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Japan Drops in Military Spending Ranking, Despite Budget Rise to ¥6 Trillion


Nov 4, 2011
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Japan Drops in Military Spending Ranking, Despite Budget Rise to ¥6 Trillion​

Economy Politics Jun 5, 2023

Worldwide military spending in 2022 was $2.2 trillion (¥294 trillion). Japan’s spending accounted for 2.1% of that amount with $46.0 billion (¥6.0 trillion), placing tenth globally.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute recently announced the results of a survey on global military spending in 2022. Japan placed tenth, one rank lower than the previous year, with a military budget of $46 billion (¥6.0 trillion).

Worldwide spending rose by 3.7% to an estimated $2.2 trillion (¥294 trillion), the highest on record since the start of regular collation of figures in 1988.

The United States came top with $877 billion, followed by China with an estimated $292 billion and Russia with an estimated $86.4 billion. In fourth place and below were India, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Germany, France, South Korea, and Japan. Compared to the previous year, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea all rose in the ranking. Military spending in Ukraine after Russia’s invasion increased 6.4-fold year-on-year to $44 billion, placing it eleventh in the global ranking (it had been thirty-sixth in 2021).

Meanwhile, overall spending for the top 15 countries was $1.8 trillion, accounting for 82% of the total.


Japan’s military spending as a share of GDP was 1.08% in 2022. Globally, military spending accounted for 2.2% of GDP. Among the top-spending nations, the figure was 3.5% in the United States, an estimated 1.6% in China, and an estimated 4.1% in Russia.

In 1988, Japan’s military spending stood at ¥3.7 trillion. However, in 1990 it reached the ¥4 trillion mark and continued to rise throughout the 1990s. From the 2000s, it stabilized around ¥5 trillion for some years. Then in 2022, it surpassed ¥6 trillion for the first time. Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has indicated the intention to increase Japan’s defense budget to approximately ¥9 trillion in 2027.

And China is threatening the world peace based on western politicians and their media...

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Now that's crazy, everyone is pretty much military up.
Saudi at nearly 7%, and S. Korea is nearly 3%.
Last time world war started , after 7-8 years from end of Pandemic

1- Stocks exchanges crashed forcing people into poverty or joining army
2- Obviously war was for resources and control of whole planet for 100 year cycle
3- At peak people were living only on 1 loaf of bread or basic simple Porridge like meal

  • The world is almost at same juncture , with Ukraine-Russia conflict , which is a full blown war
  • Banks in USA are wobbling
  • Inflation is rising , creating scenario of hunger resembling world war 1

Most of world countries like Japan have Trillion of Dollar worth of Debt which they can't pay off
so obviously they are beefing up their "Weapons" because they want Debt Cancellation after world war

Untold story of World War is that winner gets the spoils and looser inherits all the Debt
That is how the last 150 years have gone by

China on other hand have stayed far from conflict and focused on Business and Trade which is why they are making profit and growing organically

Japan has been playing the global game , of chess for last 150 years
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If purchasing power is factored in, the money China spends on defence has already beaten US hands down, so China doesn't have to revise up the defence budget much in the future.
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