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ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

The HBS Guy

Oct 31, 2010
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News coming in that the launch of ISRO's GSAT-5P rocket with russian cryogenic engine has failed.

The rocket exploded mid-air.
ya the STAGE - 1 is failed to lignite...No problem,let's try again...

ISRO we back you guys, go again for it...

Nope. If you have seen the launch footage then you can clearly see that the explosion in the cryogenic stage then the launch vehicle deviation. At the time of explosion the first stage and four strap on stages were working well.I am not sure though but it looks like that.

Until first ~20 seconds everything was rite. They were saying that first stage working normally.
Too bad. I was looking forward to this.
This one is a major set back. Our GSLV program has been riddled with problem since day 1.
2010 has been rather a bad year for ISRO. :cry: :cry:

But I hope the scientists at ISRO dont give up, because it is NOT in our nature to give up.

Jai Hind.
Just curious, will Russia give another engine as this one failed?
Too sad, I was even waiting for this....I have full faith in ISRO...we will succeed next time
The engine was not indigenous. It was a russian engine. But it is the Indian solid booster which failed. The cryogenic stage wasn't even started yet.

if you see the video.. the cryogenic stage got disconnected and then the rocket burst...

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