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JF-17: a major achievement


Mar 13, 2009
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JF-17: a major achievement

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Talat Masood

The rolling out of the first indigenously assembled JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft marks a major achievement in defence production. It demonstrates how far Pakistan has progressed in defence production considering that at the time of independence, there was not a single industrial unit pertaining to the same in the country. All ordnance factories and defence industrial units were located in India and research and development facilities were non-existent. This event is also significant as the manufacture of a fighter aircraft is a qualitative jump in terms of technology and industrial production. It is also a shining example of the close cooperation and support that China is providing to Pakistan in the entire spectrum of defence.

In modern warfare, air power has the most dominant and critical role as was amply demonstrated during the Gulf wars and Balkan and Afghan operations. Our own experience of 1965 and 1971 wars clearly brought out the efficacy of having a well-equipped and well-trained air force. The use of airpower is equally a major element in counter-insurgency operations as we are witnessing in South Wazirstan and earlier in Malakand. The operational effectiveness of land and sea forces is heavily dependent on the cover provided by the air arm. The unique capabilities of the fighter aircraft — high flexibility, unprecedented fire with sophisticated weapons and rapid concentration — make them eminently suited to combat aggression. Moreover, the phenomenal accuracy and extended range of air-launched, precision-guided weapons and bombs tilts the advantage to a military power that has air superiority.

India already enjoys numerical superiority, and is now further expanding its capability and modernising its fleet by acquisitions of the latest fourth-generation aircraft. It has, to its advantage, the choice of F-16/F-18, Eurofighter, Typhoon, MIG-35, Su-33, Mirage-5, Rafale and Swedish Grippen. On the other hand, Pakistan — due to financial constraints and the potential threat of sanctions not only from the US but western countries as well — has to largely depend on indigenous effort and support from China, whose reliability has been repeatedly tested.

Faced with these difficulties, the air force, during the tenure of late Air Marshal Mussaf, successfully re-engaged China for cooperative development of a mid-level high-tech fighter aircraft: the JF-17 Thunder. It was his foresight and leadership that gave birth to this project. Successive chiefs and project directors and their teams have put in great effort to bring the venture to this stage. Still, a lot more has to be done but with the quality of leadership and guidance being provided by the present chief and the support it is receiving from the ministry, the JS -17 should continue to roll out on time. This will eventually be the PAF's second line of defence.

The concept and air service requirements were given by the PAF. The design was primarily Chinese and the Pakistani side was closely associated with it. The production of the initial lot of JF-17 was done in China but hence forth, the aircraft will be assembled in PAC Kamra and, gradually, the indigenous content will be increased. The project has provided invaluable experience to our aeronautical and avionic engineers in design and development, and given them considerable experience in managing new projects. This nucleus of trained engineers can lay the foundation of Pakistan's aviation industry if properly guided and encouraged. In fact, in the not-too-distant future, our aviation industry can aspire to join the exclusive club of few countries that manufacture medium-high-technology fighter aircraft.

For nearly four decades, China has been at the forefront in assisting Pakistan in its indigenising effort, and this project is the finest example of this deep and enduring relationship. The Chinese aircraft firm CATIC also fully assisted us in the development of the trainer aircraft K-8. It is likely that if China were to succeed in developing its fourth-generation aircraft, Pakistan would like to associate itself with it. With such close cooperation, it is not surprising that today PAF's 70 per cent of weapons and equipment are outsourced to China, which is beneficial to both countries. It was in the 50s, and up to the 70s, that the PAF was practically one hundred per cent dependent on the US. Sanctions have been a great motivator for self-reliance. There are lessons in this for everyone. In a way, the US has not gained anything by pursuing its policy of isolating us. It has been unable to prevent us from moving forward with our nuclear programme. It may not have been important enough for the US to lose the Pakistani market, being more than an $11 trillion economy, but the loss of goodwill and weakening of strategic links haunts both countries to this day.

Although India has a wider and deeper industrial and technological base, still its indigenous effort of manufacturing the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) has taken decades and is still undergoing trials.

For ensuring incorporation of the latest technolog,y the air frame of JS-17 has been designed such that it has the flexibility to integrate avionics and weapon systems from the Chinese or European sources, including the possibility of a hybrid arrangement. The Chinese have overcome their initial dependence on engines by collaborating with the Russians and producing it themselves.

The PAF also plans to progressively undertake the indigenisation of avionics and armaments of the JS-17. This aircraft is has the potential for continuous upgrades, termed as a 'block approach'. There is a built-in provision for stealth and air-to-air fuelling. The JF-17 is also equipped with air-to-air missiles beyond the visual range that will give it a critical operational capability, a standard feature with modern air forces. It is fly-by-wire, has a powerful state-of-the-art radar and there is a good man-machine interface.

The JF-17 could set the pace for a new generation of affordable and capable mid-level, high-tech aircraft. It has the potential for export and can find a niche market in the MiddleEast and South and South-east Asia. The Asian requirements at one time were projected to be anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 aircraft in the next 15 years, thus China and Pakistan — the latter's equity share being 58 per cent and China's being 42 per cent in the project — can both benefit from exports.

The writer is a retired lieutenant-general. Email: talat@comsats.net.pk

JF-17: a major achievement
JF-17: a major achievement

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Talat Masood

Although India has a wider and deeper industrial and technological base, still its indigenous effort of manufacturing the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) has taken decades and is still undergoing trials.

The writer is a retired lieutenant-general. Email: talat@comsats.net.pk

JF-17: a major achievement

bye the way... why this LCA comes into picture when ever any thing happens to JF17.

but y Pakistani media always pull LCA when ever they publish a news of JF17
bye the way... why this LCA comes into picture when ever any thing happens to JF17.

but y Pakistani media always pull LCA when ever they publish a news of JF17

BECAUSE they both are compared..as LCA is made by india and jf by pak
Hey New Shivaji, done make this thread lca vs jf17. I understand your question is valid and asked 1000s of times in the same forums and in diffrent other place... the moment you ask this this becomes a comparison thread.

so no need. My point was why Pakistani media, airforce personals etc etc.. are talking about LCA when ever there is a news on JF17. If jf17 is a joint venture. Su30MKI is a joint venture... why not they talk about that... .

we have around 100 birds flying already......

I feel it is a cheap happiness they get to see enemy stuggling .

Yea I do agree JF17 is far more superior than LCA... please no more comparison on this....:hitwall:
Could you enlighten me what's the contribution of pakistan is JF17's development apart from money in terms of technology ?

No contribution , China is doing 100% , Pakistan is not building its own jets , the jet that just rolled out was a fake one ,imported from china.
Stop burning now:flame:

LCA means : Long awaited Crap Aircraft its a dream for 25 years , thunder is a reality.
poor kid:haha:
Hey New Shivaji, done make this thread lca vs jf17. I understand your question is valid and asked 1000s of times in the same forums and in diffrent other place... the moment you ask this this becomes a comparison thread.

so no need. My point was why Pakistani media, airforce personals etc etc.. are talking about LCA when ever there is a news on JF17. If jf17 is a joint venture. Su30MKI is a joint venture... why not they talk about that... .

we have around 100 birds flying already......

:no:NO , you are just Assembling that , Joint venture would mean if you would have developed that bird from the begining , eveluation , and induction.
Congrats to Pakistani ppl on engineering achivement

40 JF17 thundre by june not bad not bad at all + 18 F16
First of all guys.. Congrats on Rolling out the First JF-17 from your own factory.

I just want to say is Achievement is a relative term. To each his own. This is true both for individuals and nations.

For a farmer getting a bumper yield during a year is an achievement that he will celebrate.

For a sportsman winning a game is an achievement he will cherish.

Similarly for each nation satisfaction from achievements is relative. No achievement is small or big. Some people are satisfied in trying even if they fail. Its never a complete failure if u learn something out of it.

JF-17 is an achievement to Pakistan as they are satisfied with it, We Indians are nobody to judge when and where they should be satisfied. And we cant quantify with respect to us, USA, Russia, China or any other country and say that they did nothing but are dancing.

Similarly the Indian defense programs are our baby. We fail, Succeed is our problem. If we are satisfied in building a paper plane in 50 years so be it. Its our achievement and sense of satisfaction. To Each his own.

70% of the members are just busy belittling the other countries achievement of status and jumping to 'War of the WORDS" at the slightest of provocations. No wonder our Leaders ( Both political and military ) are so loud in their rhetoric cause its a thing about demand and supply. We buy it so they sell it.
bye the way... why this LCA comes into picture when ever any thing happens to JF17.

but y Pakistani media always pull LCA when ever they publish a news of JF17
That is a generic statement, and it is untrue. This is the first article I have read in three days, since the rollout, that mentioned the LCA. Of course, when I informed some of my less informed friends about this, their first question was "has India made an aircraft yet?". So it is understandable if they bring up the LCA.

Any way, there are more Indians here that turn things into JF-17 vs LCA comparison than Pakistanis. The first LCA vs JF-17 thread I participated in on this forum was started by an Indian. In fact, if you notice, even on this thread, it was an Indian who did that. I could clearly say something like "when the Indians are talking about the nuclear bomb, why do Pakistani bombs come under discussion?", but I don't ask that question, because I already know the answer.
No contribution , China is doing 100% , Pakistan is not building its own jets , the jet that just rolled out was a fake one ,imported from china.
Stop burning now:flame:

LCA means : Long awaited Crap Aircraft its a dream for 25 years , thunder is a reality.
poor kid:haha:

Lol please dont talk like a baby when you dont know anything about the LCA, on this forum its so easy for many people to just talk crap about the LCA, when they have no idea what the LCA is. JF-17 is a good aircraft but not an achievement of Pakistan. It is 100% made in China with Pakistan only contributing to finance and the specs that it wants. Can someone give me 1 article with any information about Pakistan's contribution to the JF-17 ? Nope there is not article because the contribution was almost non-existent. And even then the JF-17 in its current form not with all the "Proposed" upgrades is a high 3rd generation or a low 4th generation aircraft. Where on the other hand the LCA, which uses many foreign parts, is fully designed and made by India. Yes it uses many foreign made parts but that is to ensure it quality and performance. If someone actually spends time to read about the LCA, you will come to know how advanced this jet is. Not only does it use composites significantly but also uses a state of the art avionics package. Not to flame but in reality the LCA is as good or better than the JF-17. I know all of you will start to jump onto bash the LCA again but please read thoroughly about it before you comment. JF-17 is a great jet but do not start comparing it with everything in the sky. Delays in the LCA are to map out everything that can be a problem so that the LCA can have a long and steady life with the IAF. So stop criticizing someone else to make your achievement look bigger. :cheers:
Lol please dont talk like a baby when you dont know anything about the LCA, on this forum its so easy for many people to just talk crap about the LCA, when they have no idea what the LCA is. JF-17 is a good aircraft but not an achievement of Pakistan. It is 100% made in China with Pakistan only contributing to finance and the specs that it wants. Can someone give me 1 article with any information about Pakistan's contribution to the JF-17 ? Nope there is not article because the contribution was almost non-existent. And even then the JF-17 in its current form not with all the "Proposed" upgrades is a high 3rd generation or a low 4th generation aircraft. Where on the other hand the LCA, which uses many foreign parts, is fully designed and made by India. Yes it uses many foreign made parts but that is to ensure it quality and performance. If someone actually spends time to read about the LCA, you will come to know how advanced this jet is. Not only does it use composites significantly but also uses a state of the art avionics package. Not to flame but in reality the LCA is as good or better than the JF-17. I know all of you will start to jump onto bash the LCA again but please read thoroughly about it before you comment. JF-17 is a great jet but do not start comparing it with everything in the sky. Delays in the LCA are to map out everything that can be a problem so that the LCA can have a long and steady life with the IAF. So stop criticizing someone else to make your achievement look bigger. :cheers:

i can't find a article about china's contribution ,either.....JF-17 is a joint project,we developed and shared everything together since the design part, pakistan and china just don't have a big mouth when it comes to military
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Could you enlighten me what's the contribution of pakistan is JF17's development apart from money in terms of technology ?

firstly kindly read the article at the top and you will get the answers. if not then....

currently pakistans share in the manufacturing is around 20% and mainly on the airframe -

in the next 2-3 years it will be upped to 60% to also include all the avionics (Grifo-7 for the F-7PG is 100% locally built so there is enough experience)

eventually pakistan's share will reach 80% - only the powerplant will continue to be imported either from china or via russia (thru china).

most of the weapons load except for a2a missiles will also be manufactured locally at the Air Weapons Complex.

have a nice day!
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