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Israel's Mossad bombed German, Swiss firms to stop Pakistani nukes - report


Aug 26, 2010
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Israel's Mossad bombed German, Swiss firms to stop Pakistani nukes - report
Pakistan worked to aid Iran’s illicit nuclear program in the 1980s.

Published: JANUARY 3, 2022 17:49

Updated: JANUARY 3, 2022 22:17

A masked protester sits next to a flag of Pakistan during an anti-Indian protest  (photo credit: REUTERS)

A masked protester sits next to a flag of Pakistan during an anti-Indian protest
(photo credit: REUTERS)

The Mossad is suspected of detonating bombs and issuing threats to German and Swiss companies in the 1980s that energetically worked to aid the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its nascent nuclear weapons program.

The prominent Swiss daily Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) first reported on the findings on Saturday. According to the paper, “The suspicion that the Mossad might be behind the attacks and threats soon arose. For Israel, the prospect that Pakistan, for the first time, could become an Islamic state with an atomic bomb posed an existential threat.”

The paper reported that Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran worked closely together in the 1980s on the construction of nuclear weapons devices. According to the NZZ, the intensive work of companies from Germany and Switzerland in aiding Iran’s nuclear program “has been relatively well researched.”

However, “New, previously unknown documents from archives in Bern and Washington sharpen this picture.”

The paper quoted the Swiss historian Adrian Hänni who said the Mossad was likely involved in the bomb attacks of Swiss and German companies, adding, however, there was no “smoking gun” to prove the Mossad carried out the attacks.
A mysterious man in a black suit standing in the shadows underneath an umbrella, looking like a spy or a secret agent [Illustrative] (credit: INGIMAGE)

A mysterious man in a black suit standing in the shadows underneath an umbrella, looking like a spy or a secret agent [Illustrative] (credit: INGIMAGE)

The Organization for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in South Asia, a previously unknown entity, claimed credit for the explosions in Switzerland and Germany.

The NZZ reports on the role of the late Pakistani nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s atomic weapons program, who crisscrossed Europe during the 1980s to secure technology and blueprints from Western institutions and companies for a nuclear weapons device. The paper wrote that Khan met in a Zurich hotel with a delegation of Iran’s Organization for Atomic Energy in 1987. The Iranian delegation was led by the engineer Masud Naraghi, the chief of Iran’s nuclear energy commission.

Two German engineers, Gotthard Lerch and Heinz Mebus, along with Naraghi, who earned his PhD in the USA, met with Khan’s group in Switzerland. Additional meetings took place in Dubai in the UAE.

With the fast-moving efforts by Pakistan to jumpstart its nuclear weapons program, the US government sought, without success, to get the German and Swiss governments to crack down on companies in their countries that were aiding Pakistan. Suspected Mossad agents allegedly took action in Switzerland and Germany against the companies and engineers involved in aiding Pakistan.

According to the NZZ, “A few months after the unsuccessful intervention of the American state department in Bonn [then-capital of West Germany] and Bern, unknown perpetrators carried out explosive attacks on three of these companies: on February 20, 1981 on the house of a leading employee of Cora Engineering Chur; on May 18, 1981 on the factory building of the Wälischmiller company in Markdorf; and finally, on November 6th, 1981, on the engineering office of Heinz Mebus in Erlangen. All three attacks resulted in only property damage, only Mebus's dog was killed.”

The paper noted that “ The explosives attacks were accompanied by several phone calls in which strangers threatened other delivery companies in English or broken German. Sometimes the caller would order the threats to be taped. ‘The attack that we carried out against the Wälischmiller company could happen to you too’ - this is how the Leybold-Heraeus administration office was intimidated. Siegfried Schertler, the owner of VAT at the time, and his head salesman Tinner were called several times on their private lines. Schertler also reported to the Swiss Federal Police that the Israeli secret service had contacted him. This emerges from the investigation files, which the NZZ was able to see for the first time.”

Schertler said an employee of the Israeli embassy in Germany, who was named David, contacted the VAT executive. The company head said that David urged him to stop “these businesses” regarding nuclear weapons and switch to the textile business.

Swiss and German companies derived significant profits from their business with the Khan nuclear weapons network. The NZZ reported “Many of these suppliers, mainly from Germany and Switzerland, soon entered into business worth millions with Pakistan: Leybold-Heraeus, Wälischmiller, Cora Engineering Chur, Vakuum-Apparate-Technik (VAT, with the chief buyer Friedrich Tinner) or the Buchs metal works, to name but a few to name a few. They benefited from an important circumstance: the German and Swiss authorities interpreted their dual-use provisions very generously: Most of the components that are required for uranium enrichment, for example, high-precision vacuum valves, are primarily used for civil purposes.”

The NZZ reported that recently the National Security Archive in Washington published diplomatic correspondence from the US State Department from Bonn and Bern in 1980.

“This shows how the US resented the two countries' casual handling of the delicate deliveries to Pakistan. In a note from an employee, Bern's behavior was described as a ‘hands-off approach’ - the local authorities were accordingly accused of turning a blind eye. In the now released dispatches, which were previously classified as secret, those companies are listed for the first time that the US has accused of supporting the Pakistani nuclear weapons program with their deliveries. The list included around half a dozen companies each from Germany and Switzerland.”



  • 1641396255676.png
    68 bytes · Views: 33
Washington: The Regan administration repeatedly ignored the warning of the US intelligence community that the then Pakistani military ruler General Zia ul-Haq was consistently lying to them on the country's nuclear programme, latest declassified information have revealed.

The Regan administration knowingly decided to ignore Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme as it wanted to get Islamabad's help in supporting the Afghan Mujahedeen against the Russians,
Washington: The Regan administration repeatedly ignored the warning of the US intelligence community that the then Pakistani military ruler General Zia ul-Haq was consistently lying to them on the country's nuclear programme, latest declassified information have revealed.

The Regan administration knowingly decided to ignore Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme as it wanted to get Islamabad's help in supporting the Afghan Mujahedeen against the Russians,

They ignored it because Pakistan was an ally and they had to pretend to their allies one of them being Israel that they were concerned, they weren't.

Does Iraq and Iran have nukes?

North Korea does and look how they are treated, they are invisible.

Everyone and his dog know Pakistan need the bomb to create parity in the sub continent. The US didn't arm Pakistan in the 50s just for fun.
They ignored it because Pakistan was an ally and they had to pretend to their allies one of them being Israel that they were concerned, they weren't.

Does Iraq and Iran have nukes?

North Korea does and look how they are treated, they are invisible.

Everyone and his dog know Pakistan need the bomb to create parity in the sub continent. The US didn't arm Pakistan in the 50s just for fun.
Pakistan went bankrupt after developing nuclear weapons. It suffered American imposed wars and destruction for what?

Pakistan had to offer west with huge concessions just to have nuclear toys, and hey, you can never use them. Isn't it the Irony?

Nuclear weapons destroyed Pakistan's soft power among Indian Muslims and Pashtoons. It stopped Pakistani warriors from annexing Muslim majority states such as Kashmir. Tell us one positive point about those nuclear toys and we may try to have them in our inventory.
Pakistan went bankrupt after developing nuclear weapons. It suffered American imposed wars and destruction for what?

Pakistan had to offer west with huge concessions just to have nuclear toys, and hey, you can never use them. Isn't it the Irony?

Nuclear weapons destroyed Pakistan's soft power among Indian Muslims and Pashtoons. It stopped Pakistani warriors from annexing Muslim majority states such as Kashmir. Tell us one positive point about those nuclear toys and we may try to have them in our inventory.

So now a deluded Iranian thinks that I can't use my nukes... I mean really? Are you even being serious..

Our goal is not to annex Kashmir we have annexed half but our goal is to annex all of India and always was.. Kashmir and Delhi are both same to us.. Hence IOK is an Indian territory hack even Azad Kashmir was an indian territory that we took.. Not Kashmir and never was but all of India and it will occur when the time is right
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Pakistan went bankrupt after developing nuclear weapons. It suffered American imposed wars and destruction for what?

Pakistan had to offer west with huge concessions just to have nuclear toys, and hey, you can never use them. Isn't it the Irony?

Nuclear weapons destroyed Pakistan's soft power among Indian Muslims and Pashtoons. It stopped Pakistani warriors from annexing Muslim majority states such as Kashmir. Tell us one positive point about those nuclear toys and we may try to have them in our inventory.
Lol, if you were even suspected to have a single nuclear device, Israel wouldn't be running amok and killing your scientists as if Iran is it's backyard and then Iran wouldn't need to showboat with its missile firing displays with special camera effects.... North Korea is another example for you.
So now a deluded Iranian thinks that I can't use my nukes... I mean really? Are you even being serious
This joke that India could annihiliate Pakistan in a blink of an eye.

Sauds Helped bankrupting Pakistan.

What did those toys brought to Pakistan? Can you be more specific about the benefits of nuclear weapons? Except for enforcing huge poverty on your nation?

Britain is an other example of getting bankrupt as a side effect of trying to have something like that with thousands of thousands citizens inhaling poisonous materials after testing the device?
Lol, if you were even suspected to have a single nuclear device, Israel wouldn't be running amok and killing your scientists as if Iran is it's backyard and then Iran wouldn't need to showboat with its missile firing displays with special camera effects.... North Korea is another example for you.
What is your point sir?

The reason why Pakistan doesn't receive same volume of threats that Iran faces is because of The fact that Pakistan is no threat to that Zionist Cancer.
This joke that India could annihiliate Pakistan in a blink of an eye.

Sauds Helped bankrupting Pakistan.

What did those toys brought to Pakistan? Can you be more specific about the benefits of nuclear weapons? Except for enforcing huge poverty on your nation?

Britain is an other example of getting bankrupt as a side effect of trying to have something like that with thousands of thousands citizens inhaling poisonous materials after testing the device?

Are you being just bitter or mentally chellenged? We fought them 3 times defeated them twice while our population only numbered 20-million and theres 500-million.. If they could with a blinken eye they would have taken back Azad Kashmir and Gilgat Baltistan in the blink of an eye.. They are completely deterred and as consequence could lose everything in the event of miscalculation and I mean literally everything..

It brought me alot of things that you can't understand nor comprehend
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Are you being just bitter or mentally chellenged? We fought them 3 times defeated them twice while our population only numbered 20-million and theres 500-million..
Yes of course. And i didn't deny it. Did i?
Pakistan could go on like Iran, have its own groups among kashmirirs and Pashtoons and Honestly fight for freedom of more lands. But instead chose the Saudi offered path

My point, Pakistan could do Great things without the nuclear joke.
This joke that India could annihiliate Pakistan in a blink of an eye.

Sauds Helped bankrupting Pakistan.

What did those toys brought to Pakistan? Can you be more specific about the benefits of nuclear weapons? Except for enforcing huge poverty on your nation?

Britain is an other example of getting bankrupt as a side effect of trying to have something like that with thousands of thousands citizens inhaling poisonous materials after testing the device?

What is your point sir?

The reason why Pakistan doesn't receive same volume of threats that Iran faces is because of The fact that Pakistan is no threat to that Zionist Cancer.
Pakistan can inflict more death and destruction inside India.....then all past human wars combined. This reality is why Modi, a Hindu chauvinists, had to stand down even after PAF bombed Indian military bases. India can simply not escalate a conflict with Pakistan, negating India's weight advantage. Nukes are actually a cheap way to do this.

Pakistan's debt to GDP is within current global norms :lol: . Stunted economic development had to do more with bad policies by PPP (and PML to a lesser extent) then American actions.
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Yes of course. And i didn't deny it. Did i?
Pakistan could go on like Iran, have its own groups among kashmirirs and Pashtoons and Honestly fight for freedom of more lands. But instead chose the Saudi offered path

My point, Pakistan could do Great things without the nuclear joke.
My friend its not a joke, we face an enemy which is seven times our size and misses no opportunity to create problems or to harm us and our interests.
The nuclear deterrence played its part as recently as 2019.... after India realised that it can not count on it's airforce to hit Pakistan, it planned to hit Pakistan with missile strikes...only after it learned that Pakistan TEL were being deployed to hit back, it lost appetite to raise the conflict bar.
Guys, maybe its my bad that i can't believe the cartoons made for nuclear explosions decades ago. It is poinsonous and dangerous but not that much destructive that west has portrayed years ago.

Israel would've completely annihiliated its regional foes if it was real. This apartheid state has no interest in human rights or something in that Sense and nothing can stop them from using more destructive Tools against others.

Let me have my doubt since it connects the dots.
Pakistan went bankrupt after developing nuclear weapons. It suffered American imposed wars and destruction for what?

Pakistan had to offer west with huge concessions just to have nuclear toys, and hey, you can never use them. Isn't it the Irony?

Nuclear weapons destroyed Pakistan's soft power among Indian Muslims and Pashtoons. It stopped Pakistani warriors from annexing Muslim majority states such as Kashmir. Tell us one positive point about those nuclear toys and we may try to have them in our inventory.
Nuclear weapons are required for countries that fight conventional wars in the heavyweight division, perhaps it‘s difficult for Iranians to understand as they are accustomed to fighting lightweight opponents and that too via proxies (e.g. Israel, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria). Perhaps an Iranian like yourself isn’t so concerned with nuclear weapons because you know Iran will fight her enemies til the last Arab/Afghan/Pakistani poor man that she can indoctrinate.
So now a deluded Iranian thinks that I can't use my nukes... I mean really? Are you even being serious..

Our goal is not to annex Kashmir we have annexed half but our goal is to annex all of India and always was.. Kashmir and Delhi are both same to us.. Hence IOK is an Indian territory hack even Azad Kashmir was an indian territory that we took.. Not Kashmir and never was but all of India and it will occur when the time is right

Lol... Is your population getting basic amenities like food, water, education?..... Look at your poor people first...talking of nukes with well fed tummy and sitting in a western country is easy, isn't it?.....

Like your goal...the world has a more important goal as well when it comes to Pakistan.....to disarm you from your nukes, through implosion ... let's see.
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