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JH-7A - The future answer to the LCA Tejas

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Riaz Hussain

Jun 22, 2012
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With LCA Tejas fast approaching FOC, China will eventually have to answer this growing threat it faces in its borders, and the perfect answer it has is the JH-7A. AJH-7A is a Multi-Role Fighter Bomber which can match the Tejas in maneuverability and dogfights as the Tejas is a below average jet. With JH-7A twin engines it can run circles around the unsuspecting Tejas which can only pull 8Gs, and finally drilling into the Tejas body with its powerful double barreled guns. Tejas radar cone is very primitive giving only 40-50km radar range while JH-7A is almost double the range. As well as 2 times the payload and 1.5 times the range of the Tejas as well. The Tejas pilots can only feel disappointment and low-morale if they ever face the JH-7A's wrath. And JH-7A has excellent maritime capabilities as well which tejas lacks. The future of the Chinese border will indeed safe from the IAF Tejas, with the help of the agile fighter-bomber the JH-7A.






Xian JH-7 (FBC-1) Flying Leopard
You do know that it's the MKIs that are stationed near China, right?

Tejas with the MKIs are stationed in the Southern, Indian Ocean base.
JH-7A, even the newly released JH-7B with improved avionics is still intended as a fighter-bomber, not to be confused with a air-superiority fighter such as the J-10B or J-11B. Sure the JH-7A/B could be of match against the Tejas especially in BVR combat with its superior radar and load capacity but the outcome of a dogfight between the two remains yet to the seen.

Really, there's no need to compare a fighter-bomber with a light weight air-superiority fighter like the tejas, especially when there are tons of other fighters such as J-10A/B, J-11A/B, J-15, J-20, J-31 or even J-16, Su-30mkk2 and L-15 at the disposal of the PLA.
With LCA Tejas fast approaching FOC, China will eventually have to answer this growing threat it faces in its borders, and the perfect answer it has is the JH-7A. AJH-7A is a Multi-Role Fighter Bomber which can match the Tejas in maneuverability and dogfights as the Tejas is a below average jet. With JH-7A twin engines it can run circles around the unsuspecting Tejas which can only pull 8Gs,

please die
please bite your fingers and eat them then your hands and promise yourself never to write such blasphemy again

what you just wrote is so stupid that it has made me emotionless I cant decide if I should laugh or cry or be angry . I feel really bad for all those people who will have to read your masterpiece and loose their mental capacity in the process.

sorry to be blunt but I am extremely offended by this nonsense you just constructed.

please die NOW
please die
please bite your fingers and eat them then your hands and promise yourself never to write such blasphemy again

what you just wrote is so stupid that it has made me emotionless I cant decide if I should laugh or cry or be angry . I feel really bad for all those people who will have to read your masterpiece and loose their mental capacity in the process.

sorry to be blunt but I am extremely offended by this nonsense you just constructed.

please die NOW
As a senior member here, please give junior member more tolerance. JH7A/B is not for air combat. period!
JH7 serial are bomber.
in air combat, even older J7(mig 21) can win.
As a senior member here, please give junior member more tolerance. JH7A/B is not for air combat. period!
its no time to be PC when something shocking as this is expressed
it has to be laid out straight otherwise we never learn
its no time to be PC when something shocking as this is expressed
it has to be laid out straight otherwise we never learn
The OP maybe a beginner, but i think JH7B could deal with LCA in BVR.

its no time to be PC when something shocking as this is expressed
it has to be laid out straight otherwise we never learn

Asking people to die because they got over excited on a new plane is kind of harsh. Need to be a little more classy when it comes to expressing ones own resentment over peoples posts. With age comes skill.
how about J-10 instead? whats its use?
what is J10 not available at the very moment. Don't forget JHA/B is a fighter bombers, it could engage in air combat if neccessary. We are just talking about kinda of possibility. JHB possess more big nose to hold much bigger radar than LCA, which means it could lock LCA at first. PL12 is a fire and forget missie that JH7 could pull out after shoot it to avoid LCA approaching closer. In consideration of LCA can't cruse at super-sonic, i would like to say 60% JH7 could take LCA down in BVR.

JH7 serial are bomber.
in air combat, even older J7(mig 21) can win.
When it comes to dog figh, JH7 is sitting ducks.

Unless it could transform into a robot.

its no time to be PC when something shocking as this is expressed
it has to be laid out straight otherwise we never learn
The OP has a long way to go. He shall be forgiven as he don't know what JH7 is suppoed to do.
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I lolled @Irfan Baloch "die" statement and him asking the newbie to cu his limbs... I am sure you can understand that he meant it as expression rather than he meant in literal sense.
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