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Japan Support thread

I agree. China would only use force imo if internal unrest reached a critical point but even then they would only start a small limited war.
It is a medicine, not a cure. They are distracting their population. Most of Chinese late living in abstract poverty with only few dollars per day. They need continued growth which will stop in couple of years. Tentions will rise and Japanese will use soft power, mainly economic investment to turn certain areas against Beijing. Japan won't need to use hard power to design their neighborhood.

Japan is a country Turkey is not doing so much with as i had hoped to. Same with SK. Turkey should, and i believe things are already developing, foster a stronger relationship with these 2 countries. Japanese and Korean are really likeable people and are one of the few unbiased nations among the developed world against Turkey (aside from possible biases related to religion). Wish the best for Japan and SK always.

btw, i do not believe China is ready yet to take those islands through force. I'd even go as far as to say that China doesn't even have real plans on getting those islands. On the contrary i tend to believe that China is using such territorial disputes merely to foster a common enemy, so that all noses in China will be tried to face outwards instead of inwards due stability factor, which is a huge factor for China as history has shown.
true but things are changing. Japan is helping us in multiple projects. They are building our power plant. Giving us tech transfer like nuclear power. Japan will open universities in Turkey I read few months ago. Japan also realizes Turkey is pivot point of eurasia which they can use to transfer goods to all contitents. When Japan Pm attended marmaray tunnel opening he said Turkey is most important ally for Japan.
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Nice idea for a thread.

I've visited Japan and South Korea in 2006 (contrary to common belief, they are "accessible" countries; good flight/hotel offers CAN be found).

Honestly, the 10 days I spent in Japan were, without question, the best trip I ever made in my life and I've been on every continent except Oceania.

I've stayed in Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto. I've visited Kiyomizu temple, Nandaimon gate + Todaiji temple (if you're inside the temple at a certain pillar with a hole, ask the tour guide to tell you the story of the US Marines if he hasn't already done so by himself hahaha), Osaka castle, Tokyo tower, Ghibli museum :D, traveled by Shinkansen, got lost in the Tokyo metro twice :D, ate Japanese curry (completely unknown in Europe, but very good) etc.

Japan is an amazing country. I've never been anywhere were you "experience" nearly so many things in so little time; in just about every corner there is something interesting and the people (everyday people as well as employees) are extremely friendly and helpful.

Highly recommended!
During my working years my American engineering group engaged in a joint venture with a Japanese engineering team that was located on the Izu peninsula of Japan, to the south of Mt. Fuji. I used to visit three or four times per year. The countryside is beautiful, the people friendly, energetic and competent, and the Japanese engineering team I worked with was honest and dedicated to our joint success. I really enjoyed Japan. I miss my visits.
During my working years my American engineering group engaged in a joint venture with a Japanese engineering team that was located on the Izu peninsula of Japan, to the south of Mt. Fuji. I used to visit three or four times per year. The countryside is beautiful, the people friendly, energetic and competent, and the Japanese engineering team I worked with was honest and dedicated to our joint success. I really enjoyed Japan. I miss my visits.
on what project did you work?
you are from?
He is Japanese, British and Eritrean mix if im correct.

I think Turkey must follow the exsample of Japan and South Korea, they managed to become a advanced country throught Education and Discipline.
on what project did you work?


My American company was a supplier of printer marking mechanisms (laser, ink jet, dot matrix, thermal, etc.) and the Japanese company was a supplier of printer mechanical mechanisms. As a team, we developed, manufactured and sold printers to companies such as Apple and Compac (now HP).
He is Japanese, British and Eritrean mix if im correct.

I think Turkey must follow the exsample of Japan and South Korea, they managed to become a advanced country throught Education and Discipline.

It cannot be overlooked that both Koreans and Japanese (and, also Chinese in both the PRC and Taiwan) are innately talented in science, math, engineering and manufacturing. I found that the Japanese, especially, had a cultural advantage in manufacturing in that they were not arrogant, like we Americans, in thinking that we "understood" all of the variables that were important in a manufacturing process. We had the "Western" thought process that we could analyze problems using basic physics and chemistry understanding, then propose solutions and fix the problems. The Japanese, on the other hand, would attack the problem by doing experiments wherein they varied all parameters to see which parameters changed the result the most. By structured trial and error (called Total Quality Control, TQC) they would improve the process in a way that was repeatable. In the end they may not know "why" their process changes produced the highest quality products, but that didn't matter, they knew "how" to produce high yields and the best quality. Then, we Americans would come along, after the fact, use our basic science analysis and "discover" why (the technical reasons) the Japanese process methods were better. But the Japanese method of all-variable testing (TQC) frequently arrived at the best answer quicker than our Western science method.
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Hi @Kaan, how did you even allow a troll thread with such a title, you know that this atatwolf is a full time troll always bashing China.

Either change title or close thread or I shall have to contact senior moderators.
Hi @Kaan, how did you even allow a troll thread with such a title, you know that this atatwolf is a full time troll always bashing China.

Either change title or close thread or I shall have to contact senior moderators.
Contact a senior moderator. I am an international mod so I can't do anything here. If you see something wrong in the Turkish Section mention me.
Contact a senior moderator. I am an international mod so I can't do anything here. If you see something wrong in the Turkish Section mention me.

Alright yeah I just notice it is non Turkish Section.

@Oscar @Aeronaut, this troll atatwolf is at it again opening another flamewar thread, I have reported him on several occasion I think you should look in this matter what is his problem with Chinese people.
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