis and Shias living in Kashmir.

People you sent killed 70,000 of your so called brothers and sisters.

The Indian state killed 92,000 since 1989 when Kashmir rose up in arms. What are you qouting. Who said 70,000 were killed by Pakistan. Krait this is the second time I am seeing abnormal statistics that do not mention a critical detail like time period or the parties/party alleged to be involved. Don't rape statistics Krait. You know how incorrect these stats are.

According to the Islamic foundation of Kashmir 400,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian state since 1947. Now figure. I do not qoute these because these are not widely accepted. Stop qouting false or incomplete statistics Krait. Mention properly who did what or its erroneous information.

Restrain India from violating Kashmiri rights: Naqshbandi « KashmirWatch
The Indian state killed 92,000 since 1989 when Kashmir rose up in arms. What are you qouting. Who said 70,000 were killed by Pakistan. Krait this is the second time I am seeing abnormal statistics that do not mention a critical detail like time period or the parties/party alleged to be involved. Don't rape statistics Krait. You know how incorrect these stats are. According to the Islamic foundation of Kashmir 400,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian state since 1947. Now figure. I do not qoute these because these are not widely accepted. Stop qouting false or incomplete statistics Krait. Mention properly who did what or its erroneous information.url=http://kashmirwatch.com/news/print.php/2012/09/22/restrain-india-from-violating-kashmiri-rights-naqshbandi.phtml]Restrain India from violating Kashmiri rights: Naqshbandi « KashmirWatch[/url]
Do you want me to post links of SATP.org where there is entire history of LeT and JeM like terrorists groups killed Kashmiris ?

You always propagate false information. Tell me what was the reason behind Parliament attack, why Mumbai serial bomb blasts in local trains, serial bomb blasts in my city, 26/11.
The Indian state killed 92,000 since 1989 when Kashmir rose up in arms. What are you qouting. Who said 70,000 were killed by Pakistan. Krait this is the second time I am seeing abnormal statistics that do not mention a critical detail like time period or the parties/party alleged to be involved. Don't rape statistics Krait. You know how incorrect these stats are.

According to the Islamic foundation of Kashmir 400,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian state since 1947. Now figure. I do not qoute these because these are not widely accepted. Stop qouting false or incomplete statistics Krait. Mention properly who did what or its erroneous information.

Restrain India from violating Kashmiri rights: Naqshbandi « KashmirWatch

most suffered people are kashmiri hindus,sikh and non-muslims in Kashmir look at 1989 disaster the day india give up kashmir Kashmir Muslims will start killing non-Muslims look at you own country you have destroyed non-Muslim minority .

Problem is Islam and violent ideology of it.
most suffered people are kashmiri hindus,sikh and non-muslims in Kashmir look at 1989 disaster the day india give up kashmir Kashmir Muslims will start killing non-Muslims look at you own country you have destroyed non-Muslim minority .

Problem is Islam and violent ideology of it.

That is a cannard. According to the UN those 92,000 are by Majority Muslims. In either case this is not about religion but an attrocity. I would like to find one other Indian atleast like @hinduguy who is atleast willing to admit some of the attrocities his nation has comitted in this land.

I don't care for your sh!tty statistics from weird websites like Kashmir watch.

Do you want me to post links of SATP.org where there is entire history of LeT and JeM like terrorists groups killed Kashmiris ?

You don't have to quote me or reply to me. You always propagate false information. Tell me what was the reason behind Parliament attack, why Mumbai serial bomb blasts in local trains, serial bomb blasts in my city, 26/11.

So don't quote em again. You can keep on ranting.

Are you this angry, this frustrated because your statistics were made up. Krait I have 30+ reports and PDF files in my computer and some are about Kashmir. So please refrain from posting eroneous information for propaganda purposes against the Pakistan army and ISI. They are our institutions. We will reform them-whatever problems they have. I have obstreperously defended them in the past and will do so again... no matter even if my life is threatened.
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US has gone nuts .
a kashmir solution will make pakistan a saint , pakistani soldiers will drop their weapons and start meditating .
That is a cannard. According to the UN those 92,000 are by Majority Muslims. In either case this is not about religion but an attrocity. I would like to find one other Indian atleast like @hinduguy who is atleast willing to admit some of the attrocities his nation has comitted in this land.

Are you this angry, this frustrated because your statistics were made up. Krait I have 30+ reports and PDF files in my computer and some are about Kashmir. So please refrain from posting eroneous information for propaganda purposes against the Pakistan army and ISI. They are our institutions. We will reform them-whatever problems they have. I have obstreperously defended them in the past and will do so again... no matter even if my life is threatened.

The Hindu Kashmiri Pandits, a small but prominent group, who had stably constituted approximately 4 to 5 per cent of the population of the Kashmir valley during Dogra rule (1846–1947), and 20 per cent of whom had left the Kashmir valley by 1950,[17] began to leave in much greater numbers in the 1990s. According to a number of authors, approximately 100,000 of the total Kashmiri Pandit population of 140,000 left the valley during that decade.[18] Other authors have suggested a higher figure for the exodus, ranging from the entire population of over 150,000,[19] to 190,000 of a total Pandit population of 200,000,[20] to a number as high as 253,000.[21] The US government has reported on the terrorist threat to Pandits still living in the Kashmir region.[22] Hindu women suffered heinous torture in Kashmir. In the words of one of the best-known Indian psychoanalysts Sudhir Kakar,[23] "slogans of "Long Live Pakistan" were carved with red-hot iron rods on the thighs of [the] Hindu daughters"[24]

During the eruption of armed rebellion the Islamic insurgency has claimed to have specifically targeted the Pandits and violated their human rights.[7] Reports by Indian government state 219 Kashmiri pandits were killed and around 1,40,000 migrated due to millitancy while over 3000 stayed in the valley [25][26] The local organisation of pandits in Kashmir, Kashmir Pandit Sangharsh Samiti claimed that 399 Kashmiri Pandit were killed by insurgents.[27][28]“ "Our people were killed. I saw a girl tortured with cigarette *****. Another man had his eyes pulled out and his body hung on a tree. The armed separatists used a chainsaw to cut our bodies into pieces. It wasn't just the killing but the way they tortured and killed." ”

—A crying old Kashmiri Hindu in refugee camps of Jammu told BBC news reporter[7]

The violence was condemned and labeled as ethnic cleansing in a 2006 resolution passed by the United States Congress.[29] It stated that the Islamic terrorists infiltrated the region in 1989 and began an ethnic cleansing campaign to convert Kashmir to a Muslim state. According to the same, since then nearly 400,000 Pandits were either murdered or forced to leave their ancestral homes.[30]

According to Hindu American Foundation report, the rights and religious freedom of Kashmiri Hindus have been severely curtailed since 1989, when there was an organized and systematic campaign by Islamist militants to cleanse Hindus from Kashmir. Less than 4,000 Kashmiri Hindus remain in the valley, reportedly living with daily threats of violence and terrorism.[31]

Our people were killed. I saw a girl tortured with cigarette *****. Another man had his eyes pulled out and his body hung on a tree. The armed separatists used a chainsaw to cut our bodies into pieces. It wasn't just the killing but the way they tortured and killed." ”

—A crying old Kashmiri Hindu in refugee camps of Jammu told BBC news reporter[7
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@haviZsultan I agree there has been cases of war crimes. War crimes do happen especially if the conflict goes on for decades. I admit that.

As for majority of Muslims killed, majority of Kashmiris are Muslims. They made Kashmiri Pundits leave the state. You never talk about it.

So called Mujaheedins killed people not only in Kashmir but also all over country.

Have you ever thought why Kashmir was called heaven on earth and tourism was on full swing before 1989 ?
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That is a cannard. According to the UN those 92,000 are by Majority Muslims. In either case this is not about religion but an attrocity. I would like to find one other Indian atleast like @hinduguy who is atleast willing to admit some of the attrocities his nation has comitted in this land.

Are you this angry, this frustrated because your statistics were made up. Krait I have 30+ reports and PDF files in my computer and some are about Kashmir. So please refrain from posting eroneous information for propaganda purposes against the Pakistan army and ISI. They are our institutions. We will reform them-whatever problems they have. I have obstreperously defended them in the past and will do so again... no matter even if my life is threatened.

The posts which our senior member Krait has posted is absolutely true, You can reform when ever you want, that is not an issue. Dont make an hue and cry when others use the same tactics, The art of covert warfare which you thought us in kashmir from 1989-2003, is nicely working for us, It has given us rich dividends, Pakistan has suffered more due to covert warfare than India. We will also defend our Intelligence agencies at any cost.

b) We always hear these type of statements whenever you are messed with Internal problems, by the way we very well know 2003 Cease fire agreement was tactical ploy from Pakistan rather than a strategic change of heart.
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That is a cannard. According to the UN those 92,000 are by Majority Muslims. In either case this is not about religion but an attrocity. I would like to find one other Indian atleast like @hinduguy who is atleast willing to admit some of the attrocities his nation has comitted in this land.

Are you this angry, this frustrated because your statistics were made up. Krait I have 30+ reports and PDF files in my computer and some are about Kashmir. So please refrain from posting eroneous information for propaganda purposes against the Pakistan army and ISI. They are our institutions. We will reform them-whatever problems they have. I have obstreperously defended them in the past and will do so again... no matter even if my life is threatened.

Please leave the theatrics for someplace else. the crux of the issue is that realistically speaking Pakistan will never get Indian Kashmir ,and ever one in the PA,ISI,GOP know this, so what is stopping them from reigning in the anti social elements which have destroyed Pakistan?

The answer IMHO is probably very bitter but here goes. Pakistan identity is that of an enemy of India and a so called champion of Kashmir causes . if it was not for the enmity what else defines Pakistan ? do enlighten me..

In today date you face economic , social and mainly security problems . but are they given attention? or are they even a top priority for the gop? by the way no one ever denied that atrocities were committed in Indian Kashmir. all the data the gop takes to international forums is gathered from Indian sources and investigations done by the Indian HR commission.
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it's same as calling when America will leave AFG then pak_i will push them in to talibani hell which will make them normal.
@haviZsultan I don't care your so called 30 reports. You are doing propaganda against India and Indian army. I agree there has been cases of war crimes. War crimes do happen especially if the conflict goes on for decades. I admit that.

As for majority of Muslims killed, majority of Kashmiris are Muslims. They made Kashmiri Pundits leave the state. You never talk about it.

Your so called Mujaheedins killed people not only in Kashmir but also all over country.

Its people like you I hate the most. When dozens of people were killed in Serial bomb blasts in my city, just because of your obsession with Kashmir, your so called freedom fight.

Have you ever thought why Kashmir was called heaven on earth and tourism was on full swing until you all came into picture with your rabid dogs from your terrorist camps.

You are reaping what you sowed against India. The same extremism you raised is now killing your own people. Still your thick head is not penetrated with the truth.

Dear Krait,

It is useless to make these statements here especially at February 27 2013,

we should have known about this even at the time of Lahore Declaration, 1999. When Jam-mat e Islam i made it very clear,

" Shake Hands, Play cricket or Hockey, but Kashmir issue is non negotiable" They also committed a massacre in Udhampur. The problem is they want to negotiate to fulfill their own agenda's.

Why should we negotiate kashmir now? If Pakistan can it can very well play the cards to bring kashmir to International community attention. Already a few times it has been tried but miserably failed.
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Its about water but its also About our brothers, sisters Who are occupied BY indian forces can Some one let their families killed and only watch kashmir was, is , will be part of Pakistan if its so tiny then why dont You let people decide whats good for them they want to be part of Pakistan not india

Your post demonstrates the India-centricity which destroys Pakistan's chances of being normal.

Your post also demonstrates that if one set of problems is resolved, another set will then be dusted off and brought to the forefront. If Pakistan's fundamental right as a part of the fictitious partition deal is refuted, the UN Resolutions are invoked. If those are shown to be impossible of enforcement because of Pakistan's own intransigence, the innate freedom of self-determination of the residents of the Vale of Kashmir comes forth. Once this becomes a non-issue, the cruel oppression of the people is remembered. Finally, when that fails, the current hot topic: water is the key to Indo-Pakistani tranquillity and mutual tolerance.

I am not sure what the successor to water wars is going to be.
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