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Karzai arrives in Pakistan to seek help in peace process

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Karzai arrives in Pakistan to seek help in peace process
ISLAMABAD: Afghan President Hamid Karzai arrived in Pakistan Monday for key talks with Pakistan’s newly elected government, in the hopes of communicating directly with Taliban insurgents.

The talks are expected to focus on what happens when 87,000 NATO troops pull out of Afghanistan next year, and whether or not the Afghan Taliban, in power from 1996 and 2001, will have a role.

Pakistan is considered crucial to peace talks with the extremist group whose sanctuaries lie on the mountainous border between the South Asian neighbours.

Karzai has said he will ask Pakistan for the release of high-profile Taliban prisoners into Afghan government custody.

Though he wishes his government would take central role in the peace talks, the Taliban have refused to negotiate with the Afghan government so far, accusing them of being a puppet of the United States.

He was furious when the Taliban opened a liaison office in Qatar in June, as a precursor to talks with the United States but which was perceived as a self-styled embassy for a government in waiting.

Afghanistan has often accused elements inside Pakistan of aiding the Afghan Taliban. However, the country’s capital seat of Islamabad has publicly stated that it will do anything to stop the fighting in neighboring Afghanistan.

“Peace and stability in Afghanistan are in Pakistan’s vital interest,” Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.

Karzai arrived at an air force base near Islamabad shortly before 10.00am, where Pakistan’s foreign policy advisor Sartaj Aziz received him, a Pakistani government official said.

The chairman of the High Peace Council, a body created by Karzai in 2010 to broker peace with the Taliban, is accompanying him on the trip.

Karzai has made 19 trips to Pakistan but this will be the first opportunity to meet Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif since Sharif's landslide election win in May.

“President Karzai's visit will impart a strong impetus to ongoing efforts for an enhanced relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan,” said a statement from Pakistan's foreign office on Sunday.

Pakistan released 26 Taliban prisoners late last year, including the militants' former justice minister Nooruddin Turabi.

Afghan officials believe the releases can encourage former detainees to talk to the Kabul government, although observers say there is little evidence those hopes have been realised. Several of the prisoners released are also understood to have returned to the battlefield.

In a news conference in Kabul on Saturday, Karzai told reporters that peace negotiations were the first item of concern during his meeting the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

“I will travel to Pakistan hoping to get a result out of it. I'm hopeful, but not sure, I will only go with hopes, and wish they materialise,” he told reporters.

Karzai is due to step down at presidential elections in April, while Pakistan's new government is still grappling with policy and its powerful army is preparing to change its commander later this year.
Karzai arrives in Pakistan to seek help in peace process - DAWN.COM
Simple solution, involve the Taliban in politics.

They should make a political wing and contest the next elections.

Karzai if he is a man of peace, is to allow this to happen. Atleast then the Pashtuns can have a say in how the country is run as opposed to fighting on the fringes like they are doing now.

Yes they do have control of 80% of Afghan territory, but they must cement this influence politically.

Indians will not like, they never do like a win win scenario, such is the nature of the beast.

However if Karzai can leave Pakistan after this visit with the committment of involving the Taliban in the politics after the pull out then we will get some peace as TTP will lose moral case to fight. Afghan Taliban will put down their arms as they get the opportunity to influence on how the country is run, everyone benefits.

In our side, we must secure North Wazirstan, we should kindly ask all Afghan Taliban to leave for Afghanistan and distmantle TTP. If TTP are not putting their guns down then execute final solution on them and give them their deliverance.

If we can evacuate civilians from North Waziristan and have the Afghan Taliban leave the area we can conduct a final mass scale operation and finish them off for good.

That means both Afghanistan and Pakistan both taking action for the common good.

If India feels this is not acceptable, then Karzai MUST ask them to back off because this impacts our countries more than theirs.

He also must audit all Indian consulates for dealings with BLA and TTP terrorists have all such activities closed off from his side of the border.

I hope all of the above is on the agenda.
Good, it is good move by Karzai, Now Pakistan should help Afghanistan and work together to stop terrorism, both of them are suffering.
A done deal. More Taliban leaders will be freed on request of Karzai.

Anyway wish the region peace
Simple solution, involve the Taliban in politics.

They should make a political wing and contest the next elections.

Karzai if he is a man of peace, is to allow this to happen. Atleast then the Pashtuns can have a say in how the country is run as opposed to fighting on the fringes like they are doing now.

Yes they do have control of 80% of Afghan territory, but they must cement this influence politically.

Indians will not like, they never do like a win win scenario, such is the nature of the beast.

However if Karzai can leave Pakistan after this visit with the committment of involving the Taliban in the politics after the pull out then we will get some peace as TTP will lose moral case to fight. Afghan Taliban will put down their arms as they get the opportunity to influence on how the country is run, everyone benefits.

In our side, we must secure North Wazirstan, we should kindly ask all Afghan Taliban to leave for Afghanistan and distmantle TTP. If TTP are not putting their guns down then execute final solution on them and give them their deliverance.

If we can evacuate civilians from North Waziristan and have the Afghan Taliban leave the area we can conduct a final mass scale operation and finish them off for good.

That means both Afghanistan and Pakistan both taking action for the common good.

If India feels this is not acceptable, then Karzai MUST ask them to back off because this impacts our countries more than theirs.

He also must audit all Indian consulates for dealings with BLA and TTP terrorists have all such activities closed off from his side of the border.

I hope all of the above is on the agenda.

Why to bring India here
The truth is that we cannot have a peaceful region without a peaceful Afghanistan and Pakistan. Therefore, we cannot over emphasize the importance of shared cooperation between the regional partners. It is great to see the leaders from both nations meeting to address their shared concerns. It is imperative for both nations to communicate and coordinate for the sake of restoring peace in the region. The terrorists would love to see Afghanistan and Pakistan remain tangled in their differences. The terrorists didn’t even stop during the Eid-ul-Fitr Celebrations and continued their terrorist activities on both sides of the border. The U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan have all felt the impact of terrorism. It only makes sense for our nations to create a healthy partnership and combine our strength against those who pose a threat to the safety of our nations.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
Excellent move by Karzai Pakistan should give him full support with americans gone next year GOP and GOA must work toghether to rid the lands from this menace talibans
Excellent move by Karzai Pakistan should give him full support with americans gone next year GOP and GOA must work toghether to rid the lands from this menace talibans

NOBODY trusts Karzai or his word.
Not the Americans, not the Indians, not the Iranians, not the Pakistanis, not even the Afghans.

He is not a statesman; merely a double-dealing, petty criminal who got his fifteen minutes of fame because the Americans wanted a local face to "be in charge".
He is over staying, Taliban talks on cards?

He is desperate for peace with Taliban.
Karzai extends Pakistan visit by another day


ISLAMABAD: Afghan President Hamid has extended his stay in Pakistan for another day on the request of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, to discuss the peace process further, the Afghan presidential spokesperson revealed on Monday.

Spokesperson Ailmal Faizi told the media in Islamabad that the visit was extended ‘for more talks in Pakistan’.

Afghan ambassador Umder Daudzai had earlier told The Express Tribune that the visit could be extended for another day “if there is any progress”.

Karzai was scheduled to conclude his visit on Monday afternoon but he will stay till Tuesday. The Express Tribune has learnt that the chairman of Afghan High Peace Council Salahuddin Rabbani and other members of the Council will hold more talks on the peace process.

“Afghan delegation will keep on holding more meetings on the peace process, security issues, talks with the armed opponents of the government,” Faizi said.

To a question Faizi said the issue of Taliban prisoners was also discussed during the talks.

“I cannot say about any specific decision as yet, but we are hopeful the meetings will yield useful results.”

The spokesperson, describing the hour long one-on-one meeting between President Hamid Karzai and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said both the leaders had touched important issues

The terrorism tht is created in pakistan is created by iranians indians america nd northern alliance drug lords in power MR. BENGALI i hope wen u dont know anything u shud keep ur mouth shut MR.BENGALI nd worry about BANGLADESH instead of AFGHANISTAN MR. BENGALI. thanks

Did i say anything wrong ? careful newbie
Only traitors and mother fuckers will make peace with terrorists.

Every one knows Nawaz Sharif is fool and hungry of photo sessions with world leaders, this is why he sell Pakistan so cheap.

Karzai dog shall be sent back in underwear.
Chief Minister of Afghanistan arrives in nation's capital. :lol:
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