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Janes: India withdraws from FGFA project, leaving Russia to go it alone

India can purchase the F-22/F-35 fusion that Lockheed is currently pitching to Japan. I think it'll fulfill many of FGFA's requirements.
Not a bad option. If Japan and India can agree, they could even share some development costs in return to some tech-transfer.
Russia's aim right now is simple. To get money, their MIC is starved for funds. And it is both R&D and production. I doubt China will fund their research or manufacturing. China has very specific needs about technology and manufacturing they want to do in China itself. Leaving perhaps SAMs and ABM, there is not much China can gain from Russia, question is if Russia will be willing to part with some very critical technologies like ABM or jet engine.

China's weapons imports are falling and Russia knows it well. India on the other hand is the largest weapons importer, for better or for worse. So yes, Russia has a hard choice. Either part with critical technology or be used by India as a bargain chip. India is more and more leaning towards west for finished equipments.

As I mentioned, China and Russia will cooperate when both see interest to join hands : China will not ask Russia to share their core technology such as Engine nor Russia should ask China to finance their projects without give something interesting "tangible" in return. I can only foresee the future cooperation will be like Franco-Germany style to develop the project with work, risk & financial sharing such as C929 or Heavy Helicopter.

As for India, it is diversifying with US as supplier, same go with Russia diversifying with China and Pakistan as customers, Russia definitively can bargain with India without using their critical technology as bargain Chip.
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Good job,better to forget $295 million than to spend billions and not get much in return
@vostok @ptldM3 @russiarussia

Guys what are you going to do without "INDIANBILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"?

India hasn’t given a penny for most projects.

Certainly hasn’t contributed anything to the T-50 technically or financially, nor was there any contributions for any of the dozens of projects such as Armata (T-14, T-15) Orion, Coalitsya, KA-50, Uran-9, Kurgants, Boomerang, Iskandar, Altius-M, Typhoon, Yak-130, TU-214R, Tigre or some of the recently declassified projects such as Poseidon, Avangard, Sarmat....

Russia put aside 700 billions for new weapons perchases. I think it will manage.
India lost 300 million $ for nothing. This is entire GDP of Angilla.
Ambanis can afford it.

Khaya piya kuch nahi, glass toda 12 ana.
It has been bad for bad for both Russia and India.Russia has lost one of her big customer.How will India built fifth generation fighter without help.

Without PAKFA TOT, India will have a new target for FGFA, fourth generation fighter aircraft.

India hasn’t given a penny for most projects.

Certainly hasn’t contributed anything to the T-50 technically or financially, nor was there any contributions for any of the dozens of projects such as Armata (T-14, T-15) Orion, Coalitsya, KA-50, Uran-9, Kurgants, Boomerang, Iskandar, Altius-M, Typhoon, Yak-130, TU-214R, Tigre or some of the recently declassified projects such as Poseidon, Avangard, Sarmat....

Russia put aside 700 billions for new weapons perchases. I think it will manage.

Indians here make Russia sound like a mob ripping off India. The truth is that India had not contributed much.
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India hasn’t given a penny for most projects.

Certainly hasn’t contributed anything to the T-50 technically or financially, nor was there any contributions for any of the dozens of projects such as Armata (T-14, T-15) Orion, Coalitsya, KA-50, Uran-9, Kurgants, Boomerang, Iskandar, Altius-M, Typhoon, Yak-130, TU-214R, Tigre or some of the recently declassified projects such as Poseidon, Avangard, Sarmat....

Russia put aside 700 billions for new weapons perchases. I think it will manage.

But they claimed to contribute around 300 millions to FGFA project, Indian side complains that they didn't get anything, can you shed a light the initial agreement regarding FGFA project from Russian point of view? if TOT is part of the deal?
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On a serious note, no matter what indians say , Russia and India are no more strategic partners and this has nothing to do with Pakistan. Its just that India has changed its Masters. However I do believe that Future belongs to China and Russia and India will once again find itself standing on the wrong side of history.

russia and india were never strategic partners....russia never renew that agreement after spilt of USSR...

coming to china....russia always favers china...never did they object to any copy of their weapons & fighter aircrafts by china....and it always available to pakistan....j11 the copy of su27...pakistan can have it anyday...

so from where the things start going wrong between russia and IAF...
it was HAL money and IAF engineers which convert su27 to su30mki.....
and su35 is just the same as su30mki with upthrust engine & russian computer.....and russia sell it to china...
what more...russia willing to reserve the right to sell T57 to china under their development plan....

how IAF could be agree on it......
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To be honest, I do not think even, we should invest money on any 5th generation figher jets if we are not getting any TOT...The probablity of war in South Asia has been reduced significantly in 2018 than it was in 1998. Now, countries are being rival to each other in terms of economy and the quality of life that is being offered to its citizen...India and Pakistan may have issues with each other, but due to age of information and maturity of democracy in Pakistan, the possibility of real time war is significantly reduced.

So India should plan that is good for us in long run. If Russia is not ready to share the technology, then it is better to spend that money in buying some other jets from Russia rather than 5th generation planes without TOT
Very mature comment. From Indian perspective they have every right to call if off if no TOT is provided. Keeping in view that India will be upgrading SU 30mki to Super Sukhois and addition of Rafales makes IAF a potent Airforce in the region.
russia and india were never strategic partners....russia never renew that agreement after spilt of USSR...

coming to china....russia always favers china...never did they object to any copy of their weapons & fighter aircrafts by china....and it always available to pakistan....j11 the copy of su27...pakistan can have it anyday...

so from where the things start going wrong between russia and IAF...
it was HAL money and IAF engineers which convert su27 to su30mki.....
and su35 is just the same as su30mki with upthrust engine & russian computer.....and russia sell it to china...
what more...russia willing to reserve the right to sell T57 to china under their development plan....

how IAF could be agree on it......

After USSR split, Russia was trying to save themselves from economy collapse and Chechen war, why they wanted to create more problem to be India's strategic partner against China?

And stop bullsh1t again, Russia had always favor India by selling better fighters and more deathly weapon to India than to China while we got the basic Su-27s, India got Su30-mki. As for China we know that we can't rely on Russian export for our national security and it's been expected that their will sell China downgrade version to please India.

As for Su-35, it was India who refused to buy but go for Rafale instead, if India bought 300+ of Su-35 as they traditionally bought SU-30mki, Russia will certainly refuse the sale to China. It's last thing Russia to do it's to sell high tech weaponry to China but they need income to save their defense industry, China happen to be at the right opportunity to get Su-35 deal. For Su-57, India will have nothing to say Russia can sell to anyone as please them, I don't see what China needs Su-57 when we have J-20.
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