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Isro moves on, prepares for next launch


Jun 24, 2012
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Isro moves on, prepares for next launch


Though the scheduled launch of Geo Synchronised Launch Vehicle (GSLV) D5 earlier this week failed, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) has already announced the launch of its next satellite.

The GSAT-7 will be launched during the early hours of August 30 by a foreign launch vehicle Ariane VA215 from French Guiana, Isro said

The GSAT-7, which will be India’s first military satellite, will be used for the Navy’s telecommunication purposes.

GSAT-7 is a multi-band satellite carrying payloads in UHF, S-band, C-band and Ku-band and weighs 2,330 kg with a payload power of 2,000W.

Meanwhile, Isro is yet to announce the date for the relaunch of the GSLV-D5, stating it is still accessing the failure. The launch of the GSLV-D5 scheduled on August 19 was called off, as a leak was observed in the UH25 fuel system of the liquid second stage during the pre-launch pressurisation phase on the vehicle just two hours before the scheduled lift-off.

Link - Isro moves on, prepares for next launch | idrw.org
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.

we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.

weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.

we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.

weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.

it is a mini satellite for you since your rockets were copied from the rest of the nations..copy cats..second the resources you have is much more then we do sinec we are democratic nation and not a communist dictatorship..
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.

we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.

weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.

Lord China Trolling Again....

Long March rocket CZ-3B explodes over Sichuan, China, February 15, 1996

Long March Rocket Explodes -
Long March 3B rocket crash video- Debunked - YouTube

Long March 3B rocket crash - Atleast 2000 Civilians Killed.

Lord China Where Freedom of SPEECH PREVAILS.....

Chinese Call loss of 2000 men/women as Pathetic!!

We Dont Kill our People while making Launches & then Cover the Real STORY....

Oh It was you.

I got out of jail a few days ago. It was tough to go without pdf for a month. pdf withdrawal, you know.

I just checked my account, I have 3 page worth of infliction in just five moths. And that includes at least 2 months of gaol time.
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.

we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.

weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.

To mai kya naachu?? So, should I dance??
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.

we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.

weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.

GSLV MK 2 has capacity to carry 3 tons but we we need to send so many satellite in short span that is why. So far as capability is concern, wait for a month. We are sending a probe to Mars. First send a mission to mars and than talk.


Oh It was you.

I got out of jail a few days ago. It was tough to go without pdf for a month. pdf withdrawal, you know.

I just checked my account, I have 3 page worth of infliction in just five moths. And that includes at least 2 months of gaol time.

Got out of Jail? Why were you send to Jail?
GSLV MK 2 has capacity to carry 3 tons but we we need to send so many satellite in short span that is why.

typical indian liar. GSLV launched 7 times, 5 of them failed. it is a failed project. the latest attempt to launch the 8th GSLV got cancelled on Monday.

stop talking about your non-sense. also 3tons GTO is mini.

So far as capability is concern, wait for a month. We are sending a probe to Mars. First send a mission to mars and than talk.

you want to compare the achievement? what a bloody load of joke!

We launched 179 times, 170 succeed.
We launched 10 Shenzhou spaceship, 100% success rate.
We sent 10 men and women into space and got all of them back safe. 100% safety record so far.
We have a SPACE LAB in operation, our spacemen docketed their spaceship with the SPACE LAB multiple times, spent over 1 months in it. 6 our best men and women worked in Chinese designed Chinese launched SPACE lab for over 1 month.
We operate our own satellite navigation network, 20 satellites have been launched.

show me anything remotely comparable to this. there are only two other nations in this world can do it - they are USA and USSR.

want more comparison?

We operate anti-satellite weapon. We demonstrated it to the entire world.
We operate mid course anti ballistic missile weapon. google the meaning of mid course.
We operate satellite relay networks.
We operate ballistic missile launch early warning satellites.

show me anything remotely comparable. you bloody india liar.
I pity you knowledge you Chinese Joker.

3 tons is sufficient to launch 2330 KG satellite.

GSLV Mach 3 with 6 ton payload capacity in Geo and 12 tons in Leo orbit is coming up next couple of years.

We will have to wait thousand years to match the 2000 killing score by your single long march.

Your Rockets will never fail as your country is not a democracy.

You did everything copying from Russia.

Since Russia has not send mission to Mars, you can not copy that.

And yes we Know the quality of your weapons. Your JF 17 is not able to complete a vertical loop maneuver inspite of you Jokers compare it with F 16. Your J 10 is a Joke. Forget about capability, you guys can not shape it like a good plane. That is why you always beg from Russia and satisfy yourself with substandard specification Russian Goods. Such as SU MKK has much inferior specification to MKI. S 300 supplied to India is much superior what supplied to your country. You do not have any good quality of BMD. You failed in copying so your country purchased S 400 with inferior specifications from Russia.

You will witness our strength in missile and space technology in couple of coming month. You do not have anything to Match. Burn your @$$.

We have BMD. We are coming up with a Hyper-sonic BMD wich can kill incoming missile @ 200 kM alttude.
We have Air to air Missile.
We have highly sophisticated anti tank missile.
we have supersonic cruse missile with steep dive.
We have hyper sonic quasi ballistic missile with shaped trajectory.
We have beam weapon.
we have surface to air Missile.
We have anti satellite weapon but not tested.

You have none.

Now bug off you Chines joker. It is the time to deliver Pizza else your master will get angry
we don't waste tax money by asking a foreign company to launch such mini satellite.
we have an entire family of CZ rockets that can be picked to carry out such mission.
weight 2330kg, that is a mini satellite.
It would be easier for China to destroy the sat when it knows the path . So we cant ask rivals to launch sats .
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