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Kalabagh Dam issue: PPP, ANP flared up at Imran’s comment


Jan 19, 2013
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ISLAMABAD: Opposition parties’ lawmakers in the upper house on Tuesday raised an outcry against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan’s alleged statement to start a campaign to pave way for construction of Kalabagh dam (KBD).

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Aijaz Dhamra triggered the debate. He alleged that Imran Khan – while speaking to Indian media recently – had expressed his will to soon initiate a campaign across Pakistan for KBD construction.

He said Imran’s statement was an insult to three provincial assemblies that had passed unanimous resolutions against the construction of the KBD. He claimed that almost 200,000 acres of land in Thatta and Badin would turn into desert if the dam was built. “Any such move would be opposed at all costs,” Dhamra warned.

His party colleague, veteran politician Senator Raza Rabbani said it was the K-P assembly which first opposed the construction of the KBD.

“People talking of the KBD should first try bring a resolution in its favour in the K-P assembly, Rabbani said, adding that any effort at the KBD construction would first have to deal with the resolutions passed by the provincial assemblies.

“Kalabagh dam has been buried once and for all. When a military dictator could not build it; so how can the leader of a new political party undertake the task?” said Senator Abdul Nabi Bangash from Awami National Party (ANP).

He said the KBD would make barren thousands of acres of land in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Sindh and. “Instead the huge potential to generate 34,000 megawatt (MW) of power in Chitral and Swat should be utilised,” he said, adding that the government should focus on investing in those areas.

Senator Chaudhry Jaffar Iqbal from treasury benches further infuriated the ANP and PPP senators, when he accused that India spend Rs12 billion annually for funding opposition to KBD in Pakistan.

He said the PML-N government was not keen on constructing the KBD. “However, it is a fact that the country needs dams to overcome energy crisis,” Igbal said.

Gas issue

The PPP and the ANP members also alleged that the federal government was denying provinces’ industrial units their right to provision of gas supply particular the gas producing areas of Sindh and the K-P.

“It is violating Article 158 of the Constitution by not providing gas particularly to Karachi,” said Senator Rabbani. He also protested the absence of the relevant minister in the Senate to answer the senators’ questions.

Later, Federal Minister for Petroleum Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told the house that the federal government could not provide gas to any new locations due to acute shortage of resources. “The provinces or the parliamentarians themselves would have to pay for lying down pipelines and other expenses if they wanted gas supply to new locations,” he added.

He further told senators that the government would immediately implement Rs25,000 in urgent fees for installation of new gas connections and 10% of all new gas connections would be installed on urgent fee.

great step by IK....when ever he take some stand that is on solid logic..,.if his efforts bore fruit then he could rise pnce again even from punjab
and here we had idiots like rabbani and whole lot other who are doing politics on KBD.
I hope IK start the campaign and if he successfully get the resolution passed from KPK assembly then it will be nothing less than a feat. I hope and pray for him to succeed in this mission .
and here we had idiots like rabbani and whole lot other who are doing politics on KBD.
I hope IK start the campaign and if he successfully get the resolution passed from KPK assembly then it will be nothing less than a feat. I hope and pray for him to succeed in this mission .
The issue is not solely with KPK. KBD is also a juicy political issue for PPP in sindh as well. The height of hypocracy is such high that PPP sindh said it would support KBD if and only if the power station was to be located in Sindh because the royalty is available to the province where the powerhouse is located.
The issue is not solely with KPK. KBD is also a juicy political issue for PPP in sindh as well. The height of hypocracy is such high that PPP sindh said it would support KBD if and only if the power station was to be located in Sindh because the royalty is available to the province where the powerhouse is located.

Give them power house for love of God. let them take royalty atleast we have our future secure .

But they will start another issue over KBD . You know we assured them that even though it is in punjab , we can let go of our right to make a canal out of the dam.
They will keep on making issue coz their mindset is limited they cannot see long term , they only see short term .
The issue is not solely with KPK. KBD is also a juicy political issue for PPP in sindh as well. The height of hypocracy is such high that PPP sindh said it would support KBD if and only if the power station was to be located in Sindh because the royalty is available to the province where the powerhouse is located.

Absolutely this is hypocrisy ... Even those leaders of all parties show such hypocrisy if they base in Sindh & KPK .......
Actually only KPK have genuine concerns, Sindh as usual has been hijacked by PPP. Interior sindh is easily the most backward area in Pakistan.
there is nothing easier in Pakistan than to buy PPP Vaderas, lets add some extra cost of few billion ruppee for that and all can be fixed, If we dont do something based on concerns of Vaderas for the welfare of ordinary people of Sind then there will never be any development in Sind and in Pakistan, we know how much vadera cares for people of sind
Though this may be an unpopular thing to say in this thread, but concerns of Sindhi brothers are quite valid, in fact. There paranoia about theft of their water share has some basis in history. There was an incident in late 1970s, when a recently retired general forcefully opened Chashma Right Bank Canal to ensure irrigation of his lands during a lean period when Punjab was not supposed to get water from CRBC. I read about this really long time ago and that is why I can not remember details attached with this particular incident.

Punjab has little need of Indus water for irrigation. This should not be a major concern. @rohailmalhi is right. Punjab have assured Sindh that it would not draw any water from KBD. Moreover, Punjab supports drawing of water for KPK for sake of irrigating barren lands in KPK downstream of KBD to compensate for loss of productive lands upstream of the dam.

On any discussions relating to KBD, I have always pointed out that it is possible to negotiate with Pashtun brothers. But for Sindhis, it is a little different matter. Punjab can offer to share any royalties with other provinces, particularly KPK. Whichever way one looks at it, KBD should be built. There is nothing particularly damaging about its design and usage. It is merely a matter of trust and willingness to share benefit.

It is correct that ANP did receive funds from India during 1980s and earlier. It is their legacy, not current policy. One should not hold this against them now. But they should open their eyes and realize that Pakistan is as much their country as others'. Its benefit ought to be celebrated beyond parochial ethno-nationalist POV.

IK should have waited at least a year before making any pro-KBD statement. He should first convince his contituents in KPK that he can indeed deliver better than others. To be honest PTI can not quite yet afford controversy with ethnic / provincial overtones.
Give them power house for love of God. let them take royalty atleast we have our future secure .

But they will start another issue over KBD . You know we assured them that even though it is in punjab , we can let go of our right to make a canal out of the dam.
They will keep on making issue coz their mindset is limited they cannot see long term , they only see short term .
That only solves one problem (or supposedly does so). Okey even if the power house has been granted to Sindh,What about KPK what would satisfy them? Not to mention the alterations in the design of the dam would undermine its capacity.
Though this may be an unpopular thing to say in this thread, but concerns of Sindhi brothers are quite valid, in fact. There paranoia about theft of their water share has some basis in history. There was an incident in late 1970s, when a recently retired general forcefully opened Chashma Right Bank Canal to ensure irrigation of his lands during a lean period when Punjab was not supposed to get water from CRBC. I read about this really long time ago and that is why I can not remember details attached with this particular incident.

Punjab has little need of Indus water for irrigation. This should not be a major concern. @rohailmalhi is right. Punjab have assured Sindh that it would not draw any water from KBD. Moreover, Punjab supports drawing of water for KPK for sake of irrigating barren lands in KPK downstream of KBD to compensate for loss of productive lands upstream of the dam.

On any discussions relating to KBD, I have always pointed out that it is possible to negotiate with Pashtun brothers. But for Sindhis, it is a little different matter. Punjab can offer to share any royalties with other provinces, particularly KPK. Whichever way one looks at it, KBD should be built. There is nothing particularly damaging about its design and usage. It is merely a matter of trust and willingness to share benefit.

It is correct that ANP did receive funds from India during 1980s and earlier. It is their legacy, not current policy. One should not hold this against them now. But they should open their eyes and realize that Pakistan is as much their country as others'. Its benefit ought to be celebrated beyond parochial ethno-nationalist POV.

IK should have waited at least a year before making any pro-KBD statement. He should first convince his contituents in KPK that he can indeed deliver better than others. To be honest PTI can not quite yet afford controversy with ethnic / provincial overtones.
Not only ANP but allegedly Sindhi Nationals as well.
Not only ANP but allegedly Sindhi Nationals as well.

Sindhi nationalists are totally ignorable. They have a bit of nuisance value, but that is about it. ANP however is a political party of some standing with a bit of history and background. Pashtun stake in Pakistan has dissuaded ANP from its erstwhile anti-Pakistan stance. Old man Ghaffar Khan must be turning in his grave at the new compromised ANP.
Make kala bagg dam at every cost... This is our life line................... Make Kala bagh dam....
Still bloody political parties are making this issue for political gain.... Hell to them....
Enough is enough!!
Sindhi nationalists are totally ignorable. They have a bit of nuisance value, but that is about it. ANP however is a political party of some standing with a bit of history and background. Pashtun stake in Pakistan has dissuaded ANP from its erstwhile anti-Pakistan stance. Old man Ghaffar Khan must be turning in his grave at the new compromised ANP.
But they are good at making noise and for that they got paid.
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