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Karzai vows to confront Pakistan over Kabul attack

Pakistan asks Afghanistan to share blast evidence:

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan asked Afghanistan on Wednesday to provide evidence to support accusations that Pakistani group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi killed 55 people in an unprecedented attack on Shias in Kabul. “Lashkar-i-Jhangvi is a banned organisation. We would encourage Kabul to share with us evidence, if any through official channels,” Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit told AFP by text message. Afghan President Hamid Karzai blamed the Pakistan-based group for Tuesday’s bombing, demanding justice from Islamabad. The faction, which has links to al Qaeda, has been blamed for killing thousands of Shias and whipping up sectarian hatred in Pakistan. It also has reported links to Pakistani intelligence. Islamabad’s relations with Kabul and Washington deteriorated drastically since a covert American raid killed Osama bin Laden near the Pakistani capital on May 2, fuelled largely by accusations that Pakistan sponsors militants. Kabul also accused Islamabad of hindering the investigation into the September murder of its peace envoy Burhanuddin Rabbani, which it claimed was plotted in Pakistan. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Here is an article from the LWJ:

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi claims Kabul suicide attack:

A Pakistan-based terror group known as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi, an offshoot of the anti-Shia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, claimed it executed today's suicide attack in Kabul that killed more than 50 Shia worshippers. From The Guardian, which has a partial backgrounder on the group:

A spokesman for an obscure Pakistani extremist group called Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi claimed responsibility in a phone call to Radio Mashaal - a Pashto language radio station.
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi is a small faction based in Pakistan's tribal area and is considered an even more radical offshoot of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, (LeJ), a murderous anti-Shia group founded in 1996. Both groups act as surrogates for al-Qaida.

The Taliban was quick to distance itself from Tuesday's bombing and the Afghan Taliban has generally avoided sectarian violence. The Pakistani Taliban, however, has its roots in anti-Shia violence, and LeJ acted as the training ground for its leader, Hakimullah Mehsud.

LeJ maintained training camps in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime but has not mounted attacks in Afghanistan in recent years. It is believed to have been behind some of the most audacious attacks in Pakistan, including the September 2008 bombing of the Marriott hotel in Islamabad and the armed assault on the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore in March 2009.

The group also claimed responsibility for the massacre of 29 Shia pilgrims on a bus in Pakistan's Baluchistan province in September, and an attack on an Ashura procession in Karachi in 2009 which killed 30 people.

Until now, the splinter group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi was best known for kidnapping two former Pakistani spies and a British journalist in the tribal area last year.

The two former agents with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, Colonel Imam and Khalid Khawaja, were abducted in North Waziristan along with the British journalist Asad Qureshi, who was making a film for Channel 4.

The kidnappers demanded a $25m (£16m) ransom for Imam, who was regarded as the godfather of the original Afghan Taliban for his undercover work in Afghanistan in the 1990s.

Pleas from the leaders of the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network of militants went unheeded by the group. Imam and Khawaja were executed. Qureshi was later freed.

The Guardian narrative isn't 100 percent correct, however, as Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, is seen on videotape executing Colonel Imam. See LWJ reports, Hakeemullah Mehsud alive, shown on tape executing former ISI officer, and Taliban, Hakeemullah Mehsud execute Colonel Imam. Given the incestuous relationships between jihadist groups in Pakistan's tribal areas, it is likely that the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi and the Taliban were both involved in Imam's murder. In fact, the so-called "Asian Tigers" claimed they kidnapped and executed Imam. The Asian Tigers were likely just a mashup of Taliban and LeJ fighters and commanders who were put together for the specific purpose of killing Imam and Khawaja, and thus giving a degree of plausible deniability to both the LeJ and the Pakistani Taliban.

While at present there is no evidence that the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi actually carried out the suicide attack in Kabul, the target - Shia worshippers - fits their profile. One thing is clear: the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi, which has never conducted an attack in Afghanistan, must have had help from the Taliban and/or the Haqqani Network in order to execute the suicide bombing. It is highly unlikely that the group would score such a devastating strike on its first try. It probably leveraged the infrastructure of the so-called Kabul Attack Network, which in itself is a network of key elements from the plethora of terror groups operating in and around the capital (al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban, the Haqqani Network, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin).

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi claims Kabul suicide attack - Threat Matrix
Jub nasha utaray ga tu the statement will be different .... so dont give any importance to what this guy says...
“although at the moment we don’t have any proof,” he said.

Original Post By karan.1970


better to BOLD THIS PART lol @ maturity level.
Karzai is a puppet of a President who is just adopting the tactics of the West by blaming Pakistan for everything. Majority of the livestock, edible oil, cotton, petroleum etc etc to Afghanistan is exported from Pakistan and he is blaming us for the conditions in his country. If Pakistan stops the trade Afghanistan will turn into Somalia and the Afghans will end up eating stray dogs / cats !!

The high up officials in Afghanistan praised NATO for its attack on Pakistani military posts, so if Afghanistan wants Pakistan to help then why is it applauding the sttacks. Afghans are nothing but a bunch of selfless people who bought AK47s and Opium in our country and used the funds of these illegal goods to set up their businesses in Pakistan. Part of the blame must go to our ex-military rulers for letting these selfless into our country. Terrorism commenced from Karzai's land and rather than controlling the head quarters of these terrorist organisations he is blaming the regional offices ?
This is how the story goes:




---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------




While at present there is no evidence that the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi actually carried out the suicide attack in Kabul, the target - Shia worshippers - fits their profile. One thing is clear: the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi, which has never conducted an attack in Afghanistan, must have had help from the Taliban and/or the Haqqani Network in order to execute the suicide bombing. It is highly unlikely that the group would score such a devastating strike on its first try

Oh boy. This is a complete fail. :disagree:
all i can say that there is too much of opium that there is over flow and i think you know what i mean :)
A farmer found a wounded monkey. He felt pity on him and took him and gave him some medication. The monkey became was soon cured of his wound.

The monkey after being cured started to play mischief in the farmer's field as he could not control his instincts. The farmer tried to train him to be more behaved, but unfortunately in no vain.

One day the farmer decided to end all the trouble. He stood under a tree and placed a shaving blade on the table under the tree. After a while he saw the monkey on the tree watching him. He started to shave and after he completed he left the blade under the tree and went away for some time.

The monkey following his instinct to copy the actions of humans went to the blade and started to imitate the farmer. When the farmer arrived he found the monkey lying dead in a pool of blood.


Pakistan nurtured Karzai in Pakistan all his life, and now USA is nurturing him

Pakistan Saved his life when he was about to be killed by Taliban in the early days of US invasion in Afghanistan. And now he is being provided security by USA.

Now that he is cured of his wounds and he back to his "strength" he cannot hold back his instincts.

Will he end up like what the farmer did to the monkey? Sure yes, if he continues to play mischief.
if (only if) Karzai is right, Then pakistan is adding one more enemy in its list. (through non-state actors)...

PS: This comment is valid if Karzai is true...
if (only if) Karzai is right, Then pakistan is adding one more enemy in its list. (through non-state actors)...

PS: This comment is valid if Karzai is true...

We already don't see AF as friend
Karzai is failed to deliver to its country and to hide his own incompetence he always blame Pakistan..... Nothing new.....
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