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John Edwards – why American male politicians cannot control their sexual urge even af



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John Edwards – why American male politicians cannot control their sexual urge even after reaching close to fifties? Why is America obsessed with Viagra?

Shekhar Pandit
Aug. 9, 2008

The signs of hopelessness are all there. America cannot pay its bills. It is in the middle of a human-made oil crisis. American Politicians are falling from trees as rotten apples with their mistresses and extra martial affairs starting from Bill Clinton to Jon Edwards. The largest selling ads in America is Viagra – a form of nitric oxide in the blood stream to open up the blood vessels for male sexual organ to perform in sex.

John Edwards and Bill Clinton show the world what American politicians are all about. Some one is falsifying facts and invading countries on false context. Somme one else is sitting in the oval office and having sex with a girl almost his owns daughter’s age.

In the last two years, countless American politicians have been caught trying to perform gay acts in men’s rooms and the Internet, using cheap prostitutes, having extramarital affairs with countless women and so on.

NY Governor Spitzer and the current Governor are interesting cases. First former Governor Spitzer is caught red handed with a cheap prostitute in a Washington Hotel. Later it is found that he had been creating money-laundering schemes to pay for countless prostitutes in NY City. The bigger news is that his lieutenant who is the current Governor also confessed to extramarital affairs.

Republicans are actually far worse in shape than the Democrats in this matter. After taking all the votes from conservative Christian Right, some of these shameless Republicans have been caught red handed soliciting straight and gay sex.

Of course no one can beat Bill Clinton who shamelessly is still making hundreds of millions of dollars after being caught in oval office having sex with an young intern of the age of his own daughter. This is only possible in America where Viagra is the name of the game.

It is a matter of major research topic in sociology, evolutionary biology and socio-economic political structure of the ‘new world’ – why American male politicians cannot control their sexual urge even after reaching close to fifties? Why is America obsessed with Viagra?

IndiaDaily - John Edwards – why American male politicians cannot control their sexual urge even after reaching close to fifties? Why is America obsessed with Viagra?
Interesting article. America is very open. You come out and say you had an affairs with an X. And there will be no "BIG DEAL" as it would happen such as the country in Pakistan.
after reading this article.

i shouted the house out............
muje kion pata chala k viagra kyaaaa haiiiii?????????????????????
i remember i was watching Indian movie 'Aitraaz' and i heard this word
i assumed it was a kind of hard drink that doesnt make people lose their senses:O
Whaaahahahahahaa heheheheeee.......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oooh Behave....

Well, you have to understand a good part of our advertisment is based on sex. Like females dressed in short dresses showing a good portion of their breasts. Men are constantly exposed to these kind of things here in the US.
after reading this article.

i shouted the house out............
muje kion pata chala k viagra kyaaaa haiiiii?????????????????????

They are giving viagra pills to tribal warlords in Afghanistan to co-operate with them.
^^^^Is this kinda advertisement:azn:
taking care..once such news will reach upto the leading class... then our info-minstry may become info of misery:coffee:
cant control their sexual urges?
yup sounds like an american
infact parents dont even restrict their kids from sex but teach them how to use condoms etc for safe sex
so theres a major flaw in their thinking
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