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Japan's Abe Takes Step to Enhance Military's Role

It is your future.
So our future is not only got back Paracel and Spratly Islands but also got whole SCS, ... hmm... it's too much, but can fit with our power in future, perhaps ... thank for your great wish ... :smitten:
What's 9-dash-lines then !? :D

That 9 dash line is nothing but Chinese hokey pokey, just like their ADIZ lmfao!

We dont recognize it. And Vietnam needs to be strong enough to resist Chinese encroachment.
That 9 dash line is nothing but Chinese hokey pokey, just like their ADIZ lmfao!

We dont recognize it. And Vietnam needs to be strong enough to resist Chinese encroachment.
Then don't expect China to really respect Japan's crazy ADIZ.
Chinese territory. ;)
Base on what !? some draw on map and old papers !? Chinese said they discovered it so its become Chinese territory !? :lol:

Everyone on the world don't agree with these kind of explanation ... :rolleyes:
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Nobody believes in your shitty historical claim and evidence. Not even the USA and soon to be your daddy Japan recognizes it. LOL

" 大 清 一 统 誌 " printed in China 1842, It is your China history book, kid.
The Chinese $wines will never see eye to eye with anyone they too bc trying to put the world in the 19th century to understand 21st century norms and co existance so dont try to its a waste of effort this $wines are far too brain dead to understand anything at this point.
I want to the world to see that it was Japan that aggressively seeking to fight us and make provocative gesture such as nationalizing a dispute island. We are the victim of being bully by an alliance back by the US.

Japanese remilitarization will ultimately challenge the US, not China. While a weakened US would extend its leash on Japan, and even asking for some hand outs, it will however never let go of that leash, at least willingly. Of course what prevents any Chinese military action against Japan to take place is exactly that leash. So any means to facilitate the rise of Japanese ultra-nationalism will in the long run be in China's favor.
Japanese remilitarization will ultimately challenge the US, not China. While a weakened US would extend its leash on Japan, and even asking for some hand outs, it will however never let go of that leash, at least willingly. Of course what prevents any Chinese military action against Japan to take place is exactly that leash. So any means to facilitate the rise of Japanese ultra-nationalism will in the long run be in China's favor.

I have been making this point for years, so I believe China has not much to fear from a remilitarized and non-pacifist Japan, in fact it is exactly these developments that will force the US to loose their bases and leave Asia for good. The trick is to ensure that the China-Japan rivalry stays in cold war fashion and does not get out of hand and end up in a hot devastating war.

What is your opinion about Japan developing nukes? Is that going to be acceptable to China? I heard Japan already have all the ingredients to do it at short notice, how much worse is it if they actually have an arsenal to ensure MAD safety net against any adversary?
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glad to see someone from Japan. Hope more Japanese come to the forum. And from Korea.
the forum has become very boring lately as chinese posters constantly harass and insult members from other countries.
You might want to ask for his panties too.
The location of the rig is well within Vietnam's EEZ and is in blatant violation of UNCLOS. China is seen by the global community as a nation that is willing to violate international agreements. This significantly reduces the Chinese credibility and respect for the Rule of Law.

Your country is on a crash course towards isolation...

Wrong. UNCLOS states that the EEZ should be divided between Vietnam and China's habitable island in the Paracels, i.e. Woody Island.

I have been making this point for years, so I believe China has not much to fear from a remilitarized and non-pacifist Japan, in fact it is exactly these developments that will force the US to loose their bases and leave Asia for good. The trick is to ensure that the rivalry stays in cold war fashion and does not get out of hand and end up in a hot devastating war.

What is your opinion about Japan developing nukes? Is that going to be acceptable to China? I heard Japan already have all the ingredients to do it at short notice, how much worse is it if they actually have an arsenal to ensure MAD safety net against any adversary?

I know I'm butting in, but everyone in China and Taiwan makes all of its moves vis a vis Japan with the understanding that they essentially have the ability to go nuclear in months if they don't actually have some working missiles stashed away somewhere already.

In the end a nuclear Japan is not going to have China at the top of its list of targets. If I were America I would be worried, but Americans are morons and didn't see the harm in training al-Qaeda and the Taliban either.

" 大 清 一 统 誌 " printed in China 1842, It is your China history book, kid.

Yeah, considering China taught you how to write you had better show some respect, kid.
I have been making this point for years, so I believe China has not much to fear from a remilitarized and non-pacifist Japan, in fact it is exactly these developments that will force the US to loose their bases and leave Asia for good. The trick is to ensure that the China-Japan rivalry stays in cold war fashion and does not get out of hand and end up in a hot devastating war.

What is your opinion about Japan developing nukes? Is that going to be acceptable to China? I heard Japan already have all the ingredients to do it at short notice, how much worse is it if they actually have an arsenal to ensure MAD safety net against any adversary?

I don't believe the US will allow Japan to develop its nukes, as such any attempt in nuclear development will be after dislodge the US force from Japan, in which case China would be in a position to stop any such development. Taking a page from the Israelis, China should make it unambiguous that if Japan is to develop nuclear weapon, China would conduct pre-emptive strike to neutralize such threat. That being said, due to its geographical limitation, the only possible way Japan can achieve credible second strike capability is to field a sizable SSBN forces, which will take decades, and that would give China plenty of time to respond.

And I agree with you that the key is to intensify the China-Japan rivalry but not resorting to actual war. That would facilitate the rise of ultra-nationalist in Japan, and put it in friction with the US. I don't think however that any action Japan take can or will eject the US out of Asia, but rather a slow declining US that will eventually find it unsustainable to remain.
@kalu_miah @Nihonjin1051

if someone know who is it Hideo Itokawa, and his achievement, and JAXA ability to launch satellite with their indigenous rocket H-IIA and H-IIB then nobody will argue about Japan capability to producing land based ICBM and i know Japan has ability to switch themselves into nuclear armed state mode if the need is arises. But as right now, they enjoying themselves with Nuclear umbrella protection from USA.
@kalu_miah @Nihonjin1051

if someone know who is it Hideo Itokawa, and his achievement, and JAXA ability to launch satellite with their indigenous rocket H-IIA and H-IIB then nobody will argue about Japan capability to producing land based ICBM and i know Japan has ability to switch themselves into nuclear armed state mode if the need is arises. But as right now, they enjoying themselves with Nuclear umbrella protection from USA.

I am not familiar with this off the top of my head, I will let our Japanese friend answer this question.
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