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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

no, China declared 12 miles of sea water. so North Vietnam letter didn't mentioned about Island Paracel and Spratly.
Can stop talking bullshit here again? I had told you: the letter mentioned accpet the statement in 1958 we launched, don't it? and the contents of statement about territorial waters in 1958, check below website, translate it with Google, you will know, don't intentionally miss something, OK.


PRC is making a bad move.For this they must follow US path.Look at them how they are dealing with their neighbours.They always maintained calmness with even Mexico.
Intimidating neighbours are not good.
Anti-China Coalition ? Vietnam Navy and US Navy personnel side by side

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do you want to save Vietnam from becoming US colony?
do you wish to see an independent Vietnam?

you held the key. here are things to be done:

- Russia transfers weapon technologies to Vietnam to self produce Gepards, Kilos and Yakhonts
- Putin calls Xi and asks him to withdraw the oil rig and warships out of our water immediately or face consequences
The main task of America - to prevent forming of Russian-Chinese alliance. Only the alliance can put an end to American domination. So Americans incite wars around the perimeter of Eurasia. Do not become pawns in their nefarious game. The use of the shelf can be solved by negotiations. But if you become a U.S. colony - nothing can be solved.
We have the longest undefended border with Canada where we don't place tanks or fighter jets to fight Canada which was owned by the British in the old days when we fought against them twice. And most of our territories we bought. Louisiana Purchase from France, Alaska Purchase from Russia, etc. Even paid for territories against countries we fought with like Mexico and Spain. Doubt China will do that.
Are you a joker?

Where did america's califonia, new mexico and texas come from? How did Cuba fare over the past decades?

Learn something before you talk. China doesn't grab our neighbour's land. We looks like a sanit comparing to US.

You may know still there is some friction between US and Mexico.

I give you a heavy slap, then touch your face regardfully, don't thank me for my concern on your hurted face..

Well I replied to you decently.But dont take that granted.
Use some brain if you have anything like that.Then read my post
You may know still there is some friction between US and Mexico.

Well I replied to you decently.But dont take that granted.
Use some brain if you have anything like that.Then read my post
so what, out of our 14 landed neigbour, we only have friction with vietnam and India. It is not too much for a big country like us.

If we grab half vietnam, and 30 years later we treat the rest of viets nicely. I was wondering if you will praise our good handling with neigbours then.
On June 15, 1956, Premier Pham Van Dong reportedly said to China: "From the historical point of view, these islands are Chinese territory"
(Beijing Review March 30, 1979, p.20 -- Also in Far East Economic Review March 16, 1979, p. 11).

In 9/1958, when China, in its declaration extending the breadth of Chinese territorial waters to 12 nautical miles, specified that the decision
applied to all Chinese territories, including the Paracels and the Spratlies, Hanoi again went on record to recognize China'sovereignty over the 2 archipelagoes.
PVD stated in a note to Chinese leader Zhou Enlai on 14/9/1958: "The Government of the Democratic Republic of VN recognizes and supports the declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on its decision concerning China territorial sea made on 4/9/1958
(see Beijing Review 19/6/1958, p.21 -- Beijing Review 25/8/1979, p.25 -- The existence of such a statement anf its contents were acknowledged in VN in BBC/FE, no. 6189, 9/8/1979, p. 1).

In 1975 Vietnam occupied a number of islands in the Spratly archipelago and subsequently pressed territorial claims to the entire South China Sea. As Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam has admitted:
"Our leaders' previous declaration on the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes was made in the following context: At that time, under the 1954 Geneva agreement on Indochina,
the territories from the 17th parallel southward including the two archipelagoes were under the control of the South Vietnam administration. Moreover, Vietnam then had to concentrate all its force
on the highest goal of resisting the US aggressive war to defend national independence. It had to gain support of friends all over the world. Meanwhile, Sino-Vietnamese relations were very close and
the two countries trusted each other. China was according to Vietnam a very great support and valuable assistance. In that context and stemming from the above-said urgent requirement, our leaders' declaration
[supporting China's claims to sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly islands] was necessary because it directly served the fight for the defence of national independence and the freedom of the motherland.
More specifically, it aimed at meeting the then immediate need to prevent the US imperialists from using these islands to attack us. It has nothing to do with the historical and legal foundations of Vietnam's
sovereignty over the,Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagoes"
(remarks to a press conference in Hanoi on 2 December 1992 carried by Vietnam News Agency, 3 December 1992).

Later, Pham Van Dong denied his past wrongdoing in an issue of Far Eastern Economic Review, March 16, 1979. Basically, he said the reason he did was because it was "wartime".
Here's excerpt from this article on p. 11 : "According to Li (Chinese Vice-Premier Li Xiannian), China was ready to share the gulf's water "half and half" with the Vietnamese,
but at the negotiating table, Hanoi drew the line of Vietnamese control close to Hainan island. Li also said that in 1956 (or 1958?), Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong supported
a Chinese statement about sovereignty over the Spratly and Paracel islands, but since late 1975, Vietnam has been in control of part of the Spratly group - the Paracels being under
Chinese control. In 1977, Dong reportedly said of his 1956 stance: "That was the war period and I had to say that".
Can stop talking bullshit here again? I had told you: the letter mentioned accpet the statement in 1958 we launched, don't it? and the contents of statement about territorial waters in 1958, check below website, translate it with Google, you will know, don't intentionally miss something, OK.



Chinese don't have evidence to claim Islands of Vietnam so you tried lying about nature of the letter.

1/ "Hai phan" in Vietnamese mean the " territorial water". Which related to The Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of 1958 is an international treaty which entered into force on 10 September 1964. It is related to territorial water or 12 nautical water.

2/ Declaration of China in 1958 is followed The Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of 1958 (UNCLOS I). When China was not member of UN.

3/ in the letter of Pham Van Dong, he didn't mentioned about Islands, which North Vietnam didn't has a right about Islands, which belong to South Vietnam after Geneva Accords 1954. China and North Vietnam signed it, China has to obey it.

4/ In the letter, it stated that North Vietnam govt order Authorities (of North Vietnam) to respect it (12 miles) of China in his legal responsibility after Geneva Accords 1954.
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On June 15, 1956, Premier Pham Van Dong reportedly said to China: "From the historical point of view, these islands are Chinese territory"
(Beijing Review March 30, 1979, p.20 -- Also in Far East Economic Review March 16, 1979, p. 11).

In 9/1958, when China, in its declaration extending the breadth of Chinese territorial waters to 12 nautical miles, specified that the decision
applied to all Chinese territories, including the Paracels and the Spratlies, Hanoi again went on record to recognize China'sovereignty over the 2 archipelagoes.
PVD stated in a note to Chinese leader Zhou Enlai on 14/9/1958: "The Government of the Democratic Republic of VN recognizes and supports the declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on its decision concerning China territorial sea made on 4/9/1958
(see Beijing Review 19/6/1958, p.21 -- Beijing Review 25/8/1979, p.25 -- The existence of such a statement anf its contents were acknowledged in VN in BBC/FE, no. 6189, 9/8/1979, p. 1).

In 1975 Vietnam occupied a number of islands in the Spratly archipelago and subsequently pressed territorial claims to the entire South China Sea. As Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam has admitted:
"Our leaders' previous declaration on the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes was made in the following context: At that time, under the 1954 Geneva agreement on Indochina,
the territories from the 17th parallel southward including the two archipelagoes were under the control of the South Vietnam administration. Moreover, Vietnam then had to concentrate all its force
on the highest goal of resisting the US aggressive war to defend national independence. It had to gain support of friends all over the world. Meanwhile, Sino-Vietnamese relations were very close and
the two countries trusted each other. China was according to Vietnam a very great support and valuable assistance. In that context and stemming from the above-said urgent requirement, our leaders' declaration
[supporting China's claims to sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly islands] was necessary because it directly served the fight for the defence of national independence and the freedom of the motherland.
More specifically, it aimed at meeting the then immediate need to prevent the US imperialists from using these islands to attack us. It has nothing to do with the historical and legal foundations of Vietnam's
sovereignty over the,Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagoes"
(remarks to a press conference in Hanoi on 2 December 1992 carried by Vietnam News Agency, 3 December 1992).

Later, Pham Van Dong denied his past wrongdoing in an issue of Far Eastern Economic Review, March 16, 1979. Basically, he said the reason he did was because it was "wartime".
Here's excerpt from this article on p. 11 : "According to Li (Chinese Vice-Premier Li Xiannian), China was ready to share the gulf's water "half and half" with the Vietnamese,
but at the negotiating table, Hanoi drew the line of Vietnamese control close to Hainan island. Li also said that in 1956 (or 1958?), Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong supported
a Chinese statement about sovereignty over the Spratly and Paracel islands, but since late 1975, Vietnam has been in control of part of the Spratly group - the Paracels being under
Chinese control. In 1977, Dong reportedly said of his 1956 stance: "That was the war period and I had to say that".

You can not give something to some one else which is not yours. It is a rules of law. China stop lying about the nature of this letter.

The main task of America - to prevent forming of Russian-Chinese alliance. Only the alliance can put an end to American domination. So Americans incite wars around the perimeter of Eurasia. Do not become pawns in their nefarious game. The use of the shelf can be solved by negotiations. But if you become a U.S. colony - nothing can be solved.

For us, most important thing is Sovereignty, Independence and Freedom.
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