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Mar 23, 2009
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The design evolved by Saab for the JAS 39 Gripen incorporates many advanced features. The Gripen is a single-seat (or two-seat), single-engined, fly-by-wire, delta-winged aircraft with a close-coupled all-flying canard. It is designed to operate from Sweden's network of BAS 90 dispersed roadstrip airfields with the minimum of support. To minimise weight, almost thirty per cent of the structure is carbon-fibre composite. The engine chosen is the proven General Electric F404-400, similar to that used on the F/A-18, fed by fixed rectangular side intakes. It is assembled by Volvo Flygmotor under the designation RM12. The engine is fitted with a new Volvo/GE designed afterburner to give the Gripen all-altitude supersonic performance. Unlike the Viggen there is no thrust reverser, as short-field landing performance is achieved by rotating the canard through almost 90 degrees to aid aerodynamic braking. The triplex digital fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system controls the aircraft through two canards, the leading edge flaps and four elevon control surfaces. Saab claims the Gripen is the first inherently unstable canard fighter to enter production.

JAS 39C/D aircraft incorporate a number of systems and equipment improvements to improve effectiveness and inter-operability. These include a retractable inflight-refuelling probe on the port air intake, full colour English-language cockpit displays in Imperial units, new central computers, night-vision compatible cockpit lighting, a FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) pod, a reconnaissance pod, a more powerful air conditioning system, an OBOGS (On-Board Oxygen Generation System) and strengthened wings with NATO-standard stores pylons. The first examples will be delivered to F7 wing in mid 2004 .

Ordered by Sweden , Czech Republic , hungary and south africa .
Gripen came a close second to the F-16 in Poland, but was unable to overcome a specially tailored financial package and heavy political pressure from the US government. A hotly tipped sale to Austria was missed when the Austrian government decided to maximise the economic benefits of using the same fighter aircraft as neighbouring Germany - the Eurofighter Typhoon. Despite these setbacks, the prospects for future exports still looks extremely good. Several countries require a replacement for ageing MiG-21, Mirage or F-5 aircraft and the Gripen is ideal for this role.


1) true 4.5 gen aircraft
2) can take off and land on road
3) has shown supercruising ability
4) smaller aircraft than other fighters of its class


1) can carry less load as compared to other 4.5 gen aircrafts .
2) AESA radar not until around 2013 .
3) a bit overpriced ?

what do you guys say about it , comparing it to other jets like f-16 block 50 and above , j-10 , rafale , mki , and mig -35 .
what are its chances in MRCA

It's a nice aircraft for sure, but the main problem is that in many parts it depends on other countries, or companies and that means restrictons and problems for us.
For example, they have to find a new partner for development of AESA radar, as French Thales quit because Gripen is a main rival for Rafale in many competitions. That's why they have to find a new one and why it might take longer till their radar is ready. Same things can happen if US puts pressure on them, cause they want to sell us F16 IN, or F18 SH. Also in times of sanctions it's much harder to get spares from different countries then from a single one.

If you leave this problems I think it could be a good replacement for some Mig 21 and Mirage 2000. Even it looks like it's close to LCA because it is a single engine lighter fighter, it's far ahead and after all the delays of LCA it can't replace all the light fighters alone. So to me the combination of LCA and Gripen NG would look as good as Mig 21 and Mirage 2000 before, cheap to buy in numbers and to maintain but much more capable.

But to be honest, it's still a big problem how reliable US will be in future and if we take the risk to get closer to them, we must demand something that gives us a real edge like F35 instead of F16, F18 and trouble with Gripen.
It is forsure one of my fav's!!
It was rejected by India during Tests..The news was posted here few weeks ago.
Seems to be a nice and capable aircraft. Why aren't we are considering it for MRCA, due to Value proposition or performance? :undecided::confused:
Why? What is wrong with that? Why do you think it is not suitable and preferable for India?

i think apart from all the reasons , it is logistially very similar to lca , which is going to be inducted in IAF . ( lca which is lighter than gripen can carry more weight than gripen .!)

secondly as sancho said , it relies too much on US tech .
consider a 1 against 1 scenario what are it's chances against f-16 block 50 and rafale . ( typhoon , mig-35 are on another level )
I think the main factor is price in single engine light it has very high price tag around $60 million.
forget weather it will be selected FOR MMRCA or not its IAFs job no need to pull each others hair here on a discussion where we in no way are going to be able to ***** what the IAF NEEDS and OF COURSE OUR INDIAN POLITICIANS WILL LET THEM HAVE IT

no doubt its a capable platform and has some unique features small countries can field this aircraft in a very effective way .....makes lots of sense for PAF and its doctrine and monetary requirements

lca which is lighter than gripen can carry more weight than gripen .!
I don't think that's correct, it should be lighter even reports say it's still has some overweight, but I don't think it can carry more.


It maybe could match the old Gripen in payload and MTOW now, but Gripen NG is still far ahead.
consider a 1 against 1 scenario what are it's chances against f-16 block 50 and rafale . ( typhoon , mig-35 are on another level )

Every MMRCA contendor should be superior to F16 block 50 BVR, because of AESA radar and except Mig 35 everyone can use the same AMRAAM that they use. WVR they should still have advantages in maneuverability, because of features like canards, or TVC, but it also depends on the pilots.
Why do you see Rafale not on the level of Typhoon and Mig 35?
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