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Japan´s arms build-up

As long as Japan doesn't make huge fleets of warships like in WW2, then no-one should be afraid.

But I think it's best if Japan scraps the pacifist policy and replace it with a NEUTRAL policy, not that nationalistic, fascist crap during the 30's and 40's.
China's recent aggressive actions, whether you believe them real or only perceived, will prove to be the greatest sales pitch the F-35 program could have ever hoped for.

If any small skirmish were to take place, causing tensions between SE Asian countries to rise even further, don't count out the re-opening of the F-22 production line. In the 00s it was a bird without prey, but things have changed rapidly.
One thing is sure, the Japanese have money. Sadly, we Vietnam do not have such capacity and hence can hardly afford some toys like Aegis destroyers.

Not, buy some printing press. Japan debt to GDP is highest in the world at 200% US is at 97% Why any country would accept the garbage yen fiat currency is beyond me.
China's recent aggressive actions, whether you believe them real or only perceived, will prove to be the greatest sales pitch the F-35 program could have ever hoped for.

If any small skirmish were to take place, causing tensions between SE Asian countries to rise even further, don't count out the re-opening of the F-22 production line. In the 00s it was a bird without prey, but things have changed rapidly.
F-35 costs $200ml a piece, similar to the price of a small frigate. I´m afraid only rich countries like Japan, Korea and Singapore can afford them, and only of a small amount.

When u really understand why Japan got 2x nukes last time, im sure u won't wanna follow the Japan.
are you running mad? why did you post disgusted pictures? post reported.
Is China an angel? Look yourself into the mirror and remember what happened in China under Mao Zedong! What did you do in Cambodia and Vietnam?

You cite Japanese aggression in the past to justify Chinese aggression today? How dumb are you?
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Japanese PM changes every year. Give it another year and all this will die down.

I submit that Japan is about as likely to suddenly go "dove-ish" on defense, in the face of a perceived enemy, as China is.

Start with historical grievances (1937) , add a classic dispute over resources and territory (islands), and sprinkle in some repressed nationalism exacerbated by 20th century humiliation on both sides........

Hold on to your hats....
are you running mad? why did you post disgusted pictures? post reported.
Is China an angel? Look yourself into the mirror and remember what happened in China under Mao Zedong! What did you do in Cambodia and Vietnam?

You cite Japanese aggression in the past to justify Chinese aggression today? How dumb are you?
1900s Japan's arms build-up ==> 1937 Sino-Japan War in China ==> 1941 Pearl Harbor,Pacific War ==> 1945 Judgment Day, Japan got 2x nukes.

I just remind u, don't forget Japan is the only one nucked country in this world coz their arms build-up last time.

I submit that Japan is about as likely to suddenly go "dove-ish" on defense, in the face of a perceived enemy, as China is.

Start with historical grievances (1937) , add a classic dispute over resources and territory (islands), and sprinkle in some repressed nationalism exacerbated by 20th century humiliation on both sides........

Hold on to your hats....

It is not the first time they backed down to avoid escalating tension. They can do so by switching PM and policies. I wouldn't be surprised if they did just that. They have a long history doing so.

America needed to fuel tension to sell arms, this is understandable so I don't blame you.
1900s Japan's arms build-up ==> 1937 Sino-Japan War in China ==> 1941 Pearl Harbor,Pacific War ==> 1945 Judgment Day, Japan got 2x nukes.

I just remind u, don't forget Japan is the only one nucked country in this world coz their arms build-up last time.

Do you think you are the only one who knows Japan history?

We are here to debate on the current situations in the region and how we can possibly come out from the mess. One thing I can tell you, if you withdrew the fcking 9-dash claim in the SC Sea, Japan would be more isolated and weakened. America would get hard times to return to Vietnam, the Philippines and others in South East Asia.

Think about it!
It is not the first time they backed down to avoid escalating tension. They can do so by switching PM and policies. I wouldn't be surprised if they did just that. They have a long history doing so.

America needed to fuel tension to sell arms, this is understandable so I don't blame you.

While I applaud your effort to bait me by attacking my declared nationality, at the same time I hope you don't actually believe it. As an American with an IQ above room temperature, I am all too familiar with governments using foreign boogy-men to justify lavish defense spending while the peasants watch.

As far as I am concerned, the Japanese are still the fierce and proud People that took an immense amount of blood and treasure to pacify for over half a century, until proven otherwise. Their youth appear to be more interested in pop culture than measuring manliness, but I can see that changing if things continue down the path they are currently on.
While I applaud your effort to bait me by attacking my declared nationality, at the same time I hope you don't actually believe it. As an American with an IQ above room temperature, I am all too familiar with governments using foreign boogy-men to justify lavish defense spending while the peasants watch.

As far as I am concerned, the Japanese are still the fierce and proud People that took an immense amount of blood and treasure to pacify for over half a century, until proven otherwise. Their youth appear to be more interested in pop culture than measuring manliness, but I can see that changing if things continue down the path they are currently on.
He's right. This will be a good opportunity for the USA to sell arm for some buck. This is a win-win situation for USA and China. We will help you selling arm by creating more tension with Japan. In favor, you need to stay out of our business.
He's right. This will be a good opportunity for the USA to sell arm for some buck. This is a win-win situation for USA and China. We will help you selling arm by creating more tension with Japan. In favor, you need to stay out of our business.

I 100% agree that the US will sell as much weaponry as the regional market will buy, and smile while doing it. I was commenting more on the assertion that the US planned the recent increase in tension. Planned for it? Yes.
I 100% agree that the US will sell as much weaponry as the regional market will buy, and smile while doing it. I was commenting more on the assertion that the US planned the recent increase in tension. Planned for it? Yes.
No, I doubt the US created the tension. The US didn't advise Japan to nationalizing Senkaku/Diaoyu island. It was in Japan's strategic decision to cause a halt in the status quo in time of American pivot to Asia Pacific. They take advantage of American pivot because the Japanese knows the solution to Senkaku is unfavorable to them as we are growing stronger by day. This is their best option to nationalize before we grow too strong to oppose using force. They know this!
Japan is flexing it's muscles but it can't become a threat for china ever.
China's conventional forces are more than enough for Japan if we don't include Nukes into the equation
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