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Jazan (KSA) springs ancient surprise: 450,000-year-old cemetery


You are obviously not very clever are you? I never claimed that the Kaaba is not considered revered. I said that we Muslims do not worship it.

No need to lie. Saudi Arabians have more students at American universities than ANY other people per capita in the world. In terms of share numbers only Chinese, Indians and South Koreans have more students but not by much and they obviously also have much, much bigger populations in the case of China and India.

Saudi Arabian students are doing really good overall especially the women are accelerating and among the very best foreign performers.

I studied one year at a leading university in the US and I witnessed this from close hand.

You obviously don't know how scholarships are giving to KSA nationals do you? You think that every Joe is able to receive those scholarships and that every American university will accept you?


And I am Barack Hussein Obama Junior.:lol:
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About my cleverness you might be right, because I have a final tomorrow and here I am ;)
I didn't say Muslims worship Kaaba, don't twist my words. Are you denying that Hajj is a ritual that is performed by Muslims? I said "as a mean to worship".
Anyway, I'm not complaining, keep your students coming.
Yes, but it does not amount to worship of that given object.

Kaaba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read about what a qibla is.

I don't know what the Shia Mullah's in Iran teach the masses but after all I have heard that you guys have made your own Kaaba in Karbala so I am not really surprised anymore if you are misunderstanding/corrupting the basic teachings of Islam.
I didn't say Muslims worship Kaaba, don't twist my words. Are you denying that Hajj is a ritual that is performed by Muslims? I said "as a mean to worship".
Anyway, I'm not complaining, keep your students coming.

Watch out. It is illegal and you may get caught! Are you in the U.S?

I imagine imprisonment will be a prescribed penalty for such action. Schools do have software that can identify the sources of documents (devices that were used to write the assignments and papers).
Watch out. It is illegal and you may get caught ! Are you in the U.S?

I imagine imprisonment will be a prescribed penalty for such action. Schools do have software that can identify the sources of documents (devices that were used to write the assignments and papers).

It depends on the work and how significant the fraud is. Some universities can take measures on their own and either expel the student for a given time period, issue a warning or completely expel him or her from the university. There are sophisticated programs to detect plagiarists. At least at the better universities. But I am sure that there are ways of altering this. I have not cheated since the days back home in KSA, LOL.

I would never do such a thing at a university nor in my field. It is not a field that you can cheat in and get away. Only for a moment but it will catch up with you and then your *** will burn.

Here in Denmark they are not as strict as in the US. But still strict enough when it comes to exams and major assignments.
Watch out. It is illegal and you may get caught! Are you in the U.S?

I imagine imprisonment will be a prescribed penalty for such action. Schools do have software that can identify the sources of documents (devices that were used to write the assignments and papers).

Yep, it has to go through Turnitin. But since the documents I'm producing are original, there won't be any problem ;)
It depends on the work and how significant the fraud is. Some universities can take measures on their own and either expel the student for a given time period, issue a warning or completely expel him or her from the university. There are sophisticated programs to detect plagiarists. At least at the better universities. But I am sure that there are ways of altering this.

To be honest, I never dared to cheat while studying abroad. I was afraid of a last minute caught that can "cancel" the whole thing. Couldn't imagine coming back from the Mowlid without hommus as the Egyptians say!
Again, if you read my previous post, I never said: "Muslims worship Kaaba".
To rephrase it: I said that jumping on fire is considered more like a tradition now than a ritual (which has lost its religious values, if ever had), however Leaders of Iran are not too happy about it either, you might be interested to know that they tried destroying Takhte-Jamshid or Persepolis ruins because according to them it was made by "SOME BRITISH JEWS".

Maybe @rmi5 could explain better about this.
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To be honest, I never dared to cheat while studying abroad. I was afraid of a last minute caught that can "cancel" the whole thing. Couldn't imagine coming back from the Mowlid without hommus as the Egyptians say!

LOL. Indeed. Back home it is another thing completely at least not on Uni level but it has become much, much better today. I hear this from my youngest brother and sister. So I am happy about this. We need as much discipline as possible. But in rich and prosperous societies that have been that for a certain time many people take too much for granted and this influences their work ethic and school work in a negative fashion especially if they don't have a demanding family or come from less resourceful families/big ones with many siblings.

In China where there is stability (no wars etc.) and where the majority are still living in poverty and where parents are usually only allowed to have 1 child they can more easily focus on their child's academic career and they will lack no motivation since their only hope of advancing on the social scale is through hard work and education.

In the GCC many people are born with a gold spoon in a certain part of their body in comparison.
There are sophisticated programs to detect plagiarists. At least at the better universities.

Actually you only have to worry if you are copying other people's work. Turnitin for instance: saves all the user submitted documents and use them to compare against new uploads, as long as your work is properly referenced and original (in my university's case 94% originality, its fine).

But my job is mostly programming, the students, usually PhD students tell me their concept and I program it for them.
@Full Moon
Since you raised the issue and since this thread already got destroyed from the very beginning and now has become one big off-topic/trolling feast/ME nonsense as usual then I will like to point your attention to news like this.

30,000 fake engineers netted | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

How is this even possible? They are foreign but still.

The Saudi Council of Engineers announced Wednesday that it had detected more than 30,000 foreign engineers with fake degrees and urged public and private firms to only employ engineers registered with the organization. “We have so far seized more than 30,000 fake engineering degrees,” said Hamad Al-Shaqawi, its president.

Say what?

I am sure that there are some locals too.

That discovery is interesting, & I am quite sure more archaeological excavations would find further evidence that challenges or proves existing theories of the origins of humans as a species.

The article I found below from Arstechnica is informative as well. I generally visit Arstechnica for news from the technology sector, but they do publish interesting articles on other subjects as well.

Genetic Adam and Eve may have walked on Earth at the same time

Apparently, there aren't any conclusions that we can draw at this point. Genetic "Adam" & "Eve" may or may not have existed at the same time, regardless, I don't think religious people can celebrate just yet. The era of their existence is far too recent in contrast to the history of the human specie itself. That being said, genetic "Adam" & "Eve" represent the oldest surviving paternal & maternal lineages at the moment, & are the ancestors of modern Homo Sapiens. They may have interacted with the Neanderthals themselves seeing as later Homo Sapien communities as per current knowledge have interacted with them. Incidentally, Neanderthals are far closer to modern humans in terms of appearance, society, et cetera in my opinion in contrast to other hominid species. Besides, some research indicates a degree of assimilation between them & modern humans.

Do the trolls even know how centrally located the Arabian Peninsula is and that it is a major crossroad and has always been that for human migrations etc. It plays a very big role in understanding the history of human migrations, genetics, languages, history etc. and unlike many areas of the world it is more or less unknown land for archaeologists. I suggest reading about this field before laughing or acting like mere idiots.

It's best to ignore comments that derail threads, but they are amusing every once in a while. The most hilarious posts are found in the thread discussing the Syrian conflict.

The Middle East is an important region when studying ancient human migrations simply due to the fact that all land migrations to 3 different continents with the exception of Europe to Asia or vice versa involve crossing the Middle East. The silk route for instance is extremely important not just for the purpose of trading, but for cultural & linguistic exchange as well. Some people may want to notice that some of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world actually traded & interacted with other nations by travelling through this route. That includes the Romans in the west all the way till China in the east.
Irrespective of whether the Aryan story is accurate or not, part of it goes back to Shah Reza Pahlavi (the father of the last Shah). He forged an alliance with Nazi Germany and was impressed by the Aryan racial supremacy story.

That good impression contributed to his demise and exile as he was seen as an ally for the Nazis (in other words, he was the first in Iran to suffer greatly from it!).

Funny thing, those Persians that take the Aryan story seriously try hard to link themselves to the white people. If the story provides a reliable insight, their closest cousins will be Northern Indians-- Not the white.

For some reason, they prefer not to link themselves to them, and have been just using the Aryan thing to try to get closer to the West.

Believe it or not, there is a significant number of Iranians who live in the West who do consider themselves white and want everybody to treat them as such!

The European stole the term Aryan from the Indians and Iranians people. Also, other misconception created by west that they claimed Aryan as some race of white people and misused it.
@Full Moon
Since you raised the issue and since this thread already got destroyed from the very beginning and now has become one big off-topic/trolling feast/ME nonsense as usual then I will like to point your attention to news like this.

30,000 fake engineers netted | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

How is this even possible? They are foreign but still.

Say what?

I am sure that there are some locals too.

Apparently, they got fake degrees and came to KSA to work as engineers using them. The Ministry of Interior later asked for their degrees to be verified by the Saudi Council of Engineers who usually corresponds with schools to confirm graduation.

Good trap!
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