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Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza


Sep 18, 2013
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Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza

September 24, 2013, 1:01 PM
Bad times are coming for India, says Jim Rogers. So where does the high-profile investor suggest for the next emerging-markets gold rush?

“You should get on the next plane you can and head to Myanmar or North Korea — maybe Angola,” Rogers told BBC Radio 4 reporter Simon Jacks on Tuesday.

In those Asian countries in particular, “there are extraordinary things happening — positive things happening,” he says.

All those countries could do with a boost. Myanmar — the former Burma — is ranked among the 10 worst economies in the world (Angola’s on that list too), while North Korea’s unstable currency is only one of the factors making it tricky to invest in the “Hermit Kingdom”.

His advice looks a bit offbeat, given Rogers has been snapping up commemorative gold coins from North Korea, in an apparent bet the country will collapse and the value of the coins go up.

Rogers was actually on the BBC to explain why he’s been saying “the wolf is now at the door in India”. Turns out it’s down to debt, deficits and red tape.

“The debt-to-GDP now is up over 90%. Studies show that when you get that deeply in debt, it’s very difficult to move forward at a rapid rate,” he says. “They’ve got balance-of-trade deficits — they’ve got all sorts of deficits there.”

Plus, the “serious problems” facing the country are pretty much self-inflicted, Rogers believes.

“In 1980, India was much, much more successful than China. Since then, China’s run circles around them. Did you do it to India, did I do it to India? No. The Indians did it to themselves. [They’re] full of bureaucracy, full of crazy regulations and controls. Their currency’s not convertible — it’s a mess.”

But even if things do turn out for the worst, Rogers seriously doubts India’s malaise will spread to the rest of Asia and set off a 1998-style emerging-market crisis. That’s because the other leading economies there — China, Japan and Taiwan, for instance — are all creditor nations, with “huge money in the bank”, he says.

“Indonesia’s got problems. Malaysia, Turkey — there are other countries in Asia that have big problems. But they’re also huge, huge asset savers.”

Rogers, who moved to Singapore to be closer to the Asian action, says he would live in China if it wasn’t so polluted. But that drawback is a chance for investors, he’s been repeatedly saying.

“Somebody’s going to make a lot of money cleaning it up, now the Chinese government and the Chinese citizens know that it’s terribly ******,” he says. ”For the next 20 or 30 years, huge amounts of money are going to be spent, and therefore, profits made.”

So investors should look to the companies that specialize in China’s particular problems with air, soil and water pollution.

“It’s a huge mess. Mao-Tse Tung really ruined it in many ways.”

Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza - The Tell - MarketWatch
Rupee is bound to stabilize by December for sure there are signs of it already
Bad times are coming for India, says Jim Rogers. So where does the high-profile investor suggest for the next emerging-markets gold rush?

“You should get on the next plane you can and head to Myanmar or North Korea — maybe Angola,” Rogers told BBC Radio 4 reporter Simon Jacks on Tuesday.
Myanmar, North Korea, Angola? Why not Mars? I think we should put his a$$ on India's Mangalyaan, to be sent to Mars next month.
He is so right on India. Of course the clowns here will hate on him for telling it like it is and not sugar coating it. The Indian currency collapse and their dependence on the continuation of QE proves his point.

we dont hate Jim Roger. He can be right or wrong. We do despise clowns like you
Rogers sum it up in these few paragraphs on why India economy would take a while to recover and its malaise would not affect other countries in Asia. This is an India only problem.

“The debt-to-GDP now is up over 90%. Studies show that when you get that deeply in debt, it’s very difficult to move forward at a rapid rate,” he says. “They’ve got balance-of-trade deficits — they’ve got all sorts of deficits there.”

Plus, the “serious problems” facing the country are pretty much self-inflicted, Rogers believes.

“In 1980, India was much, much more successful than China. Since then, China’s run circles around them. Did you do it to India, did I do it to India? No. The Indians did it to themselves. [They’re] full of bureaucracy, full of crazy regulations and controls. Their currency’s not convertible — it’s a mess.”

But even if things do turn out for the worst, Rogers seriously doubts India’s malaise will spread to the rest of Asia and set off a 1998-style emerging-market crisis. That’s because the other leading economies there — China, Japan and Taiwan, for instance — are all creditor nations, with “huge money in the bank”, he says.

Myanmar, North Korea, Angola? Why not Mars? I think we should put his a$$ on India's Mangalyaan, to be sent to Mars next month.

Instead of trying to understand his comments and self inspect, you just attack the messenger. Your attitude is what cause India to be in this whole mess.
we dont hate Jim Roger. He can be right or wrong. We do despise clowns like you

I told you so many times that Jim Rogers was right but you dismissed him. He has proven to be right with all the misery the Indian economy and currency have been going through. Jimmy Rogers understands what India truly is like and how things get done there. We should listen to a legendary investor like him as he sees problems a mile away and he called India with 100% accuracy.
I told you so many times that Jim Rogers was right but you dismissed him. He has proven to be right with all the misery the Indian economy and currency have been going through. Jimmy Rogers understands what India truly is like and how things get done there. We should listen to a legendary investor like him as he sees problems a mile away and he called India with 100% accuracy.

It seems some investors dont give a damn to Rogers :omghaha:

NEW DELHI: Overseas investors have pumped in over Rs 11,000 crore ($1.7 billion) in the Indian stock market this month following new RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan's announcing measures to boost the weakening rupee and revive economic growth.

FIIs pour in $1.7 bn in Indian equity market - Economic Times

FIIs pour $2.7 b into Indian equity market | Business Line

FIIs back with a bang | Business Standard
It seems some investors dont give a damn to Rogers :omghaha:

NEW DELHI: Overseas investors have pumped in over Rs 11,000 crore ($1.7 billion) in the Indian stock market this month following new RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan's announcing measures to boost the weakening rupee and revive economic growth.

FIIs pour in $1.7 bn in Indian equity market - Economic Times

FIIs pour $2.7 b into Indian equity market | Business Line

FIIs back with a bang | Business Standard

Speculators are having a joy ride with the Indian stock market and the Indian Rupee. Fundamentally Indian economy is in horrible shape. Rogers is talking about the the Indian fundamentals.
Speculators are having a joy ride with the Indian stock market and the Indian Rupee. Fundamentally Indian economy is in horrible shape. Rogers is talking about the the Indian fundamentals.

Correct! the temporary influx of capital into the indian equity market again is a direct result of Bernake's continuation of QE announcement

FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement--September 18, 2013

Just a few weeks ago if I can remember correctly their CAD deficits failed to respond positively against the 20~30% devaluation of their rupees and there was already a stupid euphoria of cheerleading from the trolls saying the devaluation of their currency would bring about a big boost in selling indian goods overseas and thus would help reduce their deficits overall - which never happened

India's Rupee Keeps Falling and the Trade Deficit Keeps Widening - Businessweek

Year on year, the RBI coffer has shrunken by nearly US$20 billion as of week ending September 13, 2013

and RBI has raised their interest rate just to curb hard on their spiralling inflation - and geeze the onion prices - and their exporters are again on a roller coaster ride!
Correct! the temporary influx of capital into the indian equity market again is a direct result of Bernake's continuation of QE announcement

FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement--September 18, 2013

Just a few weeks ago if I can remember correctly their CAD deficits failed to respond positively against the 20~30% devaluation of their rupees and there was already a stupid euphoria of cheerleading from the trolls saying the devaluation of their currency would bring about a big boost in selling indian goods overseas and thus would help reduce their deficits overall - which never happened

India's Rupee Keeps Falling and the Trade Deficit Keeps Widening - Businessweek

Year on year, the RBI coffer has shrunken by nearly US$20 billion as of week ending September 13, 2013

and RBI has raised their interest rate just to curb hard on their spiralling inflation - and geeze the onion prices - and their exporters are again on a roller coaster ride!

India August Trade Deficit Narrows to 5-Month Low - WSJ.com
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