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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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And while we were argueing here, the Indian Army and J&K Police despatched 2 more terrorists to meet their maker.. I wonder if all these terrorists and the ones being killed in NWFP and Afghanistan are getting together in hell and having a party :toast_sign:

Rajouri: 2 more terrorists killed in encounter

Two Lashkar-e-Toiba militants were killed in a gunbattle with security forces in Rajouri district on Friday.

Acting on a tip off about the movement of militants in Kanthole Gundi-Darrutelna in Kalakote, 130 kms from here, police assisted by Rashtriya Rifle and CRPF personnel launched a cordon operation.

An encounter soon broke out around 0830 hrs in which two militants have been killed, police said.

Both of them are Pakistanis and believed to be a part of the group that infiltrated from across the border in Akhnoor on March 23.

With Friday's killing, 14 militants have been killed in the past one week in Rajouri district. All the slain militants belong to LeT.

Six LeT militants of Pakistani origin, who had escaped from Triyath forest after a brief encounter three days ago, were killed by security forces in Rajouri district on Thursday.

A search team of police assisted by army, special operation group (SoG) and CRPF tracked down the militants who had escaped from Triyath forest on March 30 following a brief encounter with the security personnel.

A jawan had been killed and Station House Officer of Daramshal Police Station Inspector Showkat Ali was injured in that incident.

Two militants of this group were killed in Dharamshal area on Saturday last while four were killed in Kandi Bhudal belt of Rajouri district on Wednesday.
@ karan - wah karan bai..dil khush kar ditta...kya news sunai hai...jiyo...kitne ho gaye total?? 14 ?? hhmm..i just said in my last post..we need more and here you are with the news of two more..god is listening..:lol:
Why all Indians and Pakistanis are claiming Kashmir...... In my point of view Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris and they should decide what they want........

In that regard UN resolutions are quite justified coz they ask Kashmiris to decide what they want...... BTW UN resolutions are because India wanted UN to resolve the Kashmir issue........

here is further entertainment for our Indian friends.
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here is further entertainment for our Indian friends.

You know, that's a bit rich coming from a country that uses heavy artillery to fight a counter insurgency campaign. Have you ever heard of India displacing large nos. of civilians as a method of fighting insurgency. The Kashmir issue would have been settled in 6 months if India had done that. Forcibly relocating every Kashmiri outside Kashmir like you have done to your people would have been a easy way out so please remember your own record of fighting COIN campaigns before you start pointing fingers at us. You have used gunships and artillery as a matter of routine and have laid waste to entire areas to get to the taliban. You won't find many of those type of incidents in Kashmir or anywhere else.
See what happens to the Hurriyat leaders. They get protection from the government which they then use to say whatever they want to say without worrying about the consequences. Does that happen in Pakistan? Your favourite Hurriyat leader Syed Shah Gilani spends half his time in Delhi being treated at our hospitals as does Yasin Malik and then returns to Kashmir and says whatever he wants. Tell me about anything remotely similar which happens in Pakistan.
Because a Kashmiri on the Indian side would never join a resistance force in his right mind, right?

Yes, some Kashmiris are brainwashed to join the resistance force

[We all know Kashmir hates India, wants nothing to do with Hindu's or their country, and have been endlessly oppressed and murdered only to be blanketed by large and small scale cover-ups to hide the truth.

India is not a Hindu country…. remember, it is home to second largest Muslim population on the earth

This report is obviously highly-biased propaganda to continue the anti-Pakistan agenda of the Indian government. But hey, India is not the only country in the world using fake 'terror' to get the support of it's gullible citizens.

Everything in Pakistan is anti India be its military doctrines or its foreign policy and not the other way round.

It's about time for the real Mujahideen to unleash a shitload of azz-whoopage onto India, just like they did to your big brother, Russia. :pakistan:

That can happen only in dreams because terrorists doesn’t enjoy popular support in Kashmir.
Dream on about what? The inevitable?

Dude, I thought you would have an idea about what Jihad really is or at least the definition of it.

Jihad, an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims.
A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural is mujahideen.

Now let's get to what Jihad means in the context that we are using it:

In classical Islamic jurisprudence jihad consists of warfare with the aim of expansion and defence of Islamic territory.

Now seeing that Kashmir is majority Muslim, it automatically gets considered as a Islamic territory, so we will fight forever until the Muslim-majority lands are freed.

Got that?

Alright, now let me teach you why treating innocent Muslims will get India stuck in a pile of ****:

Ummah is the concept of a Muslim brotherhood where every single Muslim is equal, and no other Muslim is better than the other. And when a group of fellow Muslims is stuck in a calamity, a brother must do everything and anything he/she can to liberate them. The calamity can be poverty or a natural disaster or even a war, etc.

"O People! Your God is one; your father is one; no preference of an Arab neither over non-Arab nor of a non-Arab over an Arab or red over black or black over red except for the most righteous. Verily the most honored of you is the most righteous." - Prophet Mohammed [pbuh]

EX. Afghan resistance against Soviets. Muslims from all over the world, from Morocco to the Philippines arrived in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, and eventually they won.

EX. Zakaat: Obligatory tax from all privileged Muslims to the poorer ones.

I hope you learned something about why we will never give up to free Kashmir from unbeliever hands. Same goes for occupied Palestine. :)

Thanks. :pakistan:

You have your own reason, we have our own.
Anyway, what Ummah you are talking? Why did East Pakistan become Bangladesh then?
I can't understand why some Pakistani people are supporting these terrorists and branding them as freedom fighters this was the same term used by the USA when along with Pakistan used the Taliban to overthrow USSR in Afghanistan look how it backfired on both the nation and now Pakistan is doing the same thing.On short term they may be effective but on the long run these polices will backfire.
The so called freedom fighters, are a confused bunch.. illetrate and puppets under their handlers in ***. Coz i was wondering wot benifit they get by blowing up these railway tracks..???
this thread is making my brain go nuts

i am totally suprised by the attitude of pakistani members supporting the terror movement were more civilians r killed more than armymen

i can give a hundred sources here in which the terrorists from pakistan killing numerous kashmiri civilian-the same people for which they claim to fight

i seen here the super mod justifying the terror in kashmir as it is a disputed territory

mr super mod ur AZAD KASHMIR is also a disputed territory

just because it has a pakistani label,what do u think it is not disputed

some pak members in moscow thread were hailing moscow attacks and some here also call for same type of attacks on india

the final point is that kashmir was ours,is ours and always remain ours

u pak members know from which yr u r fighting for kashmir-1948 and this is 2010

62 yrs have passed by ur armed resistance is of no avail

our military had slayed more terrorist than the number of civilians these terrorists killed here

ur so called jehadis can only do one thing,target an innocent from behind,kill him and run back,this is not freedom fight,a freedom fighter need guts which these religious morons lack
Like LeT tattoos or name tags?

Probably not. Its likely just a move to build on India's continuing 'Pakistan is not acting against LeT' propaganda.

Naaah........I think that they must have looked beyond the circumcision idea to confirm anything there about their identity and affiliation. This tatoo or circumcision things do not pass muster on this side of the border.

May be ammunition, tactics, material evidence found on them, may be certificates of merit like those given to Ilyas Kashmiri by the GoP, may be radio intercepts while these super brave specimen's of humanity were running like jackals from the Indian Defence Forces.

To others friends on the forum maligning the IA, it was the J&K police that lead this operation to get these remote controlled instruments of terror and not the IA.
If at all possible to complete our border fencing? I am not aware of is it possible in Kashmir as well?
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