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Jews helps guard UK mosques after attacks

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Jul 29, 2010
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Muslims leaders recruit ultra-orthodox neighbourhood patrol to help keep one London area safe after attacks and threats

London, UK - Muslim leaders in an area of north-east London have recruited the help of a police-trained ultra-orthodox Jewish neighbourhood patrol to bolster security following attacks on mosques and threats against Muslim communities in the UK.

The initiative, in the Stamford Hill neighbourhood of Hackney, has seen mosques added to a list of local sites watched over by Shomrim, a volunteer organisation that responds to reports of crime, anti-social behaviour and other incidents in the area and calls itself "the eyes and ears of the police".

"We keep an eye on all the mosques. If we see anything suspicious, we'll take down a car registration number, report it to the police, keep it for intelligence, log the call and hopefully there won't be any trouble,"Chaim Hochhauser, Shomrim's supervisor, told Al Jazeera.

Munaf Zeena, chairman of the North London Muslim Community Centre, said the arrangement, under which Shomrim volunteers have also advised the centre on security issues, was prompted by a series of attacks targeting mosques and Muslims since the killing of Lee Rigby, a British soldier, in Woolwich, south London, in May.

Increase in attacks

Police have also reported an increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes, while the far-right English Defence League, which is accused of fomenting Islamophobia, plans to march through the neighbouring borough of Tower Hamlets on September 7.

People just get on with their lives, bring their children up, study their own laws, pray to their God. People walk side by side to the mosque and the synagogue.

- Ian Sharer, Liberal Democrat councillor

The more evidence we have [of attacks happening], the more vigilant we need to become," Zeena told Al Jazeera.

Stamford Hill is home to Europe's largest community of Haredi Jews. Many arrived as refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe or as Holocaust survivors in the 1930s and 1940s and the fast-expanding population, now estimated at upwards of 20,000 people, is served by its own synagogues, schools and kosher stores.

Yet it is also an area as diverse as any in London. About 14 percent of the population - approximately 34,000 people - of the wider borough of Hackney is Muslim, according to 2011 census figures, with large and long-settled communities from South Asia and Turkey.

After Friday prayers at the neighbourhood mosque, hundreds of men pour onto the street, many dressed in white shalwar kameez and other traditional robes and headwear, even as Haredi men, with their hair in ringlets and wearing distinctive black suits and rimmed hats or yarmulkes, go about their preparations for Shabbat outside a nearby synagogue.

Ian Sharer, a local Liberal Democrat councillor who brought leaders of the community centre and Shomrim together in June, said Jews and Muslims had long ago learned to live side by side.
People just get on with their lives, bring their children up, study their own laws, pray to their God," Sharer told Al Jazeera. "People walk side by side to the mosque and the synagogue, and we like to see it."

Neighbourhood watch

Shomrim, modelled on the organisation of the same name in Haredi neighbourhoods of New York, was established in Stamford Hill in 2005 amid local concerns about crime and anti-Semitism. "There's always been trouble. You always got people knocking off their hats. It's a tough area. You've got 'murder mile' a few yards away," said Sharer, referring to the infamous nearby stretch of road where stabbings and shootings were so common a decade ago that newspapers declared it "more dangerous than Soweto".

Sharer said he sympathised with his Muslim neighbours now facing the heightened threat of Islamophobia. "Anybody who doesn't like Jews probably doesn't like black people, doesn't like Sikhs, doesn't like anybody. It's unfounded hatred," he said. "Anyone who says they don't like Muslims, there's something wrong. It's a bigoted view."

That opinion was echoed by Eusoof Amerat, a Muslim community advocate in Hackney.

"Shomrim has been patrolling this neighbourhood for many years now and when they pass the mosque they don’t close their eyes," he told Al Jazeera. But this makes it legitimised and the community now knows we are working together. Forget about race, forget about ethnicity, we are living together. And how can we live together without respecting and tolerating each other's viewpoint, faith and customs?"

It took great risks and understanding between the Jewish group and the Muslim group to say we are not enemies of each other.

- Munaf Zeena, chairman of the North London Muslim Community Centre
Shomrim operates a 24-hour emergency line with operators fluent in Yiddish and Hebrew handling almost 5,000 calls in the year up to June 2012, according to its own figures. Its volunteers pass on information to the police and attend the scene of reported incidents. Although they do not have powers of arrest, volunteers will often identify and follow suspects until the police arrive, as well as searching for missing people and stolen cars.

"We are local, we live in the community. We see what is going on and we pass over intelligence to the police," said Hochhauser. "We deliver the goods, and they get the pat on the back."
Matthew Horne, the Metropolitan Police's borough commander for Hackney, said the police had a strong relationship with Shomrim, adding that he could cite "day in, day out incidences of intervention" by the group that had contributed to an overall decline in crime in the area.

"The Jewish community are extremely good at noticing when something is wrong. They will very quickly contact Shomrim. They will keep an eye on it and they will generally know when is the time to call us. They don't tend to waste our time and they don't let people go," Horne told Al Jazeera.
Muslim patrol

Amerat said the Muslim community planned to use Shomrim as a model for its own local volunteer patrol group, with operators handling calls in Urdu and Gujarati.

"It's going to take time. We are looking for volunteers and maybe in two or three years we will be in position to set something up," he said. "In the meantime we work together and we support each other."

Hochhauser said he welcomed the prospect of a Muslim patrol joining Shomrim on the streets of Stamford Hill, providing it recruited its volunteers responsibly. "We've told them we are more than happy to help them out if they get the right people for it. We don’t want any hotheads because they could bring down the whole operation," he said.

Such a scenario could be beneficial to the Jewish community as well, he added. Because of their strict observance of Shabbat, when many activities are prohibited, Shomrim volunteers can only respond to life-or-death incidents, such as a search for a missing person, on that day.

Visiting relatives in Hackney as a boy from his childhood home in Yorkshire, northern England, Zeena admitted once feeling scared of the "strange people with braids and black hats".

But he paid tribute to members of the Jewish community who welcomed Muslims and helped them settle in the area, even supporting them as they established the first mosque in Hackney in the 1970s. And he said both sides were now reaping the benefits of the willingness of local leaders to put historic animosities aside, consolidated a decade ago with the establishment of a Muslim-Jewish forum in the neighbourhood to address issues of concern to both communities.

"It took great risks and understanding between the Jewish group and the Muslim group to say we are not enemies of each other," he said. "We live side by side and we share many of the same problems. This is about living together as neighbours and human beings, respecting each other and tolerating each other."

Jews helps guard UK mosques after attacks - Al Jazeera English

Has the iman of pious Muslims turned so weak they have to call on the help of infidels to safeguard their places of worship?????

So now ultra-orthodox Jews would be seen protecting the very establishments that are routinely used to denounce their creed and wish death upon them..oh, the irony..
Nice ............ Reminds me of this

In one hard-knock British city, a secret Muslim donor helps save a synagogue
The Bradford Synagogue in northern England was facing a dwindling population and serious financial woes when the local Muslim community reached into its pockets to save the day.

Bradford, a city of 300,000 people in the British county of West Yorkshire, is no stranger to social unrest and racial conflict. Once a boom-town of the Industrial Revolution and the former center of Britain's textile industry, the infamous race riots here in 1995 and 2001, exacerbated by neo-Nazi organizers, placed this economically starved region in an unflattering spotlight.

But in 2010 this hard-knock spot got a bit of a boost. Bradford was named a "city of sanctuary" in 2010, noted as a place with a history of welcoming newcomers from all corners of the world. These peoples included Jewish immigrants in the 1930s who fled persecution in Continental Europe, as well as Pakistani and Bangladeshi economic migrants who came in the 1960s, just as the first Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century had, to work in the textile industry. So many immigrants poured in from South Asia that the city came to be known as the curry capital of Britain.

Even more recently, a bit of serendipity in the form of leaky roof brought together the city's Jewish and Muslim communities.

For years, the Jews and Muslims of Bradford have lived in close proximity to each other: Bradford's only remaining synagogue sits just 500 meters from the city's main mosque in the inner city neighborhood of Manningham. But the two groups kept to themselves. That is, of course, until the synagogue's roof started to leak and Bradford's Muslim community stepped in as a surprise donor for the repairs.

“It was a true mitzvah,” says Rudi Leavor, the 87-year-old chairman of the synagogue, of the gift from the Muslim community.

Built in 1880 by Rabbi Joseph Strauss, one of the first Reform rabbis in England, Bradford's synagogue features Sephardi-influenced Moorish architecture.

Bradford's Jewish population has been dwindling for decades, and took a serious hit during the economic crisis of the 1980s. When the roof of the synagogue started leaking, the congregation counted just 40 families and was facing possible closure.

The city's Orthodox synagogue, which was also founded in the late 19th century, had closed its doors in 2011 after routinely coming up short on its requisite 10-man quorum for prayer. Compared to the 25,000-person strong Jewish community in nearby Leeds, Bradford's Jews seemed orphaned and adrift.

Leavor says that the congregation was considering selling the building out of desperation, but enough members were opposed to that idea that they scrapped it. Instead, a new Friends of the Synagogue organization was founded, offering concerned citizens – both Jews and non-Jews alike – membership for 60 GBP a year. In turn, they received invitations to social events at Hanukkah and on other festive occasions.

Donations trickled in, but not as fast as the water from the leaky roof. Things looked very dire for the Bradford Synagogue until some concerned neighbors intervened.

Zulfi Karim, the 47-year-old secretary of the Bradford Council of Mosques, was at Friday prayers when he heard of the synagogue's plight. The news came to him thanks to a local Pakistani restaurant called Sweet Centre, which sits close to both the synagogue and the mosque.

The restaurant was so popular with some of the synagogue’s congregants for a Saturday lunch that they had joined forces with the restaurant’s owner to lobby against the conversion of a nearby building into a rival eatery. So when Sweet Centre's owner got wind of the synagogue's financial woes, he referred Leavor to a local South Asian merchant's association, which gifted GBP 500 toward repairs. And it was through this connection that Leavor met Mahmood Mohammed, a development officer for Bradford council, who in turn got in touch with Karim.

“I was shocked to hear the news,” says Karim, who was born and raised a few hundred yards from the Bradford Reform Synagogue,” and I immediately reached out to others in the Muslim community.”

Within a few days, the community had raised GBP 2,000 for emergency repairs – 1,000 from a variety of individuals, and 1,000 matched by a donor who at first asked to remain anonymous.

Eventually Leavor discovered the donor was Khalid Pervaiz, the new owner of a textile factory near the synagogue. That same factory had previously belonged to the Strauss family, who were descendents of Bradford’s first Reform Rabbi.

“We have so much in common,” says Karim of the two Bradford communities. ”We both have a tradition of helping each other out in business, and strong entrepreneurial, family and community values.” He also acknowledges that in addition to their common Abrahamic ancestry, there are parallels between the anti-Semitism and Islamophopbia both communities have endured.

Bu in the end, it was Karim's personal relationship with Leavor that helped connect the two communities.

"When I met Rudi, I felt like he was my father, or grandfather," Karim says. "If he were an elder in my community, I would be there for him in his time of need. So I felt – well, it’s my obligation to help him as if he were a member of my own family.”

Soon after the two met in March, Leavor made his first-ever visit to the mosque, and Karim entered the synagogue for the first time.

For his part, Leavor says, “I was certainly chuffed to have experienced such generosity, especially at this stage in my life. I’ve been the synagogue secretary since 1953, and this is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to us. It was a very pleasant surprise.”

With the roof repair now complete, Leavor has applied for longer term funding from the National Lottery Corporation to bring the building up to code, but he is uncertain if the GBP 100,000 pounds required will be forthcoming.

But plans are afoot for more community building exercises. To kick off the annual Bradford World Curry Festival in June, special interfaith meals are being arranged at the mosque, the synagogue, and at St. Paul’s, a local Anglican church.

“Food brings people together,” says Karim, who is currently consulting with local kosher and halal chefs about the cross-cultural meals. Meanwhile a typical English high tea – complete with cucumber sandwiches – is planned for St. Paul’s.

“Chicken tikka masala is my favorite dish,” says Leavor, although he confesses he often skips the Sweet Centre in favour of his wife’s chicken soup. “There’s nothing like home cooking,” he says.

Both men hope that Bradford’s example can be a catalyst for other Jewish and Muslim communities, in the U.K. and around the globe.

“Our story represents a small window of hope,” says Karim.
Sadly, this does not diminish the plight of the long-oppressed Palestinians.
Actually jews are playing with both sides: anti-muslims and muslims to make hatred

(GOOGLE) Israeli Settler Rabbi Funding EDL Hate
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