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JIs Terrorist Wing; IJT


Jun 9, 2006
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JI’s Terrorist Wing; IJT

An innocent young Adnan student, of final year in University of Engineer & Technology Peshawar was beaten very brutally by 150 Trained Terrorist Students of Islami Jamiat-e- Talba, (IJT) an old offshoot of Jamaat Islam and was killed by those beasts. He was in ICU for one week and he was in coma, for he was struck on head by some special instrument which created a straight crack and which was skull deep.
He died today (20/03/2010). Apart from his own life, what will be his family conditions that can be asked from the deceased's bereaved family? This is why I call Jamatees as giant termites for our religion, homeland and region. They are Jews of our country; they kill their opponents very brutally on petty issues. I know this Satanic Cult from very close proximity, and thus I feel no doubt whatever I say against them, for I am eye witness of their barbarity. Please also pray for the departed soul of the innocent Adnan and for the tolerance of his family for the tolerance of the tragedy.
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May the guy RIP. May God bless his family with courage.

Islami Jamiat-e- Talba or whatever they call themselves should be punished in the most severe way possible. These people should omit the word Islami from their group name for they don't deserve to associate themselves with a religion. These people deserve to rot in hell. Its not just them, but several hundred organization claiming to be Islamic revolutionaries but they are the real devils. People need to wake up and not fall for these and understand what is right and wrong. These people hide and take shelter under the name of religion.

I say, hang them all.
Feel sorry for deceased, God bless his soul in peace. JI has always worked as instrumental tool for military establishment. Trained by them and guided by them.

At one time they used to crush their opponents by tagging them as socialist, surkha and dehria then they started called all their opponents Ahmadi, Marzai and Qadyani.

I wonder what they call their opponents now
Hey! Where's the story and evidence that Jamait student killed that man??

I know it's in Pakistani nature to blame first and then ask for evidence later.
Sad loss another guy lost .... May he R.I.P i fail to understand Who are these jamatis they dont have any mandate , hardly they have a seat or two (i could b wrong) but for some reason they seem to be well in control of student politics in all universities and colleges through out Pakistan.
i guess they are a good tool to keep students organisations out of politics .. seriously this maniac to the society needs to be dealth with .... just how will we ever get new talent.
Yes the guys involved in the fighting were the JI student wing ones.

What happened was that a guy was listening to music in his room and in the mean time a IJT member was passing by and after listening the music went to the room of the guy who was listening to it and asked him to shut the music down. There the two quarreled and a fight broke between them, where the IJT guy took a beating at the hands of the guy who was listening to the music. After taking the thrashing the IJT guy went back and got reinforcements of about 100+ of his gang and they beat the guy who had thrashed the IJT guy and in the fight he got a severe blow to the head, most probably some hard thing blow, got his skull fractured and went into a coma and died after few days.

Due to these IJT thugs, no music concerts kind of things happen in the university and there is a tense situation all the time between them and the more liberal students.
If one organization to be blamed for the introduction of militancy and intolerance in the academic institutions, its undoubtedly IJT.

If you classify speaking against the spread of secular ideologies and immoral practices in universities that really erode the ethical and moral fibres of our societies as ''intolerance'' than cudos to you.

Jamiat has done a remarkable job in preserving and promoting Islamic culture in universities and colleges in Pakistan.

Yes they have taken up arms and been involved in violence, but then again, Jamiat is a political based party, and all Political parties contribute to such culture. Jamiat is not alone and shouldn't be singled out. Only exception is Imran Khan's PTI.

I personally don't follow them anymore, don't follow their school, but i give them credit for their humanitarian work and efforts to restore Islamic culture and identity in academic institutions.

P.S. I am not sanctioning the killing of the innocent guy. Perpetrators should be brought to justice, be they from Jamiat or not.
Yes it is a sad incident indeed and the dead one was a final year student. I, being the graduate of the same University can feel the sorrow and griefs of that poor boy's family going through. Cream of the country gets chosen to study in this University and getting admission is like a dream come true and these thugs of JI and PSF have ruined the image of most of the institutes in NWFP.

Now, since PSF (Pakhtoon Student Federation) and JI has given this rather sad incident a political color and since 9 student of JI has been expelled from the University so far - a Hostel (half of it) has been burnt and due to their monstrous thuggery, other Universities, Schools and Colleges got closed for two weeks, which are under the boundaries of Peshawar University.

During Musharraf's govt. he almost eliminated all these parties and unions stuff from all the Universities but since he's no more, the bad boys are back again.
Last year in Dj science college a girl from bcs department was talking with a guy and when terrorists of jamiat saw this they started beating him after about 5 minutes terrorists of jamiat from sm arts college also came over there and they also started beating that guy when the teachers tried to stop it they even started beating teachers
Yes the guys involved in the fighting were the JI student wing ones.

What happened was that a guy was listening to music in his room and in the mean time a IJT member was passing by and after listening the music went to the room of the guy who was listening to it and asked him to shut the music down. There the two quarreled and a fight broke between them, where the IJT guy took a beating at the hands of the guy who was listening to the music. After taking the thrashing the IJT guy went back and got reinforcements of about 100+ of his gang and they beat the guy who had thrashed the IJT guy and in the fight he got a severe blow to the head, most probably some hard thing blow, got his skull fractured and went into a coma and died after few days.

Due to these IJT thugs, no music concerts kind of things happen in the university and there is a tense situation all the time between them and the more liberal students.

have the police taken any action against the killers or are they just walking scott free?
What a world! These fanatics are so sensetive against music, but they are very keen to kill an innocent young man. shame on these unarmed taliban, go to hell all of them.

MOD EDIT: no F word please
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