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Kamra Airbase Attack beyond Taliban by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Nine armed terrorists equipped with guns and rocket launchers attacked Pakistani air force base before dawn (2:00 Am) on 16 August 2012. Air Force commandos successfully countered and killed all terrorists. The base is known as home to the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex that assembles Mirage and, with Chinese support, JF-17 fighter jets and located about 60 kilometers (37 miles) northwest of Islamabad.
During this operation one security official has martyred. Air Commodore Azam reached to the base and took the charge of the operation and sustained bullet injury while leading his soldiers from the front.
According to the public sources, the attack on the facility, "Intense fire" was exchanged between security personnel and the "group of terrorists". The sources also confirmed that the sound of gun and rocket fire, as well as hand grenades exploding have been be heard inside the base .
Although, TTP has claimed the responsibility for the attack but apparently, the planning, choice of targets i.e. killing troops and damaging spying aircraft and attack timing clearly shows that the attack on the base was beyond the capability of the said Taliban organization. Meanwhile‚ high ups of the PAF are in close contact with Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and are being regularly informed about the situation.
Anyhow, Pakistani security forces were on the state of high alert after receiving the information of likely terrorist attack in the month of Ramadan. However, the coward terrorists have tried to attack in the wee hours of the sacred night. The security arrangements consisting of four tiers have been able to, not only stop the terrorists on the 2nd tier and killed them there and then. The base was already on high alert state and the base authorities have made ample security arrangements to repulse such an attack. Only one soldier, Mr Asif was martyred and the Base Commander, Air Commodore Azam Khan, who led the operation from the front, sustained bullet injuries. With the help of Allah, only one aircraft has slightly damaged, while the entire terrorists have been killed along with their vicious designs.
The armed forces have yet again risen to the occasion and gave a befitting reply to the enemies of Islam and Pakistan. Loius Kossuth once said, ‘’it is surmounting difficulties that make heroes’’ well done Pakistan, well done Pakistan Armed Forces.
Thus, defeating and killing of terrorists in such a short span of time, has again proved the alertness, valiant and heroic act of brave soldiers of Pakistani security forces.
Anyhow, attack on Kamra would be seen in the back drop of US demands of taking actions against Haqqani Network Work. In this connection Washington is pressurizing Pakistan to launch major military operation against Waziristan militants next month. Moreover, U.S. Secretary of State Clinton is reviewing FTO designation for Haqqani Network; Afghan and Pakistani Presidents to send joint military team to investigate cross-border attacks. Some of western media analysts has started propagating that Director General of ISI, Lt General Zaheerul Islam in a covert deal has assured US for launching a military operation against Haqqani network in Waziristan. On contrary to it, Pakistan categorically rejected the unfair U.S demands and Intelligence Chief General Zaheer during his recent visit has also tried to convince his counterpart that CIA drone attacks are counterproductive.
Nevertheless, on 15 August ,2012 U.S. military officials confirmed U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s statement that the Pakistan army plans to launch a major military operation in September to clear militant groups in the tribal areas of Waziristan. He also added that U.S. increasing cross-border cooperation with Pakistan.
In short, attacking Kamra Base could be the part of CIA dirty tricks against Pakistan for pressurizing Pakistan to launch operation against Haqqani group of Taliban. Pakistani correspondence for “New York Times” Declan Walsh’s report of 16 August 2012 regarding likely storage of the country’s nuclear weapons in Kamra base is just an ineffectual effort of giving a sensational touch to the attack and negative propaganda about Pakistan nuclear programme of Kamra base. He should know that the concerned IAEA agency and global powers acknowledged and declared at number of times that Pakistani nuclear arsenals are in safe hands and out of the reach of Taliban.

The writer can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com

Kamra Airbase Attack beyond Taliban | Pakistan News - Pakistan Views - Zameer36 Global Issues & World Politics
first of all it is clear who will get the benefit of destroying sea and air surveillance aircrafts, surely the terrorists will not have any gain as they are not being used against them. Seconds if attacking such bases by unsupported (by any country) terrorists was so easy the world cloud have seen such attacks against all over the world where such movement are running.
Good now no investigation is needed as everything is very clear.
first of all it is clear who will get the benefit of destroying sea and air surveillance aircrafts, surely the terrorists will not have any gain as they are not being used against them. Seconds if attacking such bases by unsupported (by any country) terrorists was so easy the world cloud have seen such attacks against all over the world where such movement are running.
first of all it is clear who will get the benefit of destroying sea and air surveillance aircrafts, surely the terrorists will not have any gain as they are not being used against them. Seconds if attacking such bases by unsupported (by any country) terrorists was so easy the world cloud have seen such attacks against all over the world where such movement are running.

At last we are moving in the rt direction.

covert operations by terrorist states have now become a common activity.
this is a classic example of a false flag operation.

lest do wat they do catch one member 4m there country built up a story and ask for there leaders as terrorist's in return.

The attack was not entirely unexpected as The Express Tribune newspaper had reported on August 10 that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan could target PAF facilities in Punjab before Eid-ul-Fitr.

Citing intelligence reports, the daily reported that militants could carry out attacks on the 27th or 28th of the Islamic month of Ramzan or August 16 and 17.


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