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Japan Navy chief’s message for new Indian govt.

Well Modi is not ruling Gujarat...He is ruling over the country. In Tamilnadu Major investments are made by automobile and electronics Industries. Who better than Japan is poised right now to Invest In India? the Bangalore Chennai Corridor and DMIC are the pet projects of the Japanese. So we need to see how the geo-politics will play its part...or India still has the choice to walk the knife edge like it does with Israel and the Arab world.
Modi actually admires China for their progress, has been in close contact to Chinese business men and has been there several time and was welcomed with honours.

I actually think that India and China will come closer under Modis rule.

I partly agree.

The strategy is to balance all the sides and ensure none of them is too meddlesome in our policy.

Foreign relations are not zero sum game.

If we can solve our disputes with China permanently, and at the same time, strike a strategic partnership with Japan in military, then we will truly honour the knowledge and tactics of Chanakya. :D
Considering Modi's conservative roots and China stance, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up hearing of India and Japan increasing naval military cooperation within a month of Modi's inauguration.
Modi is the only leader who praises china openly for its economic success, and has visited china multiple times in his official capacity (never visited US or european country because he is not allowed).
It will be interesting to see how he deals with china, he is a pragmatic leader, I would not go by his electoral utterances or public persona.
Modi actually admires China for their progress, has been in close contact to Chinese business men and has been there several time and was welcomed with honours.

I actually think that India and China will come closer under Modis rule.

Let me ask you and others what prevented China from being close to India before, all these decades? India made numerous attempts at peace but it was rebuffed one way or another by the Chinese. For the most part, China was just stringing us along. Why? Businessmen care about $$$, nothing more, nothing else.
Modi's priority is development, not playing politics. Top business groups from Sichuan Province in China are setting up units at a dedicated industrial park near Dahej in Gujarat.

Nearly 100 companies, including some of the Global Fortune 500 companies, are investing billions of dollars at the proposed park and the one's on the drawing board.

If anything, Sino-Indian relations are headed for better times. Trade including infra development amounting to > $500 billion by 2020 will be a reality if Modi comes to power. And the trade between Japan and India too, will increase by leaps and bounds.

I don't think that trading with one is going to affect relations with the other. All this talk of so called India's alliances with the US, Japan etc against China is all gobbledegook!
We'll see, my opinion is my own, I never suggested it was going to happen, just that I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

Modi actually admires China for their progress, has been in close contact to Chinese business men and has been there several time and was welcomed with honours.

I actually think that India and China will come closer under Modis rule.
I don't know. Economic relations are usually separated from military relations during peace times. Look at Turkey and Israel, their government of the two nations hate each other, but their trade is going up and up.
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