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J-31 stealth fighter funded by PLA Air Force, not Navy.


May 3, 2009
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J-31 stealth fighter funded by PLA Air Force, not Navy: source

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-11-21


While the J-31 stealth fighter is speculated to be China's next-generation carrier-based fighter to replace the J-15, a source from the Chinese defense industry has told the Beijing-based Sina Military Network that it is the PLA Air Force rather than the Navy that is spending money on the fighter's development.

The report indicated that the investment of the PLA Air Force in Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, the designer of the J-31, comes from the same fund prepared for the J-20, China's first stealth fighter prototype developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group. This forms part of China's 13th five-year plan (2016-2020), but is not an independent project. At the same time, the source said the PLA Navy did not invest any money in the development of J-31.

Sina Military Network said the development of the J-20 and J-31 should be considered evidence that the PLA Air Force has the capability to operate two types of stealth fighter like the United States Air Force. Since the PLA Air Force must be able to conduct both offensive and defensive missions in the future, aerial combat should not be the only capability China's future stealth fighters have, the report said.

The report said the PLA Air Force needs a stealth fighter that can conduct operations against ground targets as well. It must be able to carry out multiple types of mission including close air support, air interdiction, aerial bombardment and suppression of enemy air defenses. For this reason, the article stated, the heavier J-20 is designed to engage enemy fighters at high altitude while the J-31 is more likely to be used in operations against ground targets at medium or low altitude.

J-31 stealth fighter funded by PLA Air Force, not Navy: source|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
Previously there were news that J-31 is for export customers only and PLA wouldn't induct that? What should we believe now? Is that PLA's project which means it would have been built on PLA's specifications or is that export customers only project and PLA wouldn't induct that?

Chinese brothers.. please clarify.
Japanese ATD-X [which could be smaller in numbers then F-35s] from the mockup seems to be even slimmer and small in overall size dimension than J-31. J-31 is perfect for the vast Airspace of China and surrounding region.
Previously there were news that J-31 is for export customers only and PLA wouldn't induct that? What should we believe now? Is that PLA's project which means it would have been built on PLA's specifications or is that export customers only project and PLA wouldn't induct that?

As it seems both Chinese Air Force and Navy would induct it in numbers and it seems to be an ambitious project to replace unknown numbers of Indigenous Flankers in the long term. What I am disturbed at is China is spending tremendous on many number of aircraft projects instead on focusing on certain types for example JH-7A/B should go to cold since J-15/J-16 can handle it, such mistakes of spending huge was committed by russians and by 1988 they was awfully bankrupt Militarily the tends is extremely similar but potentially disastrous in long run, in my opinion.
Japanese ATD-X [which could be smaller in numbers then F-35s] from the mockup seems to be even slimmer and small in overall size dimension than J-31. J-31 is perfect for the vast Airspace of China and surrounding region.

The Japanese version concepts and mockups look like the size of the F15. Unless this is not the full size mockup version.
The Japanese version concepts and mockups look like the size of the F15. Unless this is not the full size mockup version.

From certain angel it might, even J-31 from certain angle looks larger than it is. Both will be very similar but I would give credit to ATD-X if it ever materialize due to US Engine compared to RD series or WS-series until WS series matures.
As it seems both Chinese Air Force and Navy would induct it in numbers and it seems to be an ambitious project to replace unknown numbers of Indigenous Flankers in the long term. What I am disturbed at is China is spending tremendous on many number of aircraft projects instead on focusing on certain types for example JH-7A/B should go to cold since J-15/J-16 can handle it, such mistakes of spending huge was committed by russians and by 1988 they was awfully bankrupt Militarily the tends is extremely similar but potentially disastrous in long run, in my opinion.

The Chinese are spending 2% of GDP on defence compared to the 12-14% that the Soviet Union was doing. There is no chance of China bankrupting itself.

IMO, China is experimenting with so many types as it wants to try to catch up as soon as it can with the Russians/West.

Developing multiple types may mean you have less chance of ending up with a bad design that you are stuck with for 20-30 years.
Previously there were news that J-31 is for export customers only and PLA wouldn't induct that? What should we believe now? Is that PLA's project which means it would have been built on PLA's specifications or is that export customers only project and PLA wouldn't induct that?

Chinese brothers.. please clarify.

I think China will induct a navalised version, and in all likelihood the air force will, the capability is too good to miss.
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