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Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

Reluctance? More like refusal due to India's position of strength. And what "friends" will "convince" India? None.

A totally idiotic statement.
Not necessarily a position of strength. The militancy has severely dented the Kashmir cause in the past. Effectively allowing India to brand the freedom movement as terrorism. Diplomacy is the most effective way to handle the dispute as Kashmir movement has enough strength in itself to be effective. We just need to support them democratically. An internally,economically and diplomatically strong Pakistan can help Kashmir cause much better than militants.
India has nothing to loose here, Pakistan use of ultras already gave India the upper hand by using this card against Pakistan in any international matters regarding Kashmir. Pakistan is already Portrayed as a country that is using terrorist, and the Presence of OBL further solidified this image, and because of this no one in the world gives a crap about their constant raising of the issue since you shot yourself in the foot.
65 you thought of capturing Lahore but were kicked out...our PAF literally r@p3d & g@p3d IAF
Yes 71 was defeat as Indian meddled in Pakistan's internal affairs & send terrorists.
Pakistan was never on Siachin, when India occupied Siachin it didn't fight Pakistan.
Kargil was Pakistan's victory
65 you thought of capturing Lahore but were kicked out...our PAF literally r@p3d & g@p3d IAF:lol:
Yes 71 was defeat as Indian meddled in Pakistan's internal affairs & send terrorists.
Pakistan was never on Siachin, when India occupied Siachin it didn't fight Pakistan.
Kargil was Pakistan's victory militarily but a defeat diplomatically, still Pakistan actually gain some useful peaks after ceasefire.:lol::lol:

And I thought you lost almost 1800 square KM of land in 65 and India lost just 500. :lol: If that is kicked out as your standard then really you won that war :lol:

Your military was so shameless that labelled your own man as mujahhid and refuse to take dead bodies.
If one or two peaks that Indian army forget to take back is your victory then I can only feel pity for you ..
Remember how PAF literally r@p3d IAF? Not only that Chawinda was made graveyard of Indian tanks & Indians who attack Lahore like cowards were kicked out when Pakistan Army launched its offensive.

Facts are out there for you to read and comprehend. If you decide not to do so then it is your problem...
Facts are out there for you to read and comprehend. If you decide not to do so then it is your problem...

They dnt want to believe neutral source because their own history books just teach them wrong version of history.
Facts are out there for you to read and comprehend. If you decide not to do so then it is your problem...

These are all facts that i posted.

And I thought you lost almost 1800 square KM of land in 65 and India lost just 500. :lol: If that is kicked out as your standard then really you won that war

Your military was so shameless that labelled your own man as mujahhid and refuse to take dead bodies.
If one or two peaks that Indian army forget to take back is your victory then I can only feel pity for you ..

Whatever makes you sleep tight.:lol:
There was never question of 3rd party mediator. US - Never, Russia - They themselves dont want, China- Its a joke, Between France? Must be joking.
It s in Pakistan's interest more than India that they keep move on. We have gone through hard times and ready to go but are U?

Wishful thinking but do u think it will end with Kashmir?

Hey what is this .?Do you read carefully my post ?
And second half is not my post .It is a Pakistani's contribution.
P@akis forget Kashmir.....you will never get Kashmir.....first free Balochistan......Balochis hate Pakistan
Not necessarily a position of strength. The militancy has severely dented the Kashmir cause in the past. Effectively allowing India to brand the freedom movement as terrorism. Diplomacy is the most effective way to handle the dispute as Kashmir movement has enough strength in itself to be effective. We just need to support them democratically. An internally,economically and diplomatically strong Pakistan can help Kashmir cause much better than militants.

That is right direction.But again it is not that easy.Pak economy is still maintain with the help if IMF .By the time you get a good economy.We will at least 3 largest economy in the world(in PPP we already there)but we want in nominal GDP.
Pakistan came into this world on the name of divide and hate, and i just pity you on books you got your up-bringing on.... just check the maps how much you lost, and where the country is going at. Two nation theory failed in 1947 when more than half of the Muslim refused to accept it and stayed back in India. And again in 1971 when more than half of the remaining population left your country and now they are doing much better than your Pakistan.

bla bla bla Maps what do u mean by that .Two nation thoery is a philosphy not tangible and rest for half muslim rejected .They dont please check election results for 1947 All India Muslim League .If some one doesnt want to leave its place so you say that they have rejected this idea .Dont bring my grooming in to this as i was raised in quite noble environment unlike you where you still drink cow pea and call it scared ,regarding 1971 yes we got divided so what did they allign with India ? No sir now we have two Muslim countries in the region Akhand Bharat ka khawab hamara nahi hai .Regarding muslims doing well in India please giveme a break .As recently Kashmiri students were expeled in your great nation .
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