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Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

Indian leadership & Army is not sincere. Look at France & Germany who had much bigger disputes of land, if they keep their denial mode on, they would've never achieve developed country status. Junagarh/Manvadar decided to join Pakistan, Hyderabad Deccan decided not to become part of India but India held referendum in those areas after occupying those parts, now India does not wanna apply the same rule on Kashmir.

Pakistanis must know one thing, that Extremists in Pakistan will not stop at Kashmir. Even if India offfers Kashmir on plate to Pakistan, then Islaamist will start boasting how powerfull they are, bowing India into submission. Next they will start attacks on India to claim what the Mughal empire had, and will still start supporting terrorist telling 2002, Muzzafarnagar etc
Its a cyclic process. They want a global CAliphate. Until Pakistan weeds out extremism, there is no solution for reconciliation.
@Azlan Haider :undecided:

Oxymoron statement, we have enough Muslims in our land.

Until, you do not back out of the whole Kashmir, including the terrorists gifted to China, you will never know whether they want to be a part of our nation or not.

Seeing the Kashmiri youth supporting the Pakistani team in mainland India, already answers the question. :lol:
And then you yendians try to further suppress them.

If you beat a caged animal enough, it will reign terror on you. That's what you Yendians don't realize. :lol:
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Seeing some Kashmiri youth supporting the Pakistani team in mainland Indian, already answers the question. :lol:
And then you yendians try to further suppress them.

If you beat a caged animal enough, it will reign terror on you. That's what you Yendians don't realize. :lol:
Here, I corrected your statement.

You are a dishonest poster RazPak.. That is why I said have some shame.
That was not a question . Don`t try to drag in Jinnah or any other great personality in your stupid troll fights

Oy tu vada Indian na ban.

Tenu khud pata Kashmiri awam India nu nafraat kar di.
That was not a question . Don`t try to drag in Jinnah or any other great personality in your stupid troll fights

BTW who planned to send tribal to Kashmir under Bragadier Akbar Khan, i have heard of some accounts from Pakistan that Jinnah didn't knew about it.
BTW who planned to send tribal to Kashmir under Bragadier Akbar Khan, i have heard of some accounts from Pakistan that Jinnah didn't knew about it.

G bhai , Jinnah didn`t know about it . There is no evidence of Jinnah`s knowledge of the tribal invasion . On the contrary , the evidence as well as consensus amongst the majority of the students of Kashmir issue is that sitting in Karachi in the first two months of Pakistan`s creation , Jinnah was entirely ignorant of the tribal invasion till at least Oct 10 1947 , when it was unofficially underway in the North . Abdul Qayyum Khan was in it from the beginning (most probably)
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G bhai , Jinnah didn`t know about it . There is no evidence of Jinnah`s knowledge of the tribal invasion . On the contrary , the evidence as well as consensus amongst the majority of the students of Kashmir issue is that sitting in Karachi in the first two months of Pakistan`s creation , Jinnah was entirely ignorant of the tribal invasion till at least Oct 10 1947 , when it was unofficially underway in the North

You sure about the date you mentioned because the attack took place on 22nd October 1947, because if your date is correct, it means he knew that Kashmir is going to be attacked in two weeks. also 3 Lakh rupees were allotted for the mission.
You sure about the date you mentioned because the attack took place on 22nd October 1947, because if your date is correct, it means he knew that Kashmir is going to be attacked in two weeks. also 3 Lakh rupees were allotted for the mission.

Alastair Lamb , the author of Incomplete Partition , says :

"What part had the government of Pakistan to play in this venture into Military venture into state of Jammu and Kashmir ?..... The Governor General , M A Jinnah was kept ignorant of all the details though naturally he was aware that there was trouble of some sort brewing in Kashmir , and the cabinet of Pakistan did not take a minuted stance " (page 137 Lamb)

Fatima Jinnah confirms it as well . , She is quoted as saying : " Infact he (Jinnah) did not know anything about it [Kashmir attack by tribals] at all and was very sorry that a thoughtless step has been taken in such a crude and unorganised manner "(page 87 Khurshid)

Sir George Cunningham holds the view that Jinnah was unaware of the tribal invasion till very late . He is quoted in the book "Sir George Cunningham ; A Memoir" (Blackwood , 1968) on page 140 :

"On Oct 25 , Col. Iskander Mirza arrived from Lahore . He told me all the underground history of the present campaign against Kashmir , and brought apologies from Liaquat Ali Khan for not letting me know anything about it sooner . Liaquat had meant to come here last week and tell me about it personally but was prevented by his illness ... Apparently Jinnah himself heard of what was going on about 15 days ago , but said `Don`t tell me anything about it . My conscience must be clear` ... It was decided apparently about a month ago that the Poonchis should revolt and must be helped . Abdul Qayyum was in it from the beginning "

There is a consensus amongst the students of Kashmir issue that Jinnah was entirely ignorant of the tribal invasion , (at least till Oct 10) after which he may have heard about it , but he was not involved (in any way)

Hector Bolitho writes :

"On Oct 24 , news reached Quaid e Azam in Karachi that five thousand guerrilla tribesmen from NWF had crossed into Kashmir to help their fellow Muslims " (p.185 , Jinnah :Creator of Pakistan)
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