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John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia

By Daniel McAdams

June 10, 2014 "ICH" -

We all remember Secretary of State John Kerry lying through this teeth last summer, when he swore that US intelligence reports proving that Syria used chemical weapons in Ghouta were “as clear as they are compelling.” However, the US administration never provided any proof of Syria government responsibility and now we know why: there was none.

Kerry was all bluster and bluff, and when that became obvious his boss was forced to back down from plans to bomb Syria.

Well Kerry is back at it again. Bluster and bluff about "proof" while simultaneously desperately seeking evidence.

Credit Moon of Alabama blog for noticing this one:

Here is John Kerry on April 8, swearing that the Russians were behind the unrest in eastern Ukraine:

“No one should be fooled — and believe me, no one is fooled — by what could potentially be a contrived pretext for military intervention just as we saw in Crimea. It is clear that Russian special forces and agents have been the catalysts behind the chaos of the last 24 hours.

”Here is John Kerry two months later meeting with newly-elected Petro Poroshenko in Ukraine:

Secretary of State John Kerry also spent time talking with Mr. Poroshenko, privately urging him to provide evidence of Russian involvement with separatists with which to confront Russian officials.

John Kerry is a liar.

John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia
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Yes, Putin and Assad are such, fine, upright, honest and truthful leaders. :D
Much more honest than your imperialist warmongers who are killing and maiming millions of people around the world. I don't see Putin and Assad doing that. Also, lying is bad regardless of who does it, therefore you should stop making excuses for your oh so democratic and freedom-loving leaders who are the worst criminals in the world.....
The 'article' makes no sense. Of course Russia 'stirred the pot'. Who were the masked guys in the plain uniforms in the trucks with no license plates ?. Mr. Buster really likes the stupidest 'news' sites. Geez, dude....no shame ?:rofl:
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