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Joint manouvers between the RSAF and the EAF "Faisal-10".


May 16, 2013
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From the official page for the spokesman of the Egyptian armed forces:-
القوات المسلحة المصرية والسعودية تبدأن تدريبات جوية مشتركة .

تبدأ بعد غداً الأثنين فعاليات التدريب المصرى / السعودى المشترك "فيصل-10" الذى تنفذه تشكيلات من القوات الجوية المصرية وسلاح الجو الملكى السعودى ، والذى يستمر حتى 27 من الشهر الجارى فى إطار التعاون العسكرى وتبادل الخبرات بين مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية ... يتضمن التدريب إدارة كافة صور وأشكال القتال الجوى والدفاع عن الأهداف الحيوية ودعم أعمال قتال القوات وتنفيذ أعمال البحث والإنقاذ بمشاركة أحدث الطائرات المقاتلة والهليكوبتر والنقل الجوى من الجانبين المصرى والسعودى ... يأتى التدريب إستكمالاً للنجاح الذى حققته المناورة البرية "تبوك 3" فى تخطيط وتنطيم وإدارة أعمال قتالية هجومية ودفاعية مشتركة بين الدولتين اللتان تتمتعان بخبرات وقدرات عسكرية رائدة بالمنطقة .

After tomorrow on Monday training begins between Egyptian and Saudi forces in "Faisal -10", which is implemented by the formations of the Egyptian Air Force and the Royal Saudi Air Force, which will last until the 27th of this month in the framework of military cooperation and exchange of experiences between Egypt and Saudi Arabia . This includes all forms of training in management of air combat and defending vital points and supporting the work of the fighting forces and to perform search and rescue operations with the participation of the latest fighter planes and helicopters and air transport of the Egyptian and Saudi forces . Training comes as a continuation of the success achieved by "Tabuk 3" in planning, ordering and administrating joint offensive and defensive combat maneuvers between the two countries, which have the expertise and capabilities and are military leaders in the region.

Rough translation but you get the jist :)

Any news from the Saudi side or pictures from both sides please post here :)

And sorry for the mispelling of maneuvers in the thread title only realised after I made it.
Egypt is a great friend and ally of ours, let just hope its internal affairs will be settled very soon.
Some footage unfortunately they're being Jewish with how much they're showing :D (calm down its a joke)
Some of it is reused footage from previous maneuvers.

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