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JIs Terrorist Wing; IJT

PkSF(Pukhtun Student Federation) is ANP terrorist wing similarly IJT is of JI.

Whats the difference between the two? Both use weapons and are willing to kill the rivals.

This dirty game of student politics is so much old that it has ruined the educational institutes.

Almost every hostel of University is occupied by ANP activists who are not even students in the first place.

This student ghunda gardi should be stopped in educational institutes
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Yes the guys involved in the fighting were the JI student wing ones.

What happened was that a guy was listening to music in his room and in the mean time a IJT member was passing by and after listening the music went to the room of the guy who was listening to it and asked him to shut the music down. There the two quarreled and a fight broke between them, where the IJT guy took a beating at the hands of the guy who was listening to the music. After taking the thrashing the IJT guy went back and got reinforcements of about 100+ of his gang and they beat the guy who had thrashed the IJT guy and in the fight he got a severe blow to the head, most probably some hard thing blow, got his skull fractured and went into a coma and died after few days.

Due to these IJT thugs, no music concerts kind of things happen in the university and there is a tense situation all the time between them and the more liberal students.

From this I can infer that “music” seems to be an excuse, real cause might be that the late person might have balls to challenge these religious thugs.

The “ mujahids” might have constantly looking for an opportunity, at last God gave them a chance and he was made an “example”
IJT abusing professors and students in its most powerful branch, in Punjab University. IJT is a bunch of hooligans who harass and torture anybody who does not meet their moral standards or pisses them off. If you piss of an IJT activist, they'll create a fake account of your moral corruption and beat the hell out of you. Bunch of terrorists.

IJT activists thrash PU professor, ransack VC office
Friday, April 02, 2010
By our correspondent

LAHORE: Dozens of activists of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) critically injured a senior professor of the Punjab University, ransacked his office, damaged vehicles outside his office and also attacked the Vice Chancellor (VC) Office and the VC House at varsity’s New Campus on Thursday.

The varsity officials said the violent reaction was the result of expulsion of some students belonging to the IJT. They said around five IJT activists, whose cases were processed by the varsity’s Disciplinary Committee, were issued expulsion notifications on Thursday, which aggravated the situation.

The officials further alleged that dozens of Jamiat activists attacked the office of the PU College of Earth & Environmental Sciences (CEES) Prof Dr Iftikhar Hussain Baloch, who was also Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, with sticks and rods at around 3:30 pm. They added some activists then moved to the VC Office and his residence and caused damage to the properties.

They further said since the Jamiat activists were more in number, the university guards failed to resist and stop them. PU Resident Officer (RO) Prof Shahid Mahmood Gul and Chairman Hall Council Prof Dr Muhammad Akhtar said Dr Baloch had received severe head injuries and fell unconscious for quite some time, adding he was taken to Jinnah Hospital but was referred to the Services Hospital.

They said Dr Iftikhar Baloch was the main target of the IJT activists as he was heading the Disciplinary Committee which had recently expelled some of their colleagues after through investigations including opportunity of personal hearing.

The IJT, the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), had earlier blocked the main Canal Road as a protest against the expulsion of their colleagues. However, after police intervention, they left the scene and entered the university premises.

Meanwhile, addressing an emergent press conference at the PU Executive Club, VC Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran, who was flanked by other officials said Jamiat activists were involved in the incident, adding it was the darkest day in the history of the Punjab University. They strongly condemned the incident

PU Chapter IJT Nazim Hasaan Bin Salman, who is the son of noted JI leader Hafiz Salman Butt, said those involved in the incident were not members of the Jamiat, adding it was unfortunate that the varsity administration was implicating the IJT. “In fact, I myself went to disperse the students who were earlier protesting by blocking the main Canal Road,” he claimed adding “The Jamiat strongly condemns the incident.”

Meanwhile, an IJT press statement also denied involvement of its activists in the incident. PU Chapter Jamiat’s secretary information Hanan Nafees alleged in the statement that the PU administration was levelling baseless allegations against the student organisation. “Each year before the book fair, the PU admin accuses the Jamiat to damage the academic activity organized by Jamiat,” it concluded.

Meanwhile, Insaf Students Federation (ISF), the student wing of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), has condemned the IJT attack alleging the so-called student organization, Jamiat, was a terrorist organisation. ISF Lahore general secretary Farrukh Habib and PU chapter president Kamil Hameed said many FIRs had been registered against the Jamiat activists but no action had been taken.

PU teachers to boycott classes until ouster of miscreants
Saturday, April 03, 2010
By our correspondent

LAHORE: The Punjab University (PU) Deans Committee on Friday condemned the manhandling of PU teachers and damage to the university property and demanded of the Punjab government to launch a police operation to force the IJT out of the campus.

A large number of varsity teachers also held a rally to protest against the hooliganism of the IJT activists. The PU Academic Staff Association also decided to boycott the classes until all miscreants illegally living in varsity hostels were ousted from the varsity premises and peaceful academic atmosphere was restored.

The Deans Committee meeting was chaired by PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran. Deans of various faculties, Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Jamil Anwar Chaudhry and Registrar Prof Dr Muhammad Naeem Khan were also present.

Calling the attack on Prof Dr Iftikhar Baloch a murder attempt, the committee observed that it was the most unfortunate incident in the history of the Punjab University. The meeting also observed that the IJT activists and expelled students had often been found involved in acts of violence, gross misconduct and breach of the university rules. It said the IJT activists had unleashed a reign of terror and they harassed students to make the university their stronghold.

The meeting was informed that the IJT hooliganism had sent a wave of anger and resentment among the students and teachers. The meeting noted that the PU administration was doing its utmost, within available resources, to ensure congenial and secure environment for students so that their studies were not disturbed, but the administration could not play the role of the police and arrest the miscreants carrying weapons.

According to a press statement, a general body meeting of the Punjab University teachers condemned the assault on Dr Iftikhar Baloch. The meeting was held at the auditorium of the Institute of Chemical Engineering on Friday.

The meeting passed several resolutions, stating that the varsity teachers would boycott classes indefinitely to protest against the hooliganism of the IJT activists. On Monday, another general body meeting of the ASA would be held. Teachers will march towards the Punjab University Canal Bridge to register their protest. The PUASA has also requested the administration to vacate hostels and launch an operation against criminals taking shelter in varsity hostels for the last four decades.

30 IJT activists booked
Saturday, April 03, 2010
By our correspondent

LAHORE: The Muslim Town Police on Friday registered a case against 30 IJT activists on charges of manhandling Professor Dr Iftikhar Hussain Baloch of the Punjab University. Those nominated in the FIR were Abdul Manna, Wajid, Ashraf, Usman and 25 unidentified persons.

The accused were charged with attacking, with sticks and rods, the office of the PU College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) and Prof Dr Iftikhar Hussain Baloch, who was also the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. Dr Baloch received severe head injuries and fell unconscious for quite some time. He was taken to the Jinnah Hospital and later referred to the Services Hospital.

The accused also attacked the PU VC’s office and residence and caused damage to the properties. Dr Iftikhar Baloch was the main target of the IJT activists as he was heading the Disciplinary Committee, which had recently expelled some IJT activists from the university after thorough investigation.
When APMSO was formed, that is in those days when Altaf used to ride Honda 50CC and wear Mao cap. Whole leadership came from IJT. That is also case in Lahore. All student “gang” leaders with exception of even less than 1%, all were breeded by IJT.
Violence once more Dawn Editorial

This time these JI biggots creating trouble in Punjab uni ... !

Saturday, 03 Apr, 2010 Enraged by expulsions on disciplinary grounds, students beat up a senior faculty member, leaving him bloodied and unconscious. –File Photo Metropolitan
Matriculation exams postponed in Karachi Matriculation exams postponed in Karachi The Punjab University became a virtual battleground on Thursday when dozens of activists allegedly belonging to the Islami Jamiat Tulaba, which is also suspected of having a hand in student violence in Peshawar recently, went berserk on campus.

Enraged by expulsions on disciplinary grounds, they beat up a senior faculty member, leaving him bloodied and unconscious. They also ransacked the vice-chancellor’s office and residence. Such aggression against a teacher has been unprecedented at the university. Of course the university has a long and bloody history of student violence. But there have been few recent incidents of clashes among rival student groups spilling over. The last such incident took place in 2007 when some students humiliated cricket hero Imran Khan on campus.

Even though the trigger for violence was different in the two incidents, the result was identical: terrified teachers refusing to take classes unless the perpetrators of violence were brought to book. Meeting this demand means the Punjab government’s taking action against the culprits. It would also have to act against the intimidating ideologues and threatening bullies operating in the university as members of the student wing of a political party with religious moorings. The university administration says it has written to the provincial government more than once, asking for the police to take action. But this exercise has been in vain. The government was conspicuous by its inaction during Thursday’s violence making the university administration and staff even more nervous.

The only way to restore peace and normalcy on campus is administrative action aimed at ejecting all those responsible for violence in the present as well as in the past. The activists of this student organisation have wielded control at the Punjab University for so long that they would resist any action perceived as a threat to their influence and power. Fortunately, they have lost support among the students and their ideological influence over the teachers is also on the wane. They no longer have the strength to thwart action against them. The time, it seems, is right to take strict action against them lest they once more resort to violence.
why cant the GOP take some rock solid action against these morons ... Punjab uni need a man like abdul wahab he just kicked all the trouble makers once in all out of KU.
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