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how good is the J-10B 1200 t/r module aesa against the 880(i dnt knw exactly) t/r modules AESA of Rafale?
well mate 1st of all plz dont get me wrong as i have no idea / or cant say exactly that whether J10b radar is AESA or PESA,
ok let us assume it is AESA ,but i also dont know what is the exact T/R modules of j10b radar though they claimed in chinese
defence forum as 1000/1200 but no reliable sources though.

Well regarding rafale's AESA radar hmmm many claimed it is 840-880 T/R modules after seeing this pic.

but the french members in IDF claim it as P.S ed ,so what is the real truth we dont know .Ok let us assume it is true

But the point i like to tell u that rafale has unique abilty of PASSIVE DETECTION of aerial targets from greater range than it's own aesa radar range & also can cue it's meteor/mica missile to it's target without turning on it's AESA radar thanks to it's 5th Gen
SPECTRA ESM warfare system which has both offensive & defensive capablities ie (ELINT & SIGNIT) capabilty exactly like F22
raptor's ALR 94 system.SO even if how advanced the AESA radar may be if there is a battle between AESA (LPI) vs ESM usually ESM wins as they can detect aesa radar transmissions far much greater distance than AESA radar itself as
ESM collection platforms can remain electronically silent and detect and analyze RADAR transmissions beyond the RADAR detection range because of the greater power of the transmitted electromagnetic pulse with respect to a reflected echo of that pulse.
Electronic warfare support measures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so if any jet/platform which remains in active stage (i.e turn on it's radar ) to detect rafale ,rafale can detect the target & can
fire it's air to air missile with the help of spectra system without turning on its' own Aesa radar .
Passive Electronically Scanned Array (PESA) and the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) are the same in terms of technology and how they work,
AESA is much more advanced technology. Miniature transmite-recieve modules.

These are often termed as hybrid radars. They are AESA or PESA antennas steered mechanically.
AESA radars dont steer mechanically on planes because their antennas are too heavy.
AESA is much more advanced technology. Miniature transmite-recieve modules.

AESA radars dont steer mechanically on planes because their antennas are too heavy.

Thank you for your reply.

indians are just too jelous again, that China BEAT them again!!!

J-10B is superior to any fighters currently in indian air force!!
Thank you for your reply.

indians are just too jelous again, that China BEAT them again!!!

J-10B is superior to any fighters currently in indian air force!!
Dude please don't lower yourself by writing such post, when have we ever set a target to beat India ?
lol so do I ,thats why i had edited my posts (sometimes mistakes happen:meeting: but read post#99 u might get some
well i got some schematic pics regarding j11 aesa radar

So can you tell the difference between the aesa module and pesa module since you know about these gizmos I'm waiting thanks.
Basically...All the T/R elements in a PESA antenna receive a common transmission energy source. This is the major difference between the two types. Discrete energy sources -- per element -- are what give the AESA system its flexibility and a superior list of capabilities.
So you mean there is no difference between the modules in the aesa or pesa plze reply.
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