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ISRO: No Manned Mission to Moon


Dec 21, 2013
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By Express News Service - BANGALORE

Published: 01st January 2014 08:22 AM

Last Updated: 01st January 2014 08:22 AM


India’s quest for a manned mission to the moon will have to wait a few more years as the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has clarified that there are no such plans in the near future.

Last week, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed by ISRO with the Institute of Aerospace Medicine was widely reported as the precursor to the selection of astronauts for a manned moon mission. ISRO ruled this out and said that the MoU did not ‘envisage recruitment of crew for ISRO’.

“The MoU has been signed to carry out basic research/studies on human physiological and psychological requirements for human space flight crew and for augmenting/updating existing facilities at IAM to cater to ISRO’s human space flight program as a pre project research and development activity,” said an ISRO spokesperson in a statement.

The human space flight programme according to ISRO, is limited to sending a crew of two astronauts to a low earth orbit and returning them safely to a set destination on earth. ISRO, however, has set itself a target of 2017 for achieving this mission. As part of the prerequisites, the space agency will first have to prove that the Geo Synchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV) platform can be used for the launch. The pre-project research is being carried out with `150 crore and the project is not even part of the 12th five-year plan that ends in 2017.

It may be noted that a manned mission to the moon was the pet project of former ISRO chief G Madhavan Nair who had repeatedly said ISRO would attempt putting an Indian on the moon by 2020. A manned mission to the moon was first announced by ISRO in 1999. In 2004, Madhavan Nair revived interest in the project and said ISRO would ‘rethink’ its plans.
India is one vision less country. Our politicians have no vision hence we lack in scientific development and progress.

I am not saying that putting a man on moon should be India's priority as of now, but at least we need to have a master plan for ISRO till 2050. It seems like ISRO is totally clueless about what it is going to do apart from sending TIN can satellites to mars and venus.

We need to have a roadmap so that we can be leaders in space instead of being followers like we have been since the beginning of space race.
India is one vision less country. Our politicians have no vision hence we lack in scientific development and progress.

I am not saying that putting a man on moon should be India's priority as of now, but at least we need to have a master plan for ISRO till 2050. It seems like ISRO is totally clueless about what it is going to do apart from sending TIN can satellites to mars and venus.

We need to have a roadmap so that we can be leaders in space instead of being followers like we have been since the beginning of space race.
Cool down dude.....
ISRO does have a master plan....
And about sending tincans to space,how many countries can do that?
Hid a ride with China to the Moon, Indian and China Bhai?
Obviously, with current scenario we cannot send man to moon. We don't have all the technology for it.
Something Like SATURN V has to be developed, to send a man on moon. We don't even have reliable cryogenic engine till date.We haven't even put a man in orbit, Our GSLV program has countered several setbacks and GSLV Mk3 can only be launched in 2017. We can't even put 3-4 ton satellite in Geo orbit by our self. We have not mastered the the life supporting equipment for such mission..
So a man on moon by 2020..is something next to impossible...But yes we can put a man in orbit by that time ..maybe. :tup:
Hope is best thing..:-)
Obviously, with current scenario we cannot send man to moon. We don't have all the technology for it.
Something Like SATURN V has to be developed, to send a man on moon. We don't even have reliable cryogenic engine till date.We haven't even put a man in orbit, Our GSLV program has countered several setbacks and GSLV Mk3 can only be launched in 2017. We can't even put 3-4 ton satellite in Geo orbit by our self. We have not mastered the the life supporting equipment for such mission..
So a man on moon by 2020..is something next to impossible...But yes we can put a man in orbit by that time ..maybe. :tup:
Hope is best thing..:-)

Probably India want to send man mission to Mar and skip the moon together, be the first nation to man exploring Mar and beat the US to get to Mar first for bragging right?

India man mission to Mar in 2015
Makes sense. Manned moon mission is definitely not our priority right now. There are far better ways to spend our money, even in space exploration.
India is one vision less country. Our politicians have no vision hence we lack in scientific development and progress.

I am not saying that putting a man on moon should be India's priority as of now, but at least we need to have a master plan for ISRO till 2050. It seems like ISRO is totally clueless about what it is going to do apart from sending TIN can satellites to mars and venus.

We need to have a roadmap so that we can be leaders in space instead of being followers like we have been since the beginning of space race.

Who says ISRO don't have a vision ??

Read their road map in this ISRO 2013 annual report .

Probably India want to send man mission to Mar and skip the moon together, be the first nation to man exploring Mar and beat the US to get to Mar first for bragging right?

India man mission to Mar in 2015

India may be able to send a man to Mars by 2015. As long as the condition of the man is not important, its possible.

That is not true. Both N and S Korea can launch Satellite to earth. France and Britain had independently launched satellite to space. Israel and Iran also had launched their own satellite.
ya mate, just wanted to warn him not to troll in every indian thread..

Telling these fellows will not do anything. Ignoring them is better. Only then these fellows stop. The more you reply to them the more they reply. Just watch these fellow's English. Each sentence in each thread is more or less simple and repeats the same thing again and again.
Saturn V rocket which was used by NASA in Appolo missions had the capacity to carry 100 tonnes of payload to LEO while strongest rocket currently in development by ISRO i.e. GSLV MK3 has capacity of just 5 tonnes and wont be operational atleast till the end of this decade. Even thinking of such mission rightnow is plain stupidity.
Saturn V rocket which was used by NASA in Appolo missions had the capacity to carry 100 tonnes of payload to LEO while strongest rocket currently in development by ISRO i.e. GSLV MK3 has capacity of just 5 tonnes and wont be operational atleast till the end of this decade. Even thinking of such mission rightnow is plain stupidity.

Actually MK3 has a capacity of 10 tonnes to LEO not 5 tonnes .
India is one vision less country. Our politicians have no vision hence we lack in scientific development and progress.

I am not saying that putting a man on moon should be India's priority as of now, but at least we need to have a master plan for ISRO till 2050. It seems like ISRO is totally clueless about what it is going to do apart from sending TIN can satellites to mars and venus.

We need to have a roadmap so that we can be leaders in space instead of being followers like we have been since the beginning of space race.
Why the sudden manned missions rush to the Moon? The US of A is trying their darnedest to get back there and China is not far behind. ESA is also in the run and so is Russia.

The answer to that is Helium! He3 is the fuel for fusion reactors
. The country that can lay claim to parts of the Moon that are rich in HE3 would be the winners. Fusion reactors can produce enormous amounts of power with very small quantities of HE3. Imagine controlling tons of it. You could then be in control of the energy requirements of the world in the future, selling cheap power and earning trillions of dollars in the process! The country that controls energy controls the world!

So it's all about power and pelf! (pun unintended!)

India needs to hop onto the bandwagon too. The sooner the better or the race would be forever lost.
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