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JFK and the Goa question


Sep 18, 2011
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GOA: John F Kennedy is possibly the only American president to have ever had to deal with the question of Goa in his country's foreign relations and even go on to communicate with Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehruregarding the land.

Kennedy was, after all, president during that crucial time in history when India was working towards a diplomatic solution to end colonial rule in Goa and when the Indian army liberated Goa from the Portuguese on December 19, 1961.

Days before that, TOI reported on December 16, 1961, that Kennedy had written a personal letter to Nehru advising him not to use force in Goa.

"To the United States, India's efforts to bring the Goa question to a head at the present moment when bigger and more consequential problems are facing it appear somewhat inopportune. It may harm allied cause, thus promoting communist cause elsewhere. The United States would like to see this possibility avoided. While giving this advice to India, US is using its influence in Lisbon to make it see the writing on the wall. It is advising Lisbon to withdraw from a place where it is not wanted," the TOI report stated.

Kennedy, however, did not dispute India's claim on Goa, he just wasn't in favour of army action. The report also said, "The US would like to see the Goa question resolved and within the ambit of the UN, if possible." Other history sources state that Kennedy's message to Nehru said that any use of force by India would make an "otherwise Gandhian nation look belligerent". It is also believed that the communique probably came as Portuguese dictator Salazar was able to persuade world leaders to put pressure on Nehru not to resort to military action in Goa. Portugal, as NATO partner, was a significant ally for the USA.

Events that took place days after that make it obvious that Nehru did not accede to Kennedy's request. While there was correspondence before December 19, 1961, there is a rather stinging remark that Kennedy is said to have made after the Liberation of Goa.

Days after the Indian army liberated Goa, Kennedy is said to have told the Indian ambassador to the US these words: "You spend the last fifteen years preaching morality to us, and then you go ahead and act the way any normal country would behave :lol:... People are saying, the preacher has been caught coming out of the brothel." Gandhi's championing of non-violence and Nehru's reluctance to opt for military action was probably what could have led Kennedy to make the statement. Kennedy was killed 50 years ago on November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas just three years into his presidency.

JFK and the Goa question - The Times of India
Hmmm Mr Kennedy Should have judged india before!!

Hathi k Dant knany k orr aur dekhany k orr.
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