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J11b Pakistan future Navy jet fighter

This wont happen. :)
JF-17 upgrades, MAYBE a few more F-16 (Old ones with MLU) and then a jump to 5th generation somwhere in 2020-2025 time. Even FC-20 seems wishful now and here we are talking about J11B :disagree:
This wont happen. :)
JF-17 upgrades, MAYBE a few more F-16 (Old ones with MLU) and then a jump to 5th generation somwhere in 2020-2025 time. Even FC-20 seems wishful now and here we are talking about J11B :disagree:
Well can't be sure until if some miracle happens and we get lot of money many things can happen at least I could see J-10 C coming soon INSHALLAH
Maybe he just hasn't updated his profile. I mean its not like its mandatory for him to update his location on some random internet website
May be somebody else updated, a paf pilot wont type mki even by mistake.
May be somebody else updated, a paf pilot wont type mki even by mistake.

Perhaps an IAF pilot doesn't have eyes good enough to spoke the difference between a 1 and an I? :o:
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AFAIK the J11B AND J16 have never been offered for export by China and i suspect that there won`t be for the offered to anyone including Pakistan.Producing the flankers for its own use is one thing and putting them up for export is another.It would be slapping Russians in the face putting at risk a very important bilateral relationship.To put it simply the money(gain) is too little and the relationship too important.
We must go for all these
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may be we should add this one as well.
Don't worry if you cant see it, its next generation STEALTH! :p

Please, be mature! Wish for what we require and can afford.
may be we should add this one as well.
Don't worry if you cant see it, its next generation STEALTH! :p

Please, be mature! Wish for what we require and can afford.
I wish we mush understand future Need in future U.S is not going to give as any weapon 2nd U.S will help India to trouble China............India will Try to Brake Pakistan with U.S help..........Soon European Union will give Birth to Lost Roman Empire............if I talk about Hades Time of Armageddon is near Black Flag are going to get Victory over all united alliance As It is in Hades...............soon India will try to start war and Black Flag Turk and all Muslim of Pakistan will Defend Pakistan and this war is not going to an end it will start wars. soon America will not have Super Power nor China European Union will take Charge.

Dear I'm Mature All Ullma of Arab and Ajam are Mature and Doing P.H.D in the subject of Dajjalyat.
When i say we Must start Copying Product behind this there is many work.

Now Tell me before 9/11 did you knew who will win in Afghanistan???
People were saying America has advanced technology and no one can win against U.S, what happened???.........1400years ago Muhammad saww told us more then 42 Flag would come to attach on Afghanistan but they will be defeated by some hand ful Muslim same thing i can see now...
Be Mature and see what is going to happen next.
I wish we mush understand future Need in future U.S is not going to give as any weapon 2nd U.S will help India to trouble China............India will Try to Brake Pakistan with U.S help..........Soon European Union will give Birth to Lost Roman Empire............if I talk about Hades Time of Armageddon is near Black Flag are going to get Victory over all united alliance As It is in Hades...............soon India will try to start war and Black Flag Turk and all Muslim of Pakistan will Defend Pakistan and this war is not going to an end it will start wars. soon America will not have Super Power nor China European Union will take Charge.

Dear I'm Mature All Ullma of Arab and Ajam are Mature and Doing P.H.D in the subject of Dajjalyat.
When i say we Must start Copying Product behind this there is many work.

Now Tell me before 9/11 did you knew who will win in Afghanistan???
People were saying America has advanced technology and no one can win against U.S, what happened???.........1400years ago Muhammad saww told us more then 42 Flag would come to attach on Afghanistan but they will be defeated by some hand ful Muslim same thing i can see now...
Be Mature and see what is going to happen next.

I wont get into details to point out different things that are wrong, or to say the least, with which i personally do not agree. However, just one question, dose Islam also tells something about being realistic? If we want to serve Islam and to prepare for a future ARMAGEDDON, there are thousand better ways to do so then starting day dreaming. Wishing to buy any thing that can fly wont help Islam much. :)

Thank you for taking out time and replying in detail.

Best regards!
If in case it really did happen

Pakistan Air Force J-11P Flanker-K , 8th Squadron "Haiders". PAF Masroor


Great! even in Computer Generated Animation, PAF persists with parking six planes on open tarmac :P

Rate it on scale of 0 to 100, what point you give to the possibility of J-11b in PAF colors?
Great! even in Computer Generated Animation, PAF persists with parking six planes on open tarmac :P

Rate it on scale of 0 to 100, what point you give to the possibility of J-11b in PAF colors?

It has to be as realistic as possible.

A Flanker costs like 4 times as much as a JF-17 to operate. A big no no. :disagree:
A single flanker can do as much damage as a three jf17 in the same mission. that'd why the chinease operate 400 flankers todsy
40 Chinese Flanker variations would be ideal for Navy the 2 engine platform is ideal above Sea
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