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Jordan to conduct wargames with 18 countries


Jan 1, 2010
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AMMAN, May 25: More than 15,000 soldiers from 18 different countries will take part in a joint military exercise in Jordan in the coming weeks, a military official said on Saturday.

Jordan’s armed forces will host the “Eager Lion 2013” exercise with troops from “friendly countries”, including the United States, participating, the official Petra news agency cited the official as saying.

They would take part in battlefield, logistics and humanitarian exercises alongside troops from Britain, Bahrain, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Iraq, Italy, Lebanon, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, he added.

The official did not say when the manoeuvres were due to begin but said they would run for two weeks and follow last year’s “successful” operation.

Jordan is a major beneficiary of US military and economic aid, with Washington granting $2.4 billion in the past five years, according to official figures.

The wargames will be held as Jordan is currently hosting around 500,000 refugees who fled the civil war in neighbouring Syria.
Amman has repeatedly sought for more support in dealing with the influx.—AFP


Way to go Jordan!
It should be a nice warm up for Bright Star :D
I wonder why Jordanians didn't invite,India but did invite Pakistan. Doesn't Jordan recognize India as a 'friendly' state and a rising superpower?

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Maybe as a result of the political circumstances in Jordan but also likely due to the presence of Egypt,Pakistan and Lebanon among others taking part in the exercise.

I wonder why Jordanians didn't invite,India but did invite Pakistan. Doesn't Jordan recognize India as a 'friendly' state and a rising superpower?
Military cooperation with India among Arab and African nations has almost been non existent partly due to the history of military cooperation with Pakistan and because its been seen that India has had nothing to offer in the past decades in terms of both military production and experience, however, military cooperation among Arab nations with India has been steadily increasing with Egypt carrying out naval exercises with them and Saudi cooperation.
I wonder why Jordanians didn't invite,India but did invite Pakistan. Doesn't Jordan recognize India as a 'friendly' state and a rising superpower?

The only two countries Jordan have cold relations with are Israel and Iran, the relations with the rest world countries are either cordial or normal. I would refer to our relations with India on all levels as normal except for the economic one. As you know, Jordanian relations with Pakistan is historic and strong and can't be compared with India. Therefore, when it comes to choose between Pakistan and India, Jordan without a doubt would choose the first.


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Maybe as a result of the political circumstances in Jordan but also likely due to the presence of Egypt,Pakistan and Lebanon among others taking part in the exercise.
Seriously? What's the difference between Egypt and Jordan when it comes to relations with Israel? Israel wouldn't be part of any drills in Jordan even if it was between the USA and Jordan alone.
Seriously? What's the difference between Egypt and Jordan when it comes to relations with Israel? Israel wouldn't be part of any drills in Jordan even if it was between the USA and Jordan alone.
The relationship between Jordan and Israel is a lot warmer than the one with Egypt especially after that idiotic oaf of a president we elected has no knowledge of the region and thinks Israel is the cause of every single problem in the Arab-Israel conflict/situation (According to the king of Jordan himself). Someone once told me that theres actual military cooperation between Israel and Jordan if this isnt true please correct me :)
The relationship between Jordan and Israel is a lot warmer than the one with Egypt especially after that idiotic oaf of a president we elected has no knowledge of the region and thinks Israel is the cause of every single problem in the Arab-Israel conflict/situation (According to the king of Jordan himself). Someone once told me that theres actual military cooperation between Israel and Jordan if this isnt true please correct me :)

No it isn't at all, Jordanian relations with Israel is cold, only few know that Jordan hadn't appoint an ambassador in Israel since 2009 to the ends of 2012. We have no military relation with Israel at all.
No it isn't at all, Jordanian relations with Israel is cold, only few know that Jordan hadn't appoint an ambassador in Israel since 2009 to the ends of 2012. We have no military relation with Israel at all.
Ok, thanks for the clarification :)
@BLACKEAGLE @Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @cabatli_53

That is why,i advocate these states who will always back Pakistan in mayday to be friendly and cooperative to India.

It actually works more in our favor as we would be able to have diplomatic solutions before a fist fight breaks out.

:coffee: No more wars between India and Pakistan man! We guys have reached to the point of no return in May 28 ;).

:pakistan: let just plot on getting rid of Nawaz for now.

Yeah, the so-called Land of Israel can't take it anymore. Didn't you see the quotation marks for the word friendly :lol: I mean C'mon we all know that Jordan enjoys very good relations with pretty much every country :lol:
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