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Jiang group in Chinese army behind incursions


Apr 6, 2010
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Senior officers loyal to erstwhile President Jiang Zemin do not want India-China relations normalised.

Generals still loyal to former Chinese President Jiang Zemin are believed to be behind the recent 19-kilometre incursion into territory that has been in the control of India since 1947. This is a barren strip of land near the Burtse army post in Ladakh, which is south of Depsang and the Daulat Beg Oldi airstrip, which was brought back to operational readiness in 2008 and at nearly 17,000 feet is the highest military airstrip on the globe. Information reaching Delhi indicates that "a Major-General based in Chengdu Military District" is responsible for the Chinese side launching a repeat of Jawaharlal Nehru's 1960-62 "forward policy" (i.e. of small armed pickets moving into territory controlled by the other side and setting up makeshift bases there). Since early April, PLA units reporting to senior officers loyal to the Jiang Zemin Group within the Chinese Communist Party have set up three tents, in which at present three dozen soldiers are sheltering. These are being monitored by Chinese helicopters and long-range satellite surveillance system, and are designed to provoke an armed border clash for the first time since the 1986 Sumdurong Chu incursion by China, which too was masterminded by elements hostile to Deng Xiaoping's reconciliatory policy towards India.

Jiang Zemin has considerable influence within that section of the military leadership that is known to have substantial funds abroad, as evidenced by family staying or studying in (NATO-bloc) countries. Although former President Hu Jintao sought to cleanse the PLA of such corrupt elements, "the power of the Jiang group meant that he had only very limited success during the decade (2002-2012) that he was in power". Hu's successor Xi Jinping is known to be similarly opposed to the culture of greed and graft spawned under the Jiang years (1991-2001) and is also facing resistance to his clean-up efforts from those unwilling to give up their extra-legal privileges.

Both President Xi as well as Premier Li Keqiang have made a close strategic relationship with India a priority. India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was the second foreign leader (out of two) personally called by Premier Li on the first day of his assumption of office, and planning is on to make India the new Chinese PM's first international port of call in the third week of next month. Following on the success of Huawei in the telecoms market and Chinese power companies in energy plants, Chinese companies are looking to India to sell infrastructure equipment and projects. "Should tensions grow, Huawei may be once again barred from the Indian market, while Chinese companies would be barred from energy, finance and infrastructure sectors," a senior official worried at PLA activism pointed out, adding that "already China has lost more than $120 billion of (additional) Japanese investment and may lose an equal amount in the India market" should the Jiang group have its way in racheting up tensions along China's periphery. "The Jiang Group wants to sabotage Li's India visit, which is why they have got friendly elements in the PLA to launch a Chinese version of the Forward Policy just weeks before Li's scheduled arrival," claim sources tracking developments in China. They add that "the effort to insert troops into territory that has always been in Indian control follows the continued refusal by Jiang-era hardliners in Beijing to agree to a transparency-generating mechanism about its four Brahmaputra dam projects". These sources point out that "both the Pakistan as well as the US lobbies within the PLA are eager to sabotage cooperation with India", and that Xi Jinping's open call for military to military cooperation between Beijing and Delhi has been followed by efforts at a coordinated hard line towards the Taliban in Afghanistan. Such moves have alarmed the Pakistan and US lobbies within China, who are both working through their agents to sabotage the Xi Jinping reset in relations with Delhi, these sources claim.

Trackers of Chinese developments point out that "several so-called ultra-nationalist elements are in fact secretly working at the behest of countries hostile to China, and use ultra-patriotic rhetoric only as camouflage". Several blog posts by "super-patriotic elements in China use language that is racist and xenophobic, thereby presenting a negative picture of Chinese society to foreign observers". India is not the only theatre where pro-Jiang elements are using their friends in the PLA to ensure that Beijing deviates from the Peaceful Rise policy of Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao, these sources point out. Such military activism has led to tensions across the eastern and southern periphery of China, from Japan to the Philippines to Vietnam and now India. "Xi Jinping has the potential to be as great a harbinger of economic growth and social and international stability as Deng. However, he is being sabotaged from within by self-proclaimed ultra-nationalists with big foreign bank accounts," said a source familiar with the inner dynamics of Chinese politics. However, the majority view is that "with backing from Premier Li, very soon President Xi will rein in the hotheads," thereby allowing Delhi and Beijing to resume the path towards normalisation first mapped out by Deng Xiaoping and Rajiv Gandhi in 1988. Their expectation is that the present sabotage of a Sino-Indian reset via a new forward policy in Ladakh will subside within the first week of next month, thereby creating conditions for a successful visit by Premier Li, who is being "awaited with warmth" in Delhi by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Jiang group in Chinese army behind incursions
so,PLA is just another SU or Pakistan army who doesnt just serve country,but fight for political factions too..Just like SU,where Generals enjoyed immense power and generally had political ambition,not to mention Pakistan,where coup by Armed Forces is a known picture,PLA too isn't far different from them.

this kind of faction fight generally destroys a country's image and creates too much confusion about state's control over its own soldiers.. :tdown:

no wonder flag meeting didn't produced any result and India took more direct approach,a govt to govt connection to reduce the tension..
. US and Pakistani lobbies in the PLA? What does that mean? Amazingly, I noted that these incursions could be a PLA to provoke us into an armed conflict. Looks like I was correct. Plz someone pat my back, my analytical abilities are amazing!:cheesy:

Trackers of Chinese developments point out that "several so-called ultra-nationalist elements are in fact secretly working at the behest of countries hostile to China, and use ultra-patriotic rhetoric only as camouflage". Several blog posts by "super-patriotic elements in China use language that is racist and xenophobic, thereby presenting a negative picture of Chinese society to foreign observers". India is not the only theatre where pro-Jiang elements are using their friends in the PLA to ensure that Beijing deviates from the Peaceful Rise policy of Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao, these sources point out. Such military activism has led to tensions across the eastern and southern periphery of China, from Japan to the Philippines to Vietnam and now India. "Xi Jinping has the potential to be as great a harbinger of economic growth and social and international stability as Deng. However, he is being sabotaged from within by self-proclaimed ultra-nationalists with big foreign bank accounts,"

Damn I knew it! I can't believe I am able to pick this well before such information is even released.

Now the question remains, who exactly is pouring money into these Hardliners' bank accounts? I think I know. But the troubling afterthought, is that even if India and China mend our differences and move forward, these fake ultra nationalist in the PLA can destroy or strain relations further down the road, once we have allowed China to control our economy greatly. We need to find answers or explore these points.
I highly doubt this story. This isn't the 1920s, the war lord eras. The military in China is not involved in any form of government, in fact there are even civilian leaders in the military to control it.

With the current education level of PLA and the hundreds of thousands of university graduates in the PLA, it's highly unlikely one person can do what they want. Small events maybe, but sending men to the India border. Doubtful.

Even if this is true, at this point, I'm sure Xi knows about it. He would have done something to change it. Officially no general can refuse him and definitely no soldiers would follow anyone for a political coup.

Even the revolutionary leader Deng had trouble getting troops to Beijing during 1989, much less these unproven generals.
So it's Pakistan's and United States' fault is it now?

I got a better idea, those Chinese soldiers in the tents aren't exactly Chinese. They're actually Pakistan Army soldiers who invaded the Indian Occupied Ladakh from the Chinese Aksai Chin border.

Lets see if India can evict these Pakistani soldiers from Indian Occupied Ladakh.
WTF? :what: PLA has extremists and groupism persists in their Military :what: and for this reason only the current regime in china is helpless since it is more dealing with their Internal politics. Looks like Kargil kind of a matter, where Musharraf created groupism in military. damn!

So finally the reason of such move is know.
look at source :omghaha:

Indians fart big, more then there *** hole size :cheesy:

Bollywood style writing.... "humre janta k khilaf sajich hai ya"

Indians feel pain until they put Pakistan name in every problem of India.... Thank God they don't blame us for rape increase in Delhi...
I highly doubt this story. This isn't the 1920s, the war lord eras. The military in China is not involved in any form of government, in fact there are even civilian leaders in the military to control it.

With the current education level of PLA and the hundreds of thousands of university graduates in the PLA, it's highly unlikely one person can do what they want. Small events maybe, but sending men to the India border. Doubtful.

Even if this is true, at this point, I'm sure Xi knows about it. He would have done something to change it. Officially no general can refuse him and definitely no soldiers would follow anyone for a political coup.

Even the revolutionary leader Deng had trouble getting troops to Beijing during 1989, much less these unproven generals.

Actually, the new gov't specifically requested the PLA's loyalty to them. There hae been sporadic reports mentioning this from time to time, but it was always brushed aside. If Pakistan can have such issues, then why not China? Militry leaders are the real ppl in charge of any nation.

So it's Pakistan's and United States' fault is it now?

I got a better idea, those Chinese soldiers in the tents arn't exactly Chinese. They're actually Pakistan Army soldiers who invaded the Indian Occupied Ladakh from the Chinese Aksai Chin border.

Lets see if India can evict these three dozen Pakistani soldiers from Indian Occupied Ladakh.

Pakistan is controlled by puppets. Its obvious, Pakistani military leaders would do everything it can to drive a wedge between China and India.
Actually, the new gov't specifically requested the PLA's loyalty to them. There hae been sporadic reports mentioning this from time to time, but it was always brushed aside. If Pakistan can have such issues, then why not China? Militry leaders are the real ppl in charge of any nation.

Do you know why political coups only happens in less educated countries? China has a education percentages close to developed countries.

A person can't control someone who knows stuff and has options.

American military is also very powerful, why isn't it in a state of perpetual chaos. An elected leader is suppose to be less powerful than our leaders.
Rogue elements in the PLA army is nothing new. The fact that china does have complete control over its military was pointed out by the US too- when they showboated their J20 during a senior US military delegation visit to china. Then when their premier was asked about this- he was found to be truly uniformed of it having taken place.

Couple that with their senior general(s) alarming statements about nuking US, and the US firmly believes that they(China) does not assert full control over their military like the US or India.

China’s military conducted a test flight of a new stealth fighter jet on Tuesday, overshadowing an important visit to Beijing by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates aimed at improving defense ties — and apparently catching China’s civilian leadership off guard.

....when Mr. Gates asked Mr. Hu to discuss the test it was evident to the Americans that the Chinese leader and his top civilian advisers were startled by the query and were unprepared to answer him. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/12/world/asia/12fighter.html?_r=0

Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs if U.S. Intrudes
as expected from pakistanis they have spewing venow... anyways a def forum of mostly trollers and nubs cant make an iota of diff to reality.. What i expected saner chinese members was to dismiss the article on merit rather than pointing at tweeter and BR !
as expected from pakistanis they have spewing venow... anyways a def forum of mostly trollers and nubs cant make an iota of diff to reality.. What i expected saner chinese members was to dismiss the article on merit rather than pointing at tweeter and BR !

why did you expect otherwise? It's their benefactor and life line, hell they gave up recently and have throughout history given up their sovereign lands to the Chinese. Of course they will act in that manner.
why did you expect otherwise? It's their benefactor and life line, hell they gave up recently and have throughout history given up their sovereign lands to the Chinese. Of course they will act in that manner.

Well only due to these hypocritical decisions, no one gives two hoots to what pakistan says and rather stonewall their concerns or roughshod them into meekness.. Eg are drone strikes !

ANyway, If the current situation being true, paints a disturbing picture in PLA force architecture ! But how can a former leader exert so much influence even after such a long time of retirement ?
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