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Joint Chinese-Russian Naval Drills Begin in Shanghai

hmmm.....this is getting rather interesting/worrying. Well though Russia and china have been closed since the fall of the soviet union, Its mainly because of the rather silly/unprofessional way the U.S has been conducting its foreign policy, trying to contain both Russia and China at the same time. The U.S might be a superpower, and i understand its used to ruling without any consensus/challenger. The thing is the developing world is rising quite fast(its not that the west is in decline), so the U.S should sit down and think out ways of handling/approaching these two big powers cautiously. Trying to pressure/contain them both is a rather silly/dumb move, cant believe the U.S is making such a huge mistake(i believe its mainly due to arrogance). It should be trying to look for ways to divide them not unite them even more than they might eant to. The U.S should try and give some strategic space to China and Russia while at the same time maintaining close relationshop with its allies.
So the U.S should be careful, because the way Russia and China are coming closer together each passing year, they do so mainly because they know they have to stick together if they want to stand a chance of challenging the global superpower U.S. China and Russia coming together will be a huge headache to the west, since one has the economic might to rival/surpass the U.S in a decade or two from now and the other still has a credible military might to threaten any country on earth when its interests are in jeopardy. Russia will also be able to pull a reluctant/confused India into a more close tripartite relationship(RIC). If this happen then it will greatly reduce U,S influence. countries in Asia like philippines and most of all Vietnam should also take note of this. since it means Russia wont side with them in any situation.
Overall, the U.S foreign policy this past decade has been quite bad. Hope the U.S can rethink its foregn policy, esle it will only accelerate its decline/influence in the coming decade. :usflag::what:
Dang, Russian and Chinese have to bring their own translators in order to communicate with each other, it is very cost. However, great progress both countries.

hmmm.....this is getting rather interesting/worrying. Well though Russia and china have been closed since the fall of the soviet union, Its mainly because of the rather silly/unprofessional way the U.S has been conducting its foreign policy, trying to contain both Russia and China at the same time. The U.S might be a superpower, and i understand its used to ruling without any consensus/challenger. The thing is the developing world is rising quite fast(its not that the west is in decline), so the U.S should sit down and think out ways of handling/approaching these two big powers cautiously. Trying to pressure/contain them both is a rather silly/dumb move, cant believe the U.S is making such a huge mistake(i believe its mainly due to arrogance). It should be trying to look for ways to divide them not unite them even more than they might eant to. The U.S should try and give some strategic space to China and Russia while at the same time maintaining close relationshop with its allies.
So the U.S should be careful, because the way Russia and China are coming closer together each passing year, they do so mainly because they know they have to stick together if they want to stand a chance of challenging the global superpower U.S. China and Russia coming together will be a huge headache to the west, since one has the economic might to rival/surpass the U.S in a decade or two from now and the other still has a credible military might to threaten any country on earth when its interests are in jeopardy. Russia will also be able to pull a reluctant/confused India into a more close tripartite relationship(RIC). If this happen then it will greatly reduce U,S influence. countries in Asia like philippines and most of all Vietnam should also take note of this. since it means Russia wont side with them in any situation.
Overall, the U.S foreign policy this past decade has been quite bad. Hope the U.S can rethink its foregn policy, esle it will only accelerate its decline/influence in the coming decade. :usflag::what:

You have to develop alternative politics if you want this to happen. With two party corporocracy, you have zero chance because those two are one and the same. The system has become rigid. You need real alternative, a third way.
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