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'It's him'


Feb 12, 2013
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As someone familiar with Ayman al-Zawahiri’s voice, tone and his heavy Egyptian accent (he prefers to use Egyptian Arabic, rather than the classical language of the Arabian Peninsula), I am certain about the authenticity of the podcast, “Bangladesh: A Massacre behind a Wall of Silence”, which was released on January 14th and surfaced in the Bangladesh media, a month after, on February 14th.

I am very familiar with Ayman al-Zawahiri's voice, tone, accent and style of speaking. I worked on al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders' audio/video podcasts at my previous work place as Professor of Security Studies at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS) -- a military college in Honolulu, Hawaii -- for four years, 2007-2011.

An Egyptian colleague of mine (who joined our university three years back) recognized al-Zawahiri's voice in seconds.

While some people think it is unauthentic, a young pro-Jamaati activist has already been arrested for his alleged circulation of the audio in certain blogs. Ever since the circulation of the podcast in Bangladesh, the over-polarized and politically hyperactive Bangladeshis have again been stirred up.

As rival politicians are blaming each other and their parties for their alleged involvements in the creation and/or circulation of the podcast that contains al-Zawahiri’s audiotaped vitriol against the Western “Crusaders”, and Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ruling classes for their “designs” against Islam and Muslims, the media is full of ill-informed gossips and conspiracy theories about the podcast.


Taj Hashmi

Some analysts are coming up with new theories – rather, conjectures and wild guess – questioning the authenticity of the audio or as to which political groups in Bangladesh are “responsible” for “manufacturing” it to the detriment of democracy in Bangladesh.

As far as I am concerned, the voice on that podcast is that of Ayman Al-Zawahiri's.

Taj Hashmi is professor of security studies at Austin Peay State University in Tennessee, US

source: 'It's him' -
Even if it his him, I don't think anyone in Bangladesh cares, he isn't a Shiekh Ul Islam to declare Jihad in Bangladesh,if there was someone or a group that would declare it, it would be the Ulema of Bangladesh. It would happen internally.

Al Qaeda are a bunch of takfiri retarded faggots who have no place in Bangladesh. If it was some small time Mujahideen group in Bangladesh then yes, or a bunch of Mujahideen in the subcontinent.
Why not put the recording on voice recognition test? Taj Hasmi is an expert of Kalu_miah's caliber when it comes to voice recognition. Voice is recognized with pitch and wavelength not through accent.
Why not put the recording on voice recognition test? Taj Hasmi is an expert of Kalu_miah's caliber when it comes to voice recognition. Voice is recognized with pitch and wavelength not through accent.

What did I do to get this "recognition"? I already stated in at least 2 posts that we need voice authentication using voice signature, done by a Western intel agency and then publish the results to the press. That would give us a definitive result.

A bigger question is unlike other AQ video/audio, why CIA/NSA did not authenticate it or pay no attention to it so far. Western media also did not cover it. Taj Hashmi and his Egyptian friend claiming just from hearing it, is not credible unfortunately, someone should inform the OP.

@Loki , please consider merging this thread with existing thread on same subject:
Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri support Jamaat Hefajoot in their movement and ask Jihad
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