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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Afghan enemies after Pakistan clash
By Reuters Published: May 4, 2013
KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on the Taliban on Saturday to fight Afghanistan’s enemies in what was widely seen as a swipe against Pakistan days after the neighbours’ security forces clashed on their border.

Karzai’s remarks are likely to unsettle already shaky ties with Pakistan and come as the United States wants Pakistan to help Afghanistan persuade the Taliban to engage in peace talks ahead of the withdrawal of most foreign troops by the end of next year.

“Instead of destroying their own country, they should turn their weapons against places where plots are made against Afghan prosperity,” Karzai told reporters in the capital, Kabul, saying this was “a reminder for the Taliban”.

“They should stand with this young man who was martyred and defend their soil,” he said, referring to an Afghan border policeman who was killed in the Wednesday night clash on eastern Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan. Two Pakistani soldiers were wounded.

Hundreds of men took to the streets of the eastern Afghan town of Asadabad on Saturday, near where the clash took place, to protest against both Pakistan and the United States.

A day earlier, thousands of men in Kabul rallied in support of the Afghan security forces.
Afghanistan and Pakistan have had testy relations since Pakistan was formed in 1947, at the end of British colonial rule over India. Afghanistan has never officially accepted the border between them.

Pakistan helped the Taliban take power in Afghanistan in the 1990s. Many Afghan leaders say Pakistan is still helping the militants, seeing them as a tool to counter the influence of its old rival, India, in Afghanistan.

Pakistan denies helping the militants and says it wants peace and stability in its western neighbour.
I or for that matter even IK as a Afghani wou'd have appealed for exactly the same if one was in his shoes.
No surprises here.
Ghairat mand Afghans can't fight americans who kills your innocent men, women and children and those who fight americans, karzai calling them to fight against Pakistan. Master American must have given danda to Karzai to turn attention of people from America to Pakistan

I or for that matter even IK as a Afghani wou'd have appealed for exactly the same if one was in his shoes.
No surprises here.

Experience of what you did in Sri Lanka is reflecting in your thoughts
This should be a lesson to the Duffer officer corps of the so called Pakistan army -- Had they delivered punishment, had they ensured that the Afghan can respect and fear the response of the Pakistani nation, these kinds of things would not be happening - some of our knee jerk specialists, the cheer leaders of Dufferism, point with pride that the army that runs away to fight another day, inflicted one, count, yes, one casualty, (while suffering two) -- net result, safe behind the Americans Mr. Karzai calls for attacks on Pakistan, while the army that runs away to fight another day, uses the very same American trainers. What's wrong with this picture?
he will once again lick the boots of pakistani generals..

let his masters leave the country to him alone
If at all what you said would happen, plans would have been drawn already and it's implementation would have already started as this is 2013 and time for withdrawal is fast approaching. But whats happening on the ground is completely opposite. And one more thing, US and NATO will not leave Afghanistan COMPLETELY. There will be definitely some presence. Only pakistan is looking forward for a complete withdrawal. Not even Russia,China,India,Iran etc want them to leave.
Only pakistan is looking forward for a complete withdrawal. Not even Russia,China,India,Iran etc want them to leave.

Rubbish - Pakistan are not looking forward to withdrawal, they fear it - What is important is what is left behind, this is complicated, both US and Pakistan want a scenario where there is stability, Mr. Karzai wants the same but on his terms, the Pakistanis can't be a party to those terms, and the US just wants it's SOFA -- so, it's a lot more complicated than just some silly noion that withdrawal is panacea
Rubbish - Pakistan are not looking forward to withdrawal, they fear it - What is important is what is left behind, this is complicated, both US and Pakistan want a scenario where there is stability, Mr. Karzai wants the same but on his terms, the Pakistanis can't be a party to those terms, and the US just wants it's SOFA -- so, it's a lot more complicated than just some silly noion that withdrawal is panacea
Regarding bold part, yes...rubbish for sane pakistans..for those pakistanis who know what the outcome would of such a state would be. And a dream for those pakistans who feel afghanistan is a client state of pakistan and feel their j!had! pets aka strategic depth could be used against India.
Regarding bold part, yes...rubbish for sane pakistans..for those pakistanis who know what the outcome would of such a state would be. And a dream for those pakistans who feel afghanistan is a client state of pakistan and feel their j!had! pets aka strategic depth could be used against India.

It is the same for the so called Pakistan army, they understand what is going to happen to them if the US withdraws come hell or high water -- then there are those for whom the Islamist narrative that US is the source of all problems and that as soon as the US is gone, their heaven on Earth will descend upon Pakistan - though everyone knows what will descend on Pakistan, no patriot would want for Pakistan
It is the same for the so called Pakistan army, they understand what is going to happen to them if the US withdraws come hell or high water -- then there are those for whom the Islamist narrative that US is the source of all problems and that as soon as the US is gone, their heaven on Earth will descend upon Pakistan - though everyone knows what will descend on Pakistan, no patriot would want for Pakistan
Hmmm :agree:
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