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Kashmir is 'NOT' India's Internal affair | Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.


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Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue

PTI | 15th Aug 2013


Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today advocated resumption of dialogue with Pakistan as well as separatists to resolve political issues facing the state.

"Jammu and Kashmir is a political problem and can be resolved only through a process of dialogue. We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium here.

The Chief Minister said there were some sections of people who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem and there is external dimension to it.

"If it were an internal matter, then Shimla, Lahore and Agra talks would not have happened," he said, underlining the importance of involving Pakistan in talks for resolving the issue.

He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif should take steps for earning each others' confidence to carry forward the dialogue process between the two countries.

He also expressed concern over the recent ceasefire violations by Pakistan saying such incidents were not good for the dialogue process.

"When the two leaders (Singh and Sharif) are meeting on the sidelines of the UN summit, you (Pakistan National Assembly) pass a resolution and force us to pass a resolution (too)," he said.

People of J-K treated differently: Omar after Kishtwar riots

Upset over the way communal violence in Kishtwar was portrayed, an anguished Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said people of his state are being treated in a "different" way forcing them to feel "separate".

"I am often asked why do people of Jammu and Kashmir feel different from the people of the rest of the country...we do not feel separate but are made to do so by the different attitude towards us. Today I will explain it," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium here.

He said whenever he pondered over the question, he was not able to reach a conclusion, but the way Kishtwar communal clashes were presented before the rest of the country provided the answer.

The violence which claimed three lives also led to an attack on his government by the oppoistion and the resignation of the Minister of State for Home Sajad Kitchloo.

Omar quoted figures from the Union Home Ministry on the deaths in communal riots that took place last year and up to March this year which included 34 deaths in Uttar Pradesh and 13 deaths in Maharashtra during 2012.

"Were these incidents discussed in Parliament? Forget about leaders visiting these places, did they mention it on Twitter," he said in an apparent reference to BJP leaders Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj.

"What happened in Kishtwar was condemnable. More so because it happened during my tenure as Chief Minister. We have announced a judicial commission and its findings will be made public," he said.

Apparently referring to BJP and like-minded parties, the National Conference leader questioned the hue and cry over the Kishtwar riots last week.

"Is it for the first time it has happened in the country? Is Kishtwar the only place where this has happened?"

He said he will not compare the riots in Kishtwar with other similar incidents and justify it by pointing out mistakes in other states.

In an oblique criticism of the media, Omar asked why the communal riots in other places of the country did not make it to news channel programmes and newspapers.

"How many TV programmes were dedicated to these incidents and how many columns were written?" he asked.


Kashmir not India’s internal matter: Omar Abdullah

Srinagar, August 16 (KMS): The Chief Minister of occupied Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, has said that Kashmir is not an internal matter of India and urged New Delhi to resume dialogue process with Pakistan and pro-freedom leaders to settle the Kashmir dispute.Omar Abdullah addressing a function in Srinagar said Kashmir was an issue, which needed to be resolved through dialogue. He said that there were some sections of people in India who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem of India but if that was the case then India and Pakistan would not have signed the Shimla, Lahore and Agra agreements or fought wars over Kashmir.

The puppet Chief Minister said that money or gun could not resolve the issues facing the region and meaningful dialogue was the only way to resolve them. He said that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart, Manmohan Singh, should take steps for earning confidence of each other and carry forward the process of dialogue between the two countries.

Omar Abdullah also expressed concern over the recent tension on the Line of Control between the two countries saying that such incidents were not good for the dialogue process. He said that the hostilities along the LoC had not brought the two countries any closer to a solution and instead pushed them further from it.

Condemning the communal violence in Kishtwar, which left three people dead, Omar Abdullah said that it was an unfortunate incident and he was sad that it happened during his regime. He said that the people of Kashmir were being treated differently in India, adding that the way communal violence in Kishtwar was portrayed in New Delhi proved that the territory was being treated differently.


Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013, 15:38 IST | Agency: PTI

We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar Abdullah said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today advocated resumption of dialogue with Pakistan as well as separatists to resolve political issues facing the state.

"Jammu and Kashmir is a political problem and can be resolved only through a process of dialogue. We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium.

The Chief Minister said there were some sections of people who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem and there is external dimension to it.

"If it were an internal matter, then Shimla, Lahore and Agra talks would not have happened," he said, underlining the importance of involving Pakistan in talks for resolving the issue.

He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif should take steps for earning each others' confidence to carry forward the dialogue process between the two countries.

He also expressed concern over the recent ceasefire violations by Pakistan saying such incidents were not good for the dialogue process.

"When the two leaders (Singh and Sharif) are meeting on the sidelines of the UN summit, you (Pakistan National Assembly) pass a resolution and force us to pass a resolution (too)," he said.

Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue | Deccan Chronicle

Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue - India - DNA

Kashmir not India's internal matter | Omar Abdullah
Assassination or side-lining efforts guaranteed. Either that or some serious spanking by the state is in order.
Or in other words Mr. Omar Abdullah, will ensure that article 370 is maintained so he doesn't lose his precious vote bank, and he will keep fostering hooligans who love to bring out their pakistani flags on every occasion that they can, he will play India card to pro Indians and special status card to the fringe and ensure Jammu and kashmir remains his family property....

Assassination or side-lining efforts guaranteed. Either that or some serious spanking by the state is in order.

Ever wonder why these situations erupt right before the elections...
Or in other words Mr. Omar Abdullah, will ensure that article 370 is maintained so he doesn't lose his precious vote bank, and he will keep fostering hooligans who love to bring out their pakistani flags on every occasion that they can, he will play India card to pro Indians and special status card to the fringe and ensure Jammu and kashmir remains his family property....

Ever wonder why these situations erupt right before the elections...

Dont you just love politics? Maybe that's why the whole LoC Drama is being ratcheted up as well. Elections.
He does not wanna lose next year assembly elections lol
Firstly, Pakistan can't hope for a dialogue with a gun pointed at India's head. They need to stop the terrorism first by dismantling the 42 terror training camps in Pakistan Administered Kashmir and the NW region. Stop the infiltration of the LeT yahoos into Indian territory and then we'll talk. Period!

Secondly, Omar's rants are all political posturings, nothing more! So our Pakistani friends shouldn't get into a jig and do a song a dance over what he said! :P
The Rahul Gandhi of Kashmir speaks. :lol:

He swings faster than what Hamid Karzai did in Afghanistan.

About time to kick out this father-son useless duo and replace the governance with someone like Lt. Gen. Hasnain in power.

A man with a military background will get the state towards a better future.

This idiot is rightly with Al Khangress. Both of them are unworthy of rule and only get to rule because of the free grace of colonials.
Looking for re-election Omar bhai sahab?
Be nice to Pakistan, and you'll get it. ;)
Kashmiri people dont like anti-Pakistan.
Funny how whenever a Kashmiri leader wants to earn brownie points among the Kashmiri populace, they speak in favor of Pakistan!

Yeah, we were just wondering the same.

Maybe after election, we could consider a couple of Acts to freeze media in the valley, send officials there, strip people off their passports and ID and send them in a 100 truckloads to their beloved brothers in Pakistan.

That way both Pakistanis and these sympathizers can be happy.

Please don't get the wrong impression, we are not holding any of your supporters against their will.

They are always free to migrate to Pakistan and we never stopped them. In fact, our population will have lesser burden if they did.

It is just that they like to stick around and throw stones and whine all day.
Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue

PTI | 15th Aug 2013


Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today advocated resumption of dialogue with Pakistan as well as separatists to resolve political issues facing the state.

"Jammu and Kashmir is a political problem and can be resolved only through a process of dialogue. We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium here.

The Chief Minister said there were some sections of people who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem and there is external dimension to it.

"If it were an internal matter, then Shimla, Lahore and Agra talks would not have happened," he said, underlining the importance of involving Pakistan in talks for resolving the issue.

He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif should take steps for earning each others' confidence to carry forward the dialogue process between the two countries.

He also expressed concern over the recent ceasefire violations by Pakistan saying such incidents were not good for the dialogue process.

"When the two leaders (Singh and Sharif) are meeting on the sidelines of the UN summit, you (Pakistan National Assembly) pass a resolution and force us to pass a resolution (too)," he said.

People of J-K treated differently: Omar after Kishtwar riots

Upset over the way communal violence in Kishtwar was portrayed, an anguished Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said people of his state are being treated in a "different" way forcing them to feel "separate".

"I am often asked why do people of Jammu and Kashmir feel different from the people of the rest of the country...we do not feel separate but are made to do so by the different attitude towards us. Today I will explain it," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium here.

He said whenever he pondered over the question, he was not able to reach a conclusion, but the way Kishtwar communal clashes were presented before the rest of the country provided the answer.

The violence which claimed three lives also led to an attack on his government by the oppoistion and the resignation of the Minister of State for Home Sajad Kitchloo.

Omar quoted figures from the Union Home Ministry on the deaths in communal riots that took place last year and up to March this year which included 34 deaths in Uttar Pradesh and 13 deaths in Maharashtra during 2012.

"Were these incidents discussed in Parliament? Forget about leaders visiting these places, did they mention it on Twitter," he said in an apparent reference to BJP leaders Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj.

"What happened in Kishtwar was condemnable. More so because it happened during my tenure as Chief Minister. We have announced a judicial commission and its findings will be made public," he said.

Apparently referring to BJP and like-minded parties, the National Conference leader questioned the hue and cry over the Kishtwar riots last week.

"Is it for the first time it has happened in the country? Is Kishtwar the only place where this has happened?"

He said he will not compare the riots in Kishtwar with other similar incidents and justify it by pointing out mistakes in other states.

In an oblique criticism of the media, Omar asked why the communal riots in other places of the country did not make it to news channel programmes and newspapers.

"How many TV programmes were dedicated to these incidents and how many columns were written?" he asked.


Kashmir not India’s internal matter: Omar Abdullah

Srinagar, August 16 (KMS): The Chief Minister of occupied Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, has said that Kashmir is not an internal matter of India and urged New Delhi to resume dialogue process with Pakistan and pro-freedom leaders to settle the Kashmir dispute.Omar Abdullah addressing a function in Srinagar said Kashmir was an issue, which needed to be resolved through dialogue. He said that there were some sections of people in India who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem of India but if that was the case then India and Pakistan would not have signed the Shimla, Lahore and Agra agreements or fought wars over Kashmir.

The puppet Chief Minister said that money or gun could not resolve the issues facing the region and meaningful dialogue was the only way to resolve them. He said that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart, Manmohan Singh, should take steps for earning confidence of each other and carry forward the process of dialogue between the two countries.

Omar Abdullah also expressed concern over the recent tension on the Line of Control between the two countries saying that such incidents were not good for the dialogue process. He said that the hostilities along the LoC had not brought the two countries any closer to a solution and instead pushed them further from it.

Condemning the communal violence in Kishtwar, which left three people dead, Omar Abdullah said that it was an unfortunate incident and he was sad that it happened during his regime. He said that the people of Kashmir were being treated differently in India, adding that the way communal violence in Kishtwar was portrayed in New Delhi proved that the territory was being treated differently.


Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013, 15:38 IST | Agency: PTI

We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar Abdullah said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today advocated resumption of dialogue with Pakistan as well as separatists to resolve political issues facing the state.

"Jammu and Kashmir is a political problem and can be resolved only through a process of dialogue. We have to start the dialogue process both internally as well as bilaterally (with Pakistan) for addressing this issue," Omar said in his Independence Day speech at Bakshi stadium.

The Chief Minister said there were some sections of people who maintain that Jammu and Kashmir is an internal problem and there is external dimension to it.

"If it were an internal matter, then Shimla, Lahore and Agra talks would not have happened," he said, underlining the importance of involving Pakistan in talks for resolving the issue.

He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif should take steps for earning each others' confidence to carry forward the dialogue process between the two countries.

He also expressed concern over the recent ceasefire violations by Pakistan saying such incidents were not good for the dialogue process.

"When the two leaders (Singh and Sharif) are meeting on the sidelines of the UN summit, you (Pakistan National Assembly) pass a resolution and force us to pass a resolution (too)," he said.

Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue | Deccan Chronicle

Omar Abdullah for resumption of talks with Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue - India - DNA

Kashmir not India's internal matter | Omar Abdullah

This is the reason why i say Umer Abdullah is by far the most Sincere person with Kashmiris in South Asia.
Funny how whenever a Kashmiri leader wants to earn brownie points among the Kashmiri populace, they speak in favor of Pakistan!

It's not funny , it is a well known fact. Most Kashmiris of the valley or lets just say the Sunni Muslims of the valley support Pakistan and hate India.
This is the reason why i say Umer Abdullah is by far the most Sincere person with Kashmiris in South Asia.
Really? How about those lapdogs of the lame duck Hurriyat Conference led by that one-leg-in-the-grave bozo called SAS Geelani? I thought he was the redeemer and Pakistan's emperor-to-be in Kashmir? But now it's Omar the great? Jeeez! :what:

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